Why is he such an autistic spaz?

Why is he such an autistic spaz?

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He got mind fucked

mako poisoning + weak personality

He wasn't in the original. Nomura turned him into a lot of curious things, most bizarre of which is a supermodel pretty boy that everyone obsesses over.

I'm playing it now. He's more autistic in the original. Everything is either "not interested" and he gets confrontational so easily

Because he is 98% of Yas Forums

As a kid
>has visions of grandeur
>follows local thot to hell and back

As an Adult
>works basic job
>fakes being important

He just gets to live in a fantasy world where he can redeem himself

He isn’t Goku

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He didn't like Barret or Avalanche in the beginning. He was just doing a job and wanted to limit his familiarity with them. Keep playing.

>>follows local thot to hell and back
What? Who?

wut? who cares. she still gets cucked

He wanted to fuck Tifa really bad
Imagine that, haha

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Hes literally me except good looking

he's one of us

His retarded strength is what made him able to kill fucking Sephiroth as a teenager.

That's how anybody on 1st Class level is.

They're all autistic, all 1st Class Super SOLDIERs. Clearly its part of the Mako Conditioning (which is getting all the dead autist ghosts inside of you) mixed with Jenova (who is also autistic and doesn't know what she wants to be).

"Escape from a world of illusions... Hmph... I wonder which is better."

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Did that room make it into Remake


he speaks moistly

Healthy young child goes to Hojo, gets pumped with massive shot of many mako, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

Yup, Corneo mansion is one of the few places where everything is remade 1:1. Even the pacing of the cutscenes are the same, which makes it seem short in comparison to the rest of the game

So there's a tiny chance I'll get to see gurochanop make a webm of Tifa or Aerith being tortured to death. Neat.

Zack was fairly upbeat and normal.

Angeal was normal until he found out about the experiments. So is Sephiroth, really.
Genesis was born autistic though.

>forgetting his interactions with Cissnei and Aerith
>forgetting how he's always confused and bad with kids
>forgetting how he's constantly squatting at weird moments
Zack is autistic as well, he's just less autistic than the others.

>forgetting how he's constantly squatting at weird moments

The first two points I can sort of forgive, but I did forget about the squatting. You're right, he is autistic.

that's because poor people squat a lot cause they can't afford chairs.

Any way to bypass this bullshit?

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Angeal is a monotone and bland wall that can't differentiate between loyalty to his friend and loyalty to his job and has a weird fit over it.

Sephiroth is autistic because he becomes easily obsessed with his friends and later some words one of those friends happens to say before snapping and becoming obsessed with Cloud because he underestimated Cloud and got wrecked.

Imagine him squatting in the remake with that travesty of a new voice as he's talking and grunting. A bigger horror than Jenova might be born.

>cuts out the parts where cloud states he despised the kids because they were immature
>keeps the bit where he then says he thought they were all stupid
>cuts out the bit where he says he was the stupid one
Why would you do this?
I literally played this this fucking morning and you've cut it out like a retard.

> because he underestimated Cloud and got wreck
Cloud, a normal human, overpowering Sephiroth and throwing him into the lifestream was such bullshit.

I didn't create it, I made the shorter older version.
The thing is, the kids were indeed retarded, and Tifa fit within the group because the was by far the most retarded.

Mako induced autism
Don't let your kids become SOLDIER

He's literally a kissless virgin

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