
Hytale Studios has been acquired by Tencent/Riot who now own 100% of the studio


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Maybe now they will fucking finish their game.

>anything by hypixel
>not complete fucking trash with an "economy"
it's almost as if the hypixel server wasn't almost shut down due to their practices
I CANNOT see why people are excited for this.

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"oh yeah, that was a thing"

Ok this is epic

fuck off chong

hytale looks pretty cringe desu

>it's another "minecraft clone #624" game
Name literally 1 (one) reason why I should care about this eternal dev hell dumpster fire and not just go play Minecraft overloaded with mods.

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>owned by Tencent
RIP, games fucking dead to me.
And the fact they're saying they're partnering with Riot to try and curtail around Tencent owning Riot so people won't get mad at another Chinese buyout... fucking slimey.


now i will pirate your game

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>china gets their grubby paws all over this and leaves minecraft alone
>we finally get sharks in minecraft

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Guess I'll pirate it now


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>pirate game with an mp focus


Does Riot only exist to make soulless clones of already existing franchises? Why don't people see that they are just ripping off pre-existing shit and grinding the gameplay design down to appeal to retards and gambling addicts?

Zoomers have never experienced classic games and don't know bettter, and think this shit is original.

So its now a minecraft game set in Runeterra?
Sounds awful.

Time to pirate

>Pirate servers aren't a thing

What did Riot do wrong? I literally never heard about this company before. Besides, they said that Hypixel will stay as an independent studio, just with more financing. I don't see a reason to despair.

That would require a source to run your own servers, which MC had. This shit will be locked down tighter than winnie the poos asshole, so running your own server won't be possible.

Rest in peace, i was pretty excited. God i hate china

>Besides, they said that Hypixel will stay as an independent studio, just with more financing.
Stop drinking the cool-aid, that's what Activision said about Blizzard, what EA said about Bioware/Westwood/Origin Systems, etc.

Might take a while but reverse engineering is a thing.


LOL has been out for how long and no private servers?

Why would anyone make private servers for a free game /w

This MC clone will be free too, with paid skins/items/bullshit.

>Bioware/Westwood/Origin Systems

Oh, okay.
I thought this shit was going to be paid.
Fair enough

And just like that I don't care anymore