Are you vapid mother fucking cocksuckers ready for some goddamn Pod Racing?
Are you vapid mother fucking cocksuckers ready for some goddamn Pod Racing?
Forcing old SW games to be compatible on new systems out of the box is the best thing Disney has done
Too bad Rebel Assault is just shit to begin with
>Yfw Sebulba
Honestly, it's the least they can do for shitting that albatross of the new Trilogy on us.
It has online? if not why bother?
Always went with my boy Mandrel. Loved the way his name sounded and beat all the races with him
To play the campaign and to play with friends. If you can't easily do couch co-op which is perfectly understandable then maybe wait for a step sale?
>This is the closest thing to F-Zero we're getting on the Switch
he has terrible boost speed.
>No analog triggers
What did Nintendo mean by this?
I remember being so disappointed after unlocking him. He was a real prick as a comp.
Aren't computers also invincible? The fire jets are pretty useless against them.
Mars Guo gang rise up. Best early-game stats, gets OP with upgrades
>Oh man, that flame attack is going to be so radical
>It's just one side
>Doesn't burst damage, need to sustain contact
>You're almost never neck-and-neck with other racers
The only type of game that COULD benefit from analog triggers are racing games, and almost no one half-presses. They just alternate full gas/brake/e-brake
No Xbox ver wtf??
Call me when there's a modern Dark Forces port
speak for yourself. easing on the gas is always better than braking when possible
Is this a remake or just a fucking port not that I'd complain if it was a port except I will because it's also disappointing.
>His pod doesn't sound like the movie.
game dropped. most disappointing thing since the phantom menace.
pretty pumped, antigravity racing games are dope. so is playing ballistic ng with Yas Forums on saturdays
What makes pod racers float?
the farce
Lol but okay
Repulsorlift generators. Duh.
Aside from the sweet stats, I would use this racer just because I thought the pods looked fucking cool as shit.
God damn this motherfucker is hard to control though. Sometimes fast is too fast.
On another note, how the hell do you even make money in this game to keep going? All I remember from a kid is that you only make money off a race once and then after that you're fucked if you've run out and can't complete another race
Absolutely loved this game as a kid and played the shit out of it with the joystick controller we had in 2000. That said the lack of online multiplayer hurts my heart. Was really looking forward to playing this with actual people not just dunking on the CPU
>Mars Guo was a male Phuii who piloted podracers. He had a propensity for heavy drinking and pretty women, and his loud mouth frequently got him into trouble. He would often pick fights with the local riffraff of Mos Espa despite his diminutive stature, which constantly led to his own defeat.
Based ayy lmao manlet
Set winner takes all, buy pit droids, go to junk yard, buy high tier but damaged parts with like 40% condition, run a race,
parts get repaired to 100%, exchange for higher tier broken parts, rinse and repeat. You will end up with top tier parts very early.
mashing the acceleration button to keep at a specific speed below max like you do in a lot of 2d racing games is a better mechanic. Having analog triggers be used for drifting is better
Gasgano was my boy
It's been ages since I last played this. Were racers affected differently by the same parts? I remember some of the upgrades not making sense or people's stats changing drastically on upgrades.
Oh fuck, I remember little of this, but I do remember it being fun as fuck, and hard as fuuuuck.
Pods have different starting stats, some of them reach cap earlier than others with same parts.
Sebulba has insane base top speed, so upgrading thrust coil for him is not super important, but everyone can reach max top speed (not boost) with highest tier part, Sebulba just reach max with way lower tier part.