I'm playing these for the first time, just got to the Citadel in Uncharted 3, but, what is supposed to be impressive about these games? Aside from the banter between characters which frankly is pretty well written, and, ironically, the AI which is well above average, everything is genuinely sub par. Even the cover system and set pieces feel outdated even compared to other games released back then, and frankly, it can get pretty damn buggy which is ironic cuz these were marketed as the ultimate AAA experience (in the citadel I jumped from a ledge and landed IN a pillar, got stuck there and had to reload, just an example), and, again, despite the ULTIMATE IN AAA EXPERIENCE tagging, the sound design isn't very good. At all. Also the quality of the ''platforming'' (if it can even be called that) is quite frankly insulting
Are 4 and TLOU even worth the admission price (which is pretty low right now)?
The multiplayer was really fun if you don't mind jank. But the Uncharted series are just solid 7/10 games.
Lucas Russell
FPBP. I played the shit out of 2
Ryan Martinez
The cinematic aspects are dated now and they were the only things propping up Uncharted. Uncharted 4 still relies on movie shit, but its movie shit is better than the PS3 games'.
Easton Walker
Next level cringe, user
Nathaniel Jones
I feel like it was overall the best experience and I really really loved the whole Drake-Chloe Drake-Elena love triangle but the best gameplay experience I had so far were the descendants missions in U1, particularly the sub base was really fun to play through.
Also I wasn't really into the train mission, felt like some weird hybrid between a mobile endless running game and a console game 7/10 is what I'd give them but I was led to believe these are some of the best of all time by some of the more ravenous fans Might give 4 a try but I'm reeling more towards TLOU right now because I'm interested if the story really is as good as the fans say
Ayden Turner
You know what, these games are good, but BROKEN, absolutely fucking BROKENNNNN on hard and crushing. My first play throughs were all on hard, making me think not so highly of these games. I would literally describe uncharted on hard to be harder than halo on legendary and call of duty on veteran, at the very least equal. The amount of insta kills I got which lead to having to repeat entire sections only to be yet again instakilled made me set the controller down many times. Difficulty aside, the games are very cliche, hollywood and dramatic, which im guessing is also actually the games charm, its meant to be over the top, although I found myself rolling my eyes far to many times when I could predict very easily what was going to happen, and it almost always did. I honestly dont think these games are a 10 at all.. 8 or 9 best and thats pushing it in my opinion, HOWEVER, I really really like uncharted 4. Im not sure why I like it so much more than the rest, but I really recommend playing it. Its so much fun. And for the record the story is very good throughout these games so theres that. Also that fucking scary underground base in drakes fortune was fucking cool, and fucking scary.
Easton Miller
>Also that fucking scary underground base in drakes fortune was fucking cool, and fucking scary. That was my fav part so far yea, felt like I was playing a creepier Lost Planet, really fun. Wish they did a spin off based on them
Logan Sanders
Just finished uncharted trilogy for first time today as well but must say I enjoyed TLOU much more than uncharted 3/1 and thought it was slightly better than 2.
Ian Wilson
uncharted 2 and 4 are good. 1 and 3 are pretty average desu
Josiah King
1 is great for a game from 2007, 2 is pretty overrated and 3 is a surprisingly well written considering the circumstances that nobody wanted to make it.
4 I need to replay but it was pretty great, although I liked TTL more.
Nathaniel Sanders
4 is my favorite but even that isn’t great
Jack Lee
TLOU it is then, I'm actually pretty excited because I've been playing tons of more gameplay focused games like Gravity Rush and GT Sport for the past year so I feel like pacing it with some cinematic stuff
Jeremiah Rivera
I beat the first one on crushing. I have no fucking idea why I did that. Half the time you were instakilled out of a checkpoint.
Carter Sanchez
id recommend playing on a higher difficulty as its not as unforgiving as uncharted. also fits the survival theme better.
Zachary Bailey
video games for people that never played video games: basically lots of cinematic, simple mechanics and no challenge at all
Sebastian Carter
I was told to play on grounded which I intend to do because I really loved stuff like ranger hardcore in Metro 2033 and I feel like this might be similar
Ryan Wilson
Nothing's great about them. They're just comfy as all hell.
Aaron Russell
the fuck is going on, people talking about tlou and uncharted without shitposting like screaming monkeys? have i entered bizarro v?
btw tlou is well written as well, but is extremely derivative. The ending is kino, people still talk about it to this day. Never played the dlc and to me doing tlou2 feels like breaking 1's ending
Nolan Taylor
I thought the same thing. It's just been too long to care anymore. Why would someone screech about TLoU from 8 years ago when FF7 came out this week?
Levi Jackson
uncharted is good, but started the line of overrated cinematic experiences lauded by normies that only play skyrim and think that's an rpg with compelling characters
Charles Gutierrez
All 4 games are currently free on PS4, but even after all these years I have no interest to play them. They just look utterly boring to me, with most of the focus having gone to nice setpieces.
Isaiah Thomas
that's somewhat true but for me, my main games are competitive shooters and sometimes you just feel like playing something more relaxing/cinematic
Brandon Carter
It looked "cool" when you pushed forward and Drake jumped from a train/boat/cliff/rooftop/car/plane and grabbed the edge of something with one hand and dangled and almost fell to his death.
