This is what happens when artists are screeched at by basedboy numales to "DON'T SHADE WITH BLACK!!!!!"

This is what happens when artists are screeched at by basedboy numales to "DON'T SHADE WITH BLACK!!!!!"

Attached: SpongeBob SquarePants_ Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - Pre-Hydrated Trailer 0-31 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)


>oral cola

Attached: 05-patrick.w710.h473.jpg (710x473, 80.2K)

I would gladly receive oral cola from sandy if you catch me drift

modern devs are scared to use black when shading because sjws screech at them if they do it.
this leads to spongebob rehydrated not having any shading and everything lacks depth.

Never understood the obsession with this game, GCKiddies are retarded.


Are you schizophrenic by chance


Attached: EVrD4-wWAAMgV3k.jpg (900x490, 114.19K)


"Don't shade with black" isn't an SJW stance, it's common standard across artistic industries for decades.

schizo thread, leave OP be and pray he eventually gets help

I thought SJW wanted more blacks in games?

i used the "don't shade with black" with my own amateur game project originally, but then i decided to try (nigh) black outlines for some of my assets and it did make the visuals more crisp. i feel like the "don't shade with black" makes more sense in the context of actual art, but in games where stuff needs to stand out, it's somewhat helpful to use black at times

Is this "don't shade with blacks" thing the reason every game needs to look like Overwatch now?

Show us your game, user.

No, again, the rule has been in place forever. Sprite artists knew this rule

well, it's not much to look at since it's made with my own ms-paint flashgame-core programmer art. i think i had to utilize strong black outlines because my characters aren't individually hand-drawn, but rather more like lego-men built out of smaller sprites that are also animated procedurally rather than by hand.

i mostly made the game to test my pen & paper ruleset in a game, so it's mostly limited to a procedural dungeon crawl with randomly dropping weapons/abilities of increasing complexity and power.

Attached: lategame.webm (1600x900, 2.66M)

you are a retard, this is not a "new rule" its been in place for thousands of years

you are not supposed to "shade with black" because in real life we have something called ambient light, an exception would if you make a space level or something you can go ahead and shade with black because there is no atmosphere.

I feel like you just heard the phrase because its a beginner mistake and you are a beginner.

Nominating OP for retard of the year. Anyone have any other threads that can match this level of stupidity?

i just realized we were talking about shading with black and not talking about using black in general. but to my credit, i think the general rule is to stay away from black or very dark shades in general, and not just with shading

Thaks doc
Ebin sjw falseflag bro, how about you fuck off back to resetera

that is the biggest fucking strawman I have ever read.

by sjw i meant people who like bright colors not sjws

Attached: s.jpg (273x185, 11.46K)

bro what

this website is not handling quarantine well

Attached: elf_WOOF.png (702x576, 244.05K)

It's a resetera falseflag post.

guarantee that OP is some dumbass kid taking his vacation here during the quarantine. This is the worst Yas Forums has been since last summer.

well that's clearly not what you meant at all because 1 of those don't exist it's a strawman you've created and two SJWs have nothing to do with your autism.

It looks like fun .

Sjws have everything to do with his autism because he is one
How do you fall for such an obvious falseflag