*singlehandedly changes video game sci-fi gun design forever*

*singlehandedly changes video game sci-fi gun design forever*

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This is what peak submachine gun design looks like, you may not like it but you'll have to cope

*laughs in p90*

At least it's not another AR

I love the Vector, it's just impossible to believe how one firearm can be the basis for at least one gun in every single sci-fi franchise since the 2000s

haha vector goes brrr

Why did they ruin it bros?

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Do SOFs use this gun or is it a meme?

No, gun has been a meme since its inception
But some third world police use it according to wikipedia

Nobody uses the Kriss weapons, but some other manufacturers have been trying to make use of the Kriss Super V recoil dampening mechanism, meaning Kriss is making money by just sitting on their patent.

Sci-fi or not but i like design of this weapon

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>Inverse bullpup

peak aesthetic performance

But my dick is longer than that barrel.

>inverse bullpup
isn't that just a regular gun

That just looks like a plastic piece of garbage imo, pic related does it better

Attached: MP7_A2.jpg (1024x1024, 212.08K)

its about the quantity of bullets fired, not the quality of their direction

Can we not just accept the MP5SD as our lord and savior

But in that design, the magazine loads in the grip, like a normal pistol. Bullpup has the ammo feeding into an area behind the grip to maximize barrel length. The OP's magazine loads like 4 inches from the muzzle.

Yeah but they have to order it themselves.

>take cool looking gun
>fuck its design in the ass

why do designers feel the need to do this shit

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I like him too but he is little bit fat for me.

Now now user, you know mp7-kun is sensitive about his size ever since nato-san turned him down

I like his little brother more

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OP's magazine is so close to muzzle the powder barely has time to burn instead of burning for longer than normal like bullpup.

MP5K cutest gun in existence

And AUG A1 or A2 as the sexist right ?

Virgin vector
>practically a glorified glock 18
>terrible range
>1200 rpm finishes its laughable 25 bullet magazine in a blink of eye, just wasting bullet
>out dated 45.acp rounds
Chad p90
>maximum range is 1 mile
>holds 50 bullets in it's magazine
>900 rpm fire rate is manageable
>has very little recoil
>uses 5.7 bullets

Oh I see, thanks anons, i always thought bullpup was to reduce length
Didn't think about barrel length

No, that would have to be the most incel gun
And i can't think of one more fitting than pic related

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>i always thought bullpup was to reduce length
>Didn't think about barrel length
wow I wrote that in the most retarded way possible
I didn't think about the barrel length increase benefitting the bullet is what i meant

>24.3" long
>5.5" barrel
>effective range: 55 yd

It's an oversized pistol.

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based p90poster

fuck, the nostalgia; first time I ever heard of that was on the Ultimate Force tv show in the UK.

.45 ACP uses fast powder. if what you said was true, a G30 would create a massive fucking fireball or have shit ballistics. If it was chambered in something like .45-70, then no, most of the powder would be left unburnt.

it doesn't appreciably increase accuracy in most rifles, just muzzle velocity. and the triggers are generally absolute dogshit
This is coming from someone who owns 4 bullpups, too.
the only bullpups worthy of discussing are:
The FS2000 because forward ejection, closed internals, gasketed magwell
The RDB because the trigger is sex and it leaves your brass in a nice little puddle at your feet
The RFB because forward ejection

everything else is just a short stroke piston gun in a different package


The prototype is more aesthetic. The "RAILZ EVERYWHERE DOOD MODULARITY LMOA" revolution fucking ruined gun design

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It truly is impressive how they managed to make such a large gun have such a short barrel.

>we need a weird fucking thing

Attached: 12.7mm_SMG.png (2150x1050, 1.38M)

>.45 ACP

is that bottom one meant for suicides?

the shorter the better that's what I'm always saying

i never understood this one

firing 12.7 would break your fucking wrists

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Not if you have 10 strength pussy