Today is international horny day
post vidya characters with the sole purpose to attract coomsumers
Today is international horny day
>NuJill pic in OP
I will now post in your thread.
I'd rather fap to gore.
Because you're gay.
then post a character you find attractive
She acts like she has a dick now anyway. Would there really be a difference? Keep that freak away from decent folk.
You fap to trannies, it's you who are the homo.
Nu-Jill is stinky, sloppy, a glutton, mean, and an alcoholic, and she is MY wife!!!!
>this is a 4/10 on vee
Why do I feel a sudden need to go kill a dragon?
Anyone who isn't the total failure that is remake's Jill. Who the fuck at capcom green lit this mess in the writing department?
Would you like to borrow this loaded gun to take away your pain?
shut the FUCK up and post qt girls for fucks sake
Don't you mean everyday on Yas Forums?
Pic unrelated
These 2 sluts
kill nemesis
Voth Jill is best Jill
Sorry bro, but she was disgusted by smell in this game. She is also my husbando
You first, OP:
>“There were a lot of discussions internally about that direction. The original design of Jill Valentine was clearly going for sex appeal, but that was not the right direction. This is a very strong character, and it is a character that’s going through a lot of adversity, so we wanted to home in on that and make sure that there’s a certain level of believability in what she’s wearing, a certain level of practicality.”
I would plunder this olive goddess every day for the rest of my life if I got half a chance
That face in OP pics isn't attractive. It might be attractive for 14 year old boys, but it comes across as fucking childish and annoying killing all attraction. Stop poking your tongue out like that and cross eyes its fucking disgusting
Fucking ew, look at that strong ass jawline. How did you fucks like her past the Gamecube remake? At least then it hid most of her hideous features.
At least they know Jill is a badass
then post a fucking character that you want to fuck, faggot
>disgusted by smell
>apartment is a pig sty