Fuck wasps.
Fuck wasps
Also fuck Nintendo for not having their repair service open just because of corona and for making AC link the island to each console, fucking dumbasses.
>looking for older brother, walk into his room
>notice his xbone controller has bite marks all over it
what possesses people to damage their own shit? get a grip, I'm a turbo autist but even I have some semblance of self control
hes hungry
>Too retarded to pop out the screen ribbon and replace it himself
Would take less than an hour and would cost you half the price too
High testosterone but unironically.
Huh, I actually do have my first Switch laying around that got the connectors on the sides broken when I twisted off the joycon playing Smash, maybe I could actually frankenstein them together.
kek, imagine raging at wasps in Animal Crossing
What are they gonna do user? Make your face look funny? Reset you to your home? It's literally nothing.
It’s 400 bells for medicine you subhuman sperg
>hurr why isn't everyone more like me
Yep you're an autist alright
I shouldn't have to have my net out every time I interact with a tree to possibly avoid a stupid 10 second animation and text box. It's absurd.
>autism rage
Checks out
Fuck Tarantulas
How tf?
>broke two Switches already
What the hell is wrong with you?
You actually should have your net out, because Wasps :^)
lol what a gay
I shouldn't have to have it out when I'm going up to the tree to chop wood you fucking fool.
I understand getting discouraged over a loss but what the fuck is wrong with you people?
How do you think you're a functional human being if you do shit like this? These are the type of people that brutalize their kids over small shit
>animal crossing player is such a manchild he breaks his stuff out of anger
Anyone surprised? Anyone?
The one in the pic is my third, the second one was more or less bent in half so I just threw it away. Unfortunately lost a lot of save data on that one since that was before Nintendo finally fucking added cloud saved.
I have a friend that has dents and holes in his drywall from throwing controllers and punching the wall. He is a successful manbaby who can afford all the new controllers he goes through.
He is very proud of this, and acts surprised when people point out how ridiculously childish and ape-like this is.
>bent in half
Did you fucking bend it in a fit of autistic rage or something?
After dying 20 times to Shibata's pre-nerf grab attack in Nioh 2 I ripped my shirt apart in a fit of rage. But a fucking wasp in AC, come on now.
haha, are you my little brother? I bit my xbox controller when I lost in DOA and I´m pretty sure it left marks
>I ripped my shirt apart in a fit of rage.
This is the only acceptable form of rage.
Shit was probably sexy as fuck
>It’s 400 bells for medicine
It's free at a fucking workbench
If anything holding in your anger is more autistic than letting to flow naturally. I was upset by losing quite valuable materials to an unearned death while playing minecraft and expressed it, nothing more. As soon as I let it flow I let it go.
You realize this is not normal behavior, right? You have a legitimate anger problem.
The only thing flowing is the money out of your wallet as you keep replacing all the shit you destroy, you fucking autistic manbaby.
>playing some fightan game
>fly comes and harrass me in my face everytime a match starts
God I hate spring and summer.
You need to be taking some depressants or something
The fact that you get that angry over a video game is not natural.
If you had better self control you would be playing animal crossing right now and have $600 in your pocket from the two switches
Who determines what constitutes "normal behaviour"?
>letting muh totes legit anger flow breