An anime girl made almost $30,000 playing MGS3 for a few hours

an anime girl made almost $30,000 playing MGS3 for a few hours
how do we stop them from overtaking us real women?

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Why contain it?

The absolute state of simps.

dispose of the juice. They have been turning the sexes against each other for nearly a century.

Whoops meant to say Chads

Wait til you find out how much one of them made from literally sleeping on stream.

The future is now, old man.

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What actually happened.

30% was taken by google.

30% was taken by the anime virtual girls company.

2% was taken by some other shit...

10% was taken by Japanese Tax.

Anime girl got almost nothing...

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It's a dude, pretending to be a girl, playing video games.

Doesn't she gets a monthly pay tho?.

Relatively she still makes the most out of any single person from this performance.
Other people get a cut, but its spread among different employees.
yeah its still shit money, but could be worse. that's just how the entertainment industry always works.

>us real women
You will never pass, dude

pretty based

She is a girl tho.
With a kinda large bust too.

peko is a real girl peko~

Are there still retards who think this? 99% of them are girls. The thing they're faking is their personalities.

the hololive girls only fake their personalities for the first month or two, then they can't keep it up. it happens with all of them, you look at their past streams and their streams now and they are completely different. what you see is usually what they are like irl.

to be fair, everyone in the world is boring as fuck.
if someone has a fun personality, its just them faking it. 100% of the time.

everyone masks their personality in real life too
you wouldn't know I'm a bubbly, talkative person if you saw me out in public.

I just want korone to play doom.

that's what i meant.
to people i work with, i'm just that nice guy who brings in donuts and gets in early.
at home i just wish i was dead.

That unironically makes it worse.
Imagine being enough of a simp to know this and type this post. The internet was a mistake and all you fuckers are deserving only of maddening isolation until either your latent talents bloom into fruition and you become able to contribute something worthwhile to society, or you kill yourselves from the loneliness. Meeting your absurd desires halfway through the vicarious input of really stupid information in exchange for absurd amounts of money just makes you a sad specimen that I wouldn't hesitate to call anything but a subhuman, because that's what you really are.
And you believe your simping doesn't have further consequences beyond your immediate pleasure, but even then you'd be wrong. That's not how consumerist, capitalist societies work.

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Also, their handlers and governments take all their money anyway. Tiktop is chinese spyware, by the way.

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>t. chincel

pekora hates chinks unironically
she refuses to pander to them and didn't apologize when she upset thousands of them recently

I don't have money to donate tho.
I wouldn't mind to give some money to people who entertain me.

before the thread is pruned, what are some good vtubers to watch. partially to help listen to nip, partially just because i need something to watch while eating dinner.

only one i've listened to is kotone because she's a pretty good singer when she does vocaloid covers, but i haven't really watched them do anything outside that.

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The Dilation Station is that way tranny

imagine hating people who donate to moderately attractive japanese girls in their 30s who just happen to have a fun personality who would otherwise be doing mundane and boring jobs if they didn't become vtubers.
there is nothing more pure than donating to a vtuber and seeing her happy.

what the fuck is wrong with people? i can't understand why people give money to streamers, real or virtual.

Not everyone is a poorfag from a third world country

This is actually even worse than standard ewhoring, it means that women don't even need to put their real selves online anymore to rake in cash from retarded simps.

Check hololive and pick your poison.

This dog is making mad stacks and she's fucking stupid!

the more money I had, the less willing I would be to donate. especially to something as frivolous as streamers.

tsunomaki watame has a translator for some of her videos
akai haato knows some english but shes a dumbdumb
hoshikawa sara speaks english and has a cute voice
pekora is pekora
suzuhara lulu plays actual games like dark souls and bloodborne

They're completely cucked beyond salvation, just look at this pathetic excuse of a man

Korone and Okayu are very relaxing.
Pekora and Miko are a bit more frantic but do some good content.
I really enjoy most of the hololive group. They aren't like nijisanji since there are very few in the company. Each one is genuinely fun to watch. I've never been bored watching a hololive girl.
Hololive Moments has a ton of clips from hololive members translated into english too.

Even the illusion of you supporting them personally is nothing but that, a fucking worthless illusion. You're not donating to the streamer, you're donating to the corporation behind them. How the fuck are you retards so blind to the obvious?
Literally just watch an anime episode or listen to an audio drama instead. Even for trash content and background noise you can do so much better than vtubers it's not even funny at this point.

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>akai haato knows some english but shes a dumbdumb
>watching some of her recently
>say's she can't read some kanji

Why are horny gamers always so pathetic? This is even worse than the twitch whore orbiters

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Sorry I'm not caught up on Yas Forumseddit buzzwords what does this new one mean?

Go beat your girlfriend Tyrone



I can live with the illusions tho.

I've already accepted that people are not grateful about their money and will gladly throw it away.

A huge economic crisis is slowly coming and these people will suffer.
Bad times ahead, bros.
Remember to not waste your money; be smart about it.

there are some in hololive that are more open to westerners, and some channels that are more japanese centric
Minato Aqua is popular but she's more for japanese viewers
Shirakami Fubuki has more western friendly content

Korone, Fubuki, Watame, Rushia, Haato, Towa, Miko, Pekora are your choices if you don't want to feel confused most of the time. but all hololive's have dedicated translators.

Reminder that you will NEVER fuck

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So this is the brain of a vtuber paypig.... jesus fucking christ.
And I thought the non-vtuber paypigs were fucking brain dead coom brains.

>there is nothing more pure than donating to a vtuber and seeing her happy.
it's pure fiction. she displays happiness because she knows it'll get you to donate. it's an act. you're engaging with an emotional vending machine.

its white knight but from niggertwitter

Only reason I don't like anime is that its a time commitment that I actually need to pay attention to. Its hard to get through 50 episodes of something especially when I'm only watching a few episodes a day and don't understand over half the words. its hard to keep up.

i wanted something like a vtuber cause it would be easier to casually watch and stop whenever i feel like

Korone is a 35 year old westaboo with piercing on her face, do you think she's taking her job for granted?

When will the amount of trannies, faggots, and traps outnumber regular men? I want to start claiming some bussy.

They speak fairly simple to understand Japanese most of the time, so it's not that hard to understand.

just watch NHK World / ANN News nigga

simp = gives money to e-thots, findoms, etc. often entertains fantasies that one day they'll go out with him if he does this.
it's slowly degrading into though


Post the proof then heathen.

They hated him, for he spoke the truth...

That's still x100 times more than what she deserves, she's just playing fucking videogames.

nooooooooooooooooooo user value is only decided by the market, you can't appeal to an abstract sense of reason or common decency!!!!

When is Japan going to cut out the middle man and turn their entire population into cute anime girls and FAT, BALD, OVERWEIGHT, MIDDLE-AGED, UGLY FACELESS GIGA-DICK CHADS that know hypnosis and are expert chemists?