Attached: Screenshot_20200417_003231_com.android.chrome.jpg (1080x2160, 744.05K)

does that explain the absolute garbage textures in ff7?

Chopped it and restructure it so it doesn't look like your phone posting or do it on a PC.....

>Phone posting

Attached: 562.jpg (600x600, 36.87K)

That explains a lot

Holy shit

They also did Warcraft 3 Reforged. What the fuck is happening?

lol retard phone poster


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fuck off barry
at least compare it to real game with real combat

game industry crash happening soon, companies wont even make their own art assets to save money

Why are capcom and square enix resorting to using 3rd world labour?


eww pajeet-ahmed-chang mutt nation

Oh that

Attached: 254-1538311241-1295442645.jpg (408x193, 28.55K)

Why are non English speaking countries all so terrible?


Attached: 1586732026034.jpg (1200x1514, 264.68K)

The woman on the right is an SJW, ain't she?

Not talking about combat here shill, we're comparing assets in two games from the same series

>Lemon Sky
they certainly delivered lemons, I'll give them that

What's weird is I'm pretty sure XV was outsourced to Malaysia as well, but 7R looks even worse

They're the same ones that were responsible for the disastrous launch of FF14!!!

>same shit every thread
dont forget to quote yourself in next post

Good lord that's digusting...

Why are foreign workers all so lazy at their jobs compared to Americans? They have no work ethic

It's certainly interesting to me, because a few things in Resistance are just as bad or worse. A big example is the mid-level lift in Resistance, I honestly thought the texture just wasn't appearing.

ITT total fucking idiots learn what outsourcing is

Publishers giving less money and time to make video games so they outsource to 3rd world studios that get paid in dog treats who churn out mediocre art because their lives depend on it.

This is a game from 2015 and it's around 40 GB and looks more realistic than FF7 Remake. How do you do this?

Attached: 3f2a4d920626c8b8a039cb4a6acddd54f82d19dc.jpg (616x353, 34.89K)

>Lemon sky

Attached: saggitarius is my waifu.jpg (1414x1000, 203.3K)

UK devs work harder than pajeets

>Yas Forums will defend this
jesus fucking christ..




>ITT total fucking idiots learn what outsourcing is
They outsourced to devs that can't even fucking code properly.

Man they really want the world to know WC3 reforged was blizzards fault and not theirs

your "game" is also the fraction of the size

In English, please?

Attached: 1586951323479.png (1024x714, 1.2M)

95% of video game coders cant code properly regardless of country of origin.

Cope with the fact they outsourced to a bunch of idiots.

Attached: 1586501863799.gif (531x242, 3.88M)

Nah, I'll quote you instead

Attached: 1586732418023.jpg (4032x2268, 2.76M)

Good one, you sure showed me how much better the remake looks.

I work in software development for a medical device company and cant code properly but still get paid as much as the other guys in the department lol. I think I only got the job because in addition to having a software development degree I also have a Medical Biology degree.