It's a good game, but it's a bad FF7 remake

It's a good game, but it's a bad FF7 remake

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nah its a good remake too

It's bad in general. Could've been good if they just removed the time jannies and all of the kingdom hearts/anime bullshit at the end it could've been a good remake and game.

Objectively a bad JRPG because of the filler content and short length. Objectively a bad remake strictly because of the story being replaced with butcher chuuni shit riddled with writer's crutches like time jannies and premonitions.

If it were the full game, and the story was the same, it would have been celebrated.

It's a great game and a great remake
Also I wish that were me

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It's not really a remake. It's a rebuild or reroll.

>It's a good game
No, it's actually the prime example of what's wrong with modern games: all padding and shock value but no actual substance.
>it's a bad FF7 remake
But it's not a remake? It's not even a reboot. It's an alternate timeline where Sephiroth and Aerith have foreknowledge of how the OG '97 story plays out and Time Jannies are trying to keep the story intact.
A good equivalent would be pic related when compared to SMT2. It's a spin-off which diverges from the original.

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I think it's a great game and great remake. There's unironically a lot of soul in it. I think once the PC version arrives and the shitty textures in some areas get fixed, it'll be almost perfect

>Objectively a bad JRPG because of the filler content and short length
This is the thing that baffles me the most. When they said they were going episodic to expand Midgar, I though we were getting a full recreation of Midgar (which would've still been bad because it would've fucked with the pacing, mind you).
Instead they literally took the sections from the OG, cut some of the best parts (eg underground basement, gay orgy, etc.) and stretched on a 20 hours main quest with other 20 hours of "kill the rats" and "fetch the water filters" side quests. It's so bad it's actually funny.

can you explore the upper plate sectors?

If you count a couple of battle arenas as exploring, yes.

There's a new section where you go to where Jessie's parents live that looks like a normal suburb. Running from the first reactor bombing to the train is also much longer and it's cool seeing the city streets. That's it though.

You get to rob Jessie's home in an upper plate sector because Jessie in this Remake is a thirsty white girl who wanted to be an actress at Golden Saucer but her dad wouldn't let her so she asks for Cloud help to fuck her dad's shit up. Aside from that, no: the game only lets you explore the same areas as in the original FF7, except they've been made impossibly long. Hope you like forced walking segments in modern games, user.

>A good equivalent would be pic related when compared to SMT2. It's a spin-off which diverges from the original.
This is a terrible comparison. If...'s events are completely separated from the events of both SMTI & II (in fact, If... is a scenario set during the pre-nuke part of SMTI, IIRC), whereas 7R is a game that largely goes through the same plot beats as the original FF7's Midgar section just with additional padding and some utterly retarded alterations to the plot.

>We have to wait 20 years for Tifa and Scarlet to slap fight and send them fat titties jiggling all over

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>Best parts
>"Underground basement" whatever that is
>Gay orgy


>good game
Not really. This is possibly the worst video game yet created.

You do know that time jannies is the old OG fans trying their best to fix Nomuras fanfiction but alas we are destroyed in the end and Nomura anime flick starts.

wow that's terrible, what's the point of midgar being a whole game then? I thought you would be a mercenary in other suburbs killing mob bosses or whatever

This part's pretty cool, but unfortunately *really* on rails so you don't do any actual exploring. You only get to "explore" the front of Jessie's house and her parents' bedroom.

There are no monsters on the upper plate.

>Rufus? The new leader of Shinra who pursues Sephiroth and AVALANCHE around and plays a pivotal role once Meteor is summoned? Fuck that, he doesn't need any introduction to anyone, especially people who have never played FFVII before
>Scarlet? The woman who had a single line in the original portion of this game? Yeah give her at least 6 cutscenes and make her a sex dungeon weirdo despite this never being a thing anyone pondered in the last 23 years
>Also, make it ironic by having her not even say her original line
I wonder who is defending this game and why

Spirits within was a good movie but a bad final fantasy.
Pic unrelated

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>what do you mean "new orders"?
>aren't the two big titted girls supposed to have a slap fight at this point of the story?
>huh? Nomura-sama said that's not appropriate for a remake?
>okay guys, you've heard the boss: no more bitch fight and Tifa needs to die in the gas chamber

You know it's going to happen.

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Is it a good game? Linear hallways, most of the materia is irrelevant (hurrdurr but in the original, it was too, yes, also in the original you got the full game for 60 bucks), braindead gameplay, bad lypsync, some jarring and awful animations specially for the bikes. Inconsistent tone.

>tfw Tifa flexes to get the key in her mouth with her feet in HD
Down boner.

in the suburbs, other sectors like 2,3,4...

Rufus barely had any development in FF7. Them cutting his mustache twirling monologue and developing the different branches of Shinra which will *clearly* play greater opposition to the party going forward is a great change.

His monlogue was completely stupid in FF7 because they prop him up as opposition, but he's completely backseated until the end of FF7.

that doesnt make it any better
its just retarded and pointless

Nah, she will 100% fight Scarlet.

It probably won't be some silly slap fight (which was pretty uncharacteristic in the original game DESU), but it'll happen.

There's nothing to fight. They're residential and business districts. Who the fuck wants to fight more Shinra soldiers and mechs than you already do?

Monsters are purely ground level.

>>Maybe remake has more than 1 meaning.
As long as it means that advent isn't happening anymore. I'll support it.

There are no monsters in upper plate UNTIL you go back on disc 2 for the Hojo boss. Monsters in FF7 is its whole own topic.

How are they going to do Midgar twice despite making part 1 purely Midgar because its so big?

>having this shit opinion
I guess this means we won't become friends.

The only thing about Rufus that matters is that his fight was AMAZING.

>literally one the most characteristic moment of the original


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Yes it does, doesn´t it.
Nomura is a fucking hack, well we have to wait and see how the japs like this anime cringe shit.

>Trained material artist
>Gets in a slap fight instead of going HAM on a bitch

For Scarlet, sure, but not Tifa. It's pure fanservice. Tifa went the entire game punching, kicking, uppercutting, and comboing beast, machine, monster, etc.

She got slapped a bunch earlier. Of course she wants to slap her back.

It's a decent game, maybe 9/10 it has some flaws
It's not a remake and 5/10 with regards to what it's doing with the story, pacing, and atmosphere
Averages out to a 7/10, which I think is fair

It's a potentially good base for a game, they just didn't build anything worthwhile atop of it

Eh I thought that bit was pretty fucking stupid 23 years ago.
Give Scarlet some personal hi-tech gizmos and let them have a real fight. At the end when Tifa wins she can still slap her as a form of revenge.