What would you fix for Part 2?

>Not everything has to be a cutscene. More in-game dialogue
>Photo mode so I can look up Tifa’s skirt
>Eliminate all forced walking

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>Not everything has to be a cutscene.
Yes it does. It is an RPG, and i wanna see those interactions. Fuck off. I like the characters and i wanna see them talk and look at each other.

The second i dont care, coomers gonna coom.

The "forced walking" are hidden loading screens. So either you get loading screens or you dont. Pick your poison.
As for me, i want a more grounded ending, it should be cover until AT LEAST aerith death (northren cave would be perfect), overworld should exist but not open world shit like XV, just a wide hallway that emulates the original overworld so it doesnt eat 50 gb, and thats it. New materias, new abilities, bla bla, the usual.

Periodic segments where you play as alternate timeline Zack just like Laguna in FF8. AKA the best parts of FF8.

I want SE to take their heads out their asses and make the fucking game everyone wants instead of doing some "we can change destiny" bullshit. No one wants a new story. Everyone wants a more fleshed out and well-rounded rendition of the original.

>No one wants a new story.
speak for yourself desu

Sephiroth falls in love with Cloud.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina (Jenova) with the Ex-SOLDIER's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when Sephiroth recounts the previous day's confessions to Cloud, he only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the Cloud he called is not the same Cloud he fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is Cloud's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the Sephiroth's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

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>remove history niggas
>follow the original story
that's about it

If they wanted a new story they should've made an original game.

>>remove history niggas
the party actually does this
>>follow the original story

>and i wanna see those interactions
I feel the same way, but I also want them to be skippable.
>The "forced walking" are hidden loading screens
This is true in a lot of cases, but there are times (the rooftop sequence with Aerith) where it's clearly just an interactive cutscene. I enjoyed it on my first playthrough, but would absolutely skip it on my second playthrough if possible. If it was a cutscene, this wouldn't be a problem, but instead, I'm forced to hold forward until I finally come up against some hedgehog pies after like 20 minutes.

>Zack is never brought back to life
>Sephiroth remains dead the whole time
I will now buy your game

they did though, this is FF7: Remake. Though desu they should have called it FF7: Reroll because currently the title gives the impression that it's some kind of remake (but in that case it would simply have been called FF7).

drop all remake pretenses and make something completely different

the next parts are still gonna follow the same events of the original ff7 but with key elements like aerith death and meteor knowledge changed.

>start part 2
>cloud wakes up
>"was... was I just dreaming?"
>turns out he only saw sephiroth in his imagination, the time ghosts never existed, midgar didn't explode into 937824092048294 parts, there is no alternate timeline, zack and biggs are dead

>story continues faithfully

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> midgar didn't explode into 937824092048294 parts
It didnt in part 1 either

Sephiroth threw around skyscrapers while they were "falling" for like a minute straight
How does that even work

this is the only good outcome.

did you miss the part where they stepped into a wormhole and ended up in a fake dimension? when they come back out at the end Midgar and the Shinra building are still standing and Rufus is just chilling inside

>the party actually does this *in part 2
Fixed, though it's still a lie either way you phrase it.

yeah and it wasnt the same realm or the real world

they actually killed the whispers though, that was what Sephiroth wanted from the beginning. That's why the whispers explode in a golden light in all the timelines.

It can't be fixed as long as it's a sequel to part 1. Don't even mind the plot changes, but the time jannies and the last two boss fights shouldn't even exist. Nomura should've just had the courage to makes changes without feeling the need to explain it through time dimensional shit.

>>Photo mode so I can look up Tifa’s skirt
To see her shorts? Why?

better air combat.
They're not gonna add a jump button, but at the very least let me use abilties midair.

How is not one of these getting rid of the FUCKING time jannies?

3 shit suggestion from some mentally ill virgin

Because time jannies allow fanboys and girls to care about a new story for the characters shippers are already at it assuming aerith is gonna live

Because you killed the time jannies in the end of FF7R
As such, the story of Part 2 will completely derail from the original

I want to see what happens in Zack's timeline.

