>William canonically took Sakon's Spear with him
>dropped Raikiri in the dirt and forgot about it
Clearly he knows who the true warriors are
Nioh 2 Thread
will I enjoy this game if I enjoyed Dark souls bloodborne and sekiro
William knows when to choose waifus and when to choose real men
grug, no question allowed
Shima Sakon’s voice actor died today
Sakon was based
I was happy to know he "survived" while the other fag got beheaded
>M' lady
Maybe not. Outside of the whole bonfire and stamina is used to attack, the two types of games couldn't be any more different.
Possibly , the combat is way more in-depth then souls games. But you may not like it if you have a problem with Diablo loot( which is not that hard to sort through and you can set filters)
Tonfa for fun
Swithglaive for cheese
Axe for GRUG
Nioh isn't that similar to those games, it depends what you enjoyed about them. For what it's worth I love Nioh, like Dark Souls & Bloodborne and dislike Sekiro.
I mean, I'd like to think that at at least one time everybody has sold at least one thing valuable to them accidentally.
Then, after having burned themselves that badly, they learned a hard lesson
He was exceptional
I was wondering why he had no lines in the last DLC and he was actually in the hospital getting treatment during that time. Cancer is a bitch.
To the user who asked for the re3 remake cutscene
I am finally done with hatchet titles. This weapon is so fucking boring. Weird delayed animations, most damage loaded to gimmick throwing skills, useless combo finishers... I hope I will never need to touch them again.
Ya don't know what you're missing out on. The hatchet is exceptionally fulfilling once ya work your way into the mindset of using em. Well. In my opinion anyways
Jesus Christ
that's fucking hot
I want a grab like this with kasha's tongue
>the dlc adds titles for defeating each boss with each weapon
I will never be done with hatchet titles. This weapon is so fucking fun. Weird delayed animations, most damage loaded to gimmick throwing skills, useless combo finishers... I can't wait to touch them again.
Axe is it.
William uses Raikiri in his boss fight though.
I hope they add a fun weapon at least
I like hatchets
I hope they add an actual moveset, ki pulse and active skills for unarmed.
A chocolate for you, OP.
Say something nice about my Hiddy!
*wheeze* nice..., wait there
She's responsible in these turbulent times.