Wyatt Lopez
my only beef with tlou is how absurd the journos made it out to be, like it's this grand revolution in gaming... and it's a stealth survival horror with zombies. And its rabid fans sending me death threats when i only found it a 7/10 cause in of itself it's a well made game with tons of care and marvelous optimization for ps3
Kayden King
4 is the worst out of all of them, but then again, I never was a big fan of the series. Basically, what's good about these games are graphics, animations and visual design. Everything else is pretty meh.
Jonathan Scott
They aren't worth playing unless you happen to be in some really specific mood. They occupy some space between adventure movies and adventure games. I haven't played one in over 10 years and I was sick of them by the end of 2.
Robert Edwards
They're pretty generic in design and not very ambitious as video games. But they get the "action adventure movie in a playable format" down pat, and that's basically what Uncharted is in a nutshell. You just play well to advance the movie.
Oliver King
i think people dislike so called "movie games" because since uncharted sony hasnt done much else and now many other games pit way too many overproduced cutscenes that ultimately dont matter. Sony has a literal gold mine of recognizable mascottes that it could rival nintendo, but they instead prefer to pander to american casuals that dont play videogames. And on top of that getting journos lauring these games as the second coming of christ.
Which is a shame because i actually like movie games for that reason especially, sometimes i like to play something more mindless with a good story, cause games can actually tell stories in ways books and movies cant.
Charles Cox
Half my gripes with everything in this industry are regarding the pundit and pleb reactions. The gross exaggerations that come with a visually impressive and well-functioning game never cease to amaze.
Noah Powell
Hahaha, it was so bad. I beat doom 2016 and eternal on nightmare and was nowhere near as frustrated as I was on uncharted. It wasnt about strategy or using the right weapons or anything like that.. it was instakill after instakill after instakill. Snipers, RPGs and shotguns as well as grenade spam in those games are something else..
Gavin Harris
PSplus free games are hardly free IMO, at least if you got the keep the games when your subscription wasn't active it would kinda count >They occupy some space between adventure movies and adventure games. EXACTLY my thoughts but there's stuff like that out there that still has some decent game design elements like Yakuza
Colton Gutierrez
>HOWEVER, I really really like uncharted 4 I think 4's the best one by a mile gameplay-wise, but at the same time I found it really disappointing that it only ties together all the new platforming mechanics (sliding, grappling hook swinging, the piton) about 5 minutes before the game ends. Having to jump from a slide to a grappling hook swing into a second grappling hook swing feels like a challenge that you should have to do about halfway through the game, not at the very end.
Angel Smith
Well, might as well count them as free for me. I only keep the sub on for online fighters, rarely ever touch the monthly games.
Robert Scott
This is a good description. It's Indiana Jones in videogame form, without Indy or a whip. It's like classic Tomb Raider, without the focus on highly accurate platforming.
Eli Ward
Uncharted collection is free to own as part of Sony's Chinkyflu initiative even if you dont own PS+ So it's free now.
Chase Long
>set pieces feel outdated even compared to other games released back then what game back then had set-pieces even remotely close to Uncharted's? Even games today still don't do it as well as Uncharted's.
I stopped playing Uncharted 4 halfway in what a boring ass game
Christopher Allen
Hmm, I last beat uncharted 4 in 2017, currently replaying and I’m at the Scottish cathedral, ill try to keep this in mind when I get towards the end to see what you mean. I think you are right that the game should have had more challenge like that earlier on, though.
Jaxson Young
They're the beginning of the end for quality content put out by Naughty Dog. Jak and Crash were sacrificed for this dog shit, and then it was replaced by the bland and uninspired Last of Us.
Jordan Phillips
you could literally solve every problem with the game industry by getting rid of american journos
Sebastian Scott
Prince of Persia just off the top of my head.
Bentley Howard
The reboot or that last PS2 one?
Benjamin Green
Xavier Howard
I beat all three on brutal, which was added in the collection. Unironically one of the hardest vidya challenges I've ever encountered. youtube.com/watch?v=LOP7kaeIRjA
Ethan Foster
>Aside from the banter between characters which frankly is pretty well written Its just Indiana Jones the vidya. The film aspects are the selling point.
I only really like the first one. But its more of a guilty pleasure because I know the gameplay is shit. I just like the story and characters the best in the first one.
CoD2/4 comes to mind. By comparison the heli chase & falling building in Uncharted 2 for example weren't very exciting.
Also not sure if it counts as set piece, but that mission where you sneak through Instanbul museum in 2 was horrible, compare it to 4's gillie suit mission which was pure kino
Easton Johnson
Are you telling me there's a mode in Uncharted 1 that's harder than crushing now?
Camden Watson
Andrew Reed
Yeah. I still like it better than the others in large part because of all the new platforming mechanics, I just wish their potential was realised. Part of the reason I liked 4's multiplayer better than the singleplayer was because there were so many more grappling hook points and they were a lot closer to each other, so you could go for ages without ever touching the ground.
Juan Ortiz
can you jump straight to 2 or is playing 1 mandatory for story purposes?
Jaxon Smith
Jesus Christ, GG. I must say its good to see others with the same opinion as me here, I found very little mention of the unfairness of these games on harder difficulties in reviews, only when I specifically searched the issues I was facing. I genuinely believe this should greatly impact the games overall score, but it seems like 90% of people who played uncharted didnt play above normal or are lying... I just cant get over how one of the “best game series ever” has one of the most BS unfair experiences out there above normal difficulty which nobody ever seems to speak about. Dont get me wrong, I like these games, I just think they should be greatly penalised for essentially breaking the game above normal difficulty.