It can only be quenched by one thing.
Jessie has a THIRST
Hope she stays dead, her death has a lot of impact since her backstory was more fleshed out
why did they turn her from a sweet girl into a whore?
The crisp, refreshing taste of an ice cold Dr. Pepper?
yuffie's big fat futa cock?
>IRA bomber
>sweet girl
Uh, I think you mean Mr. Pibb
She wasn't a whore. She was a tease. 'It's all just a game to her'. Did you not pay attention?
'It's all just a game to her' means she is a whore
Cloud's butterfinger?
>biggs, wedge, jessie lives
>aerith lives
>zack lives
>fulfill the dream of always being able to save the characters you loved from your childhood, continue adventures believing you can protect everyone and it'll be different this time
>zack living destabilizes the continuity
>aerith surviving derails future events
>realise that fate is the way it was for a reason
>you're allowed to save your friends and are told it'll be different this time, only to have to let them go all over again
>"remake" fails, continuity upheld, gang go on to defeat main timeline Sephiroth once and for all to bring an ultimate close to the story
>we're about to enter a whole new era of Tifa, Aerith and Jessie rule 34
That’s literally the opposite of what it means, for whores it’s a job.
I thought Jessie being ultra flirty sounded hot until I looked up some videos and saw that she just comes across as desperate and pathetic. She's like that 5/10 nerd girl who's friends are all 2/10 beta males that want her but are too scared to ask her out, meanwhile she fancies herself a 9 or 10 and clamors for a popular jock boyfriend, but the best she can manage is getting pump and dumped by the 2nd string fullback on the football team.
Jessie's death was "two weeks away from retirement" levels of unimpactful.
>sweet girl
She barely existed
When I got to that part, it made me wonder if there was some previous "Paradise PD" style shenanigans between Jessie and Wedge, like the chick cop and the fat cop in the show.
Red XIII rocket
Monster Energy?
>boob armor
jesus christ
Here we go, finally an enlightened man who has his eyes on the prize.
I'm glad I got to watch a zoomer play FF7 a few months ago.
Before nu-jessie was a thing.
Zoom crushed on old-Jessie and was saddened by her death, even wondered for a while if they could bring her back somehow.
she was completely forgettable in the original game, the only "attention" she's getting now is from the coomer fanbase and she's already in 5th place to tifa, aerith, scarlet, and cloud. by the time the next parts come out she will be also be below elena and yuffie
holy yikes
>t. Seething roastie.
I love Irn Bru
Hope you're not 'merrican since it's illegal over there
>it's all just Wedge x Barret, Sephiroth x Cloud x Zack, and Red XIII cock up the entire cast's asses
I mean, she's not wrong
Only if directly imported as the FDA considers one of it's artificial colorings to be carcinogenic. You can still buy it though because irn-bru has a US distributor that just replaces the artificial colorings in question with an approved one.
Does her armor really need those pointy boob parts?
Should she just shave off her tits so she can have flat armor?
>MFW new yuffie rule 34 when FFVI - 2 comes out
I won't spoil the ending for you, but let's just say Lightning allows them to come back.
Hey guys, I just realized that the plate that dropped down is where her parents live, her whole family is DEAD.
it's mentioned precisely once after midgar
for perspective, president shinra is mentioned 3 times