When does it get good?

When does it get good?

Attached: FF8.jpg (220x215, 18.67K)

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When you turn it off

It really doesn’t
The card game is the best part of FFVIII until retarded rules spread

At the end of disc one with the failed assassination. Then it drops in disc two until you have to save garden. Then it drops back hard in disc 3 and 4 until the final dungeon

When you hit new game

When Seifer sliced Odin in half

It dosnt, you got memed.
This was pretty based though.

Skip it and play IX

Attached: FA53C4C6-D2F4-4D34-A7FD-BF0933E0FD12.jpg (500x400, 67.17K)

The good part literally ends at Dollet.

Right when the first SEED exam starts.

After you shut off the game and pop in the OST

This, Disc 1 is the best part

I liked the Laguna parts but thats about it.

9 managed to be even worse.

shut the fuck up

When you insert the first disc and youtube.com/watch?v=q09quI356sQ starts playing

Did they canonically fuck at some point? How old was Zidane? Like 12 when he banged Freya?

That song gives me goosebumps, based

>10 - 20 second load times before every battle
>ugly unlikable Wizard of Oz protagonists (Tin-man, Monkey, Dredlock-nigger ect)
>stupid story about Ayy-lmao's
yet people unironically actually think 9 is good

Boring bait

Attached: 20200222_011946.jpg (630x354, 110.67K)

When you take it out and play tactics instead.

9fags are the worst

>why is 9 good
>it just is
every time

The only reason 9fags exist is because it some hipster shit dud to the fact everyone moved on to PS2 by the time that trash was released.

Everyone on this board hates every single FF game besides FFVl

I like FF9 a lot but the idea to hide a god tier weapon behind speedrunning through a STORY HEAVY ROLE PLAYING GAME to the last disc to get it is so stupid it's ridiculous

after the opening cinematic you cunt

>Majority of everyone on this board hates every single FF game besides Tactics, FFV & FFVl

I like IV, V, VI, VII, Tactics, X, XI, and XIV. Everything else is trash.

If paramilitarys warring in a pseudo-futuristic setting doesn't grab you then you may as well just quit while you're ahead.

FF8 has an aesthetic that only wets refined tastes. It's okay if it's not your flavor.

Highschoolers with weapons*

9 is the hipster's 6 - and 8 is the contrarian's 6.

9 is easily the worst of the bunch.

>not leaving your PS on 24/7 to wrack up hours to reset the clock for Excali 2 like a true patrician