Also would like them to open up the game a bit more, sort of like how it was in chapter 14.

Better air combat
less bloated health bars
shorter loss of control after enemy hits you

Then what was the point of the ending? They may it a point of saying how they can "change/defy destiny", in other words not follow the original story.

I hope Nomura changes EVERYTHING about the stupid original plot where the protagonists are completely unneeded.

The ONLY good thing that Cloud and the gang did was saving Midgar from Hojo. Other than that, nothing. None at all. Remember that Shinra managed to obliterate TWO Weapons and Sephiroth's giant barrier with a single shot of each of Junon's and Midgar's cannons. Invading Northen Crater and beating Sephiroth should be a trivial matter for them. Not only that, they MIGHT have succeed at destroying the black materia's Meteor itself with the combined force of all Huge Materia. And even if they failed, Aerith would've stopped the Meteor anyway. Meanwhile, Cloud and the gang tried their hardest to sabotage Shinra's plan... FOR WHAT? In the end, Cloud didn't use any of the Huge Materia that they had stolen plotwise. They even questioned their own actions right after the Rocket failed to destroy Meteor. So, I conclude that Cloud and the gang's usefulness ended or even detrimental as soon as Aerith realized that she had to cast Holy.

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the fate change was aimed to aerith death
not to avoid visiting gold saucer

I want the overworld to be staggeringly massive looking, like a Xenoblade game, but to make it easier on the developers they make very hallway-like paths from location to location with the barriers to going off path being TIME GHOSTS appearing as a wall.

And yes I know they fought time ghosts, but that's silly to think they killed ALL of them in the end.

Add the rest of the cast from there alternate timelines

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Tidus looks like Donkey Kong here.

Let me adjust AI behavior. I know Square knows how to do that, because they have other games where you can preset all of your AI's combat. I don't want them using up ATB for me, but maybe having them do their triangle moves occasionally could be nice.

Speaking of ATB, I'd also want the option to set the ATB to prompt me upon fill up. Maybe auto-pause whenever it fills. Also, unrestricted the "classic" option from easy only. I'd probably never use it, but there's no reason to limit player options.

As for Part 2 additions, maybe they could take some inspiration from some other JRPGs and let us form bonds between the various party members, instead of just Cloud with his harem. Hell, with the introduction of time travel and future visions, they could go full fucking Fire Emblem and give us the offspring of any two characters that we hook up. If Nomura ends up letting me make my teenage fanfiction real, I might just have to forgive him for literally everything.

According to these posts, Nomura Kun has decided to backpedal from the time jannies by making them a boss/threat that you only have to face until the end of 7R E1.

At best, this means that the story is still affected, but at least the chrono niggers time fuckery is done with.

At worst, this means the above and that Nomura can't write worth shit, so he had to devote an entire episode of 7R to a temporary threat that was supposed to be a long term threat?

Because if I recall, didn't some faggot or a multitude of faggots mention that the time ghosts were effectively the new evil behind the curtain, as it were? Wherein Sephiroth and even Jenovah were secondary threats compared to their overarching Plotergeist antics?

Yet here you two (maybe even samefag) are, trying to reply to this as though it's a good thing?

Isn't it better to commit to a bad decision than to shift gears mid-narrative? This sounds like a fucking trainwreck mate ngl.

Get rid of any of the new time shit. Make the characters realize that fate is fixed and cant actually be changed and zack dies as well as aerith. Seriously not gonna buy the next one if they fuck this up by keeping them alive.

>Jessie is part of the mission to sneak into Corneo's masion
>Jessie lives
>Wedge dies sooner
>some sort of item to prevent stun from electric enemies
>no fucking side quests with kids

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I just wouldn't do it.
Square is a good publisher and the Enix side is still a good dev, but Square's dev teams are all fucked. There is no fixing them beyond firing all upper management.