Name the worst thing for gaming

Name the worst thing for gaming
I will start

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the worst thing for gaming was competitive multiplayer becoming mainstream and the public just seeing everything as videogames despite the obvious difference from single player games

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lets be real here, you're probably a shitskin brazilian yourself.

Yas Forums


>tfw brazilian and white

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no, you are not
t. Brazilian

imagine living in rio de janeiro

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Brazil wouldnt of had this problem if they didnt overthrow their emperor for no reason

Brazilians are some of the best kind of players out there.


Few can compete

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The sad part is, most of these kind of threads are made by Brazilians. The self-hate must stop, bros.

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Stay out of American servers then you mumbling faggots

>cannot play bought in Russia outside of Russia
>in most of the games you cannot choose language and gotta play with fucked up voiceover and russian subtitles
>multiplayer filled with cheaters
>competent gamers never make a contact, and most of the community are retarded children
On the other side games are ~30% are cheaper than in US/EU, guess that's a perk.

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You a retard or somethin'?
I live in the US and use the RU store and 99% of games work without any region locking (and if they are region locked, it is stated as such on the store page)

Remember that the people that hate brazilians are redditors because they are still buthurt that Yas Forums won thanks to the 180ping brazilian sniper


stay mad mutt

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>t. buttblasted monkey


fuck off faggot. You can always tell a brazillian apart from a crowd with their below 100 IQ posts.

Brazil fucking suck
t. Brazilian

>flag has company name on it
wtf i didn't know those fags were such bootlickers!

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At least I'm not a nigger living in a shithole

no, but the guy fucking your wife is.

No one cares faggot

Getulio > Empire


Any non-matchmaking game with active community left, BRos?
The people I've ran into on Diabotical beta felt so damn different, I left a match full of oldfags having fun, taking it for granted they would still be there as if dedicated servers were still a thing.
Why did Xbox Live have to ruin everything

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This is the pinnacle of brazillian insults I guess

>anyone on this site
>having a wife

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Why does Yas Forums have such a disproportionately high brazil poster representation? What's going on?

I got a Russian code for Dishonored and I could play it in English just fine

FPBP. Their adaptations because THINK OF THE CHILDREN affect everyone.

Because it's F2P.


They're miserable with no jobs and nothing else to do. Also, they're very vocal in support of their shitty country.

Worst for gaming, user. Not the world.

>doesn't even know Brazil's language

everyone below the US speaks Mexican dude

>implying im brazilian
do americans really?

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Brazil is not latinx.

No countries are the worst thing. The worst thing is every game shifting from dedicated private servers to matchmaking lobbies. It homogenized vastly different playerbases and utterly ruined the niche village community that clan and guild servers provided. If I could only change one single subset thing about vidya right now, it would be forcing companies to allow dedicated private servers in any game with multiplayer modes.

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I don't care which shit hole you're from nigger

american education, everyone

The whole Western world is Brazil now.

Americans don't learn about shitty br

>Ctrl+f China
>No results
Are you guys serious? Fuck your shitty oh I had one bad team-mate from Russia this one time. Chinese in games are just as bad if not far worse and Chinese pandering has ruined countless online games.

China but also:
>Jason Schreier
>Naughty dog
On the bright side Jason Schreier, and Bioshit are dying.

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China just solved the China problem, Pooh is banning foreign multiplayer.

>devaluations ever 5 minutes
>some of the highest inflation rates in the world
I fucking hate this place

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>See some guys from Argentina trolling in a WoW pug from Ragnaros
>Everyone starts to complain about brazilian
>They refuse to accept that Ragnaros isn't a brazilian server

Why do we get bad reputation from other countries and people refuse to accept that we don't speak spanish

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I always get your flag and the wagon wheel one mixed up. At least you guys can poo in the loo, though. Shame you'll never get the Falklands.

Unironically this. I've played with people from brazil, russia, china, all kinds of shitholes, but none of them are as bad as burgers. Burgers are fucking unbearable, and yet they try to blame every other country for "ruining" games, as if they weren't the most cancerous niggers themselves.

Think about it logically

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