
I'm getting my fucking ass kicked but it's fun. Does anyone on Yas Forums like this game? If so, any tips?

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hey hey people, childish joke here

bullshit unblanced jank anti-fun game

>got filtered

It's not easy sure but I feel like I'm getting better at it and seeing new shit every time.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means he's salty about a youtuber.

>Over a year since the last update
Move your ass Alex

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Early game it's just about salvaging together a half decent fleet, the hardest part of the game by far.
Once you've got a few cruisers and carrier it gets a lot smoother.

I mean just doing missions/bounties is usually enough to make a lot of money. Once you have a decent fleet and a lot of cash invest in colonizing a planet. update when

Unironically better game than Mount and Blade

As a matter of fact I bought because I wanted to avoid bannerlord for a good long while.

Mostly im getting fucked by not knowing the weapons all too well yet.

If you remember that ballistic are good against shields and explosives are good against hull you're probably going to be mostly fine.
Another thing to learn are the ships. Once you have that down you can see a fleet and tell how strong they are by their fleet composition rather than just seeing a lot of ships and getting scared. That was the most helpful thing for me anyways.

its a forever early acess.
the game have good qualities, but never will be ready and even when get full release will be very outdated already

Now that you mention it, I can only recognize a few ships at glance, thanks chief that's good advice.

Well, it doesn't look outstanding but it does have its charms. Mechanics-wise it's what you can expect from such a game, someone could probably innovate but I've yet to even hear of an attempt.

>any tips?
Nobrain strategy is stacking carriers and tempests, with some omens to spice up the rape all of it can be found at black markets. You need heavier shit for stations and really big bounties but you'll figure out what to do by then.
At least he actually does and posts new shit.

How can it be outdated if there is literally nothing that comes close to it?

Ouch, sounds like he needs to leave the house more.

Name a game that's more advanced than Starsector.

>gain a million bucks due to some youtuber
>stops working, no more updates
I want a refund.

You need to realize you aren't winning any fights when you start the game.

It's not best guide out there but it gives general outline.

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Get 2 Apogee with shield-leveled officers to hold the front line, get 2-3 carriers, win every fight.

Thanks bros, will keep that in mind, I might do carriers shit then first time around to get a feel of things. The picture will surely bcome in handy when I get home.

AI can't handle afflictors, on paper it all works fine but they facetank exploding battleships to often, because apparently AI, despite playing perfectly in mechanical sense, can't remember that phase ships do not have shields. Although they still use ship system good enough and in general help a lot as long as you don't mind constantly buying new afflictors.


is there a version of this for the ships?

I don't have it, but there should be, look at official forum.

do you know what thread it is on?

You're just a tourist here. Leave and take your crying with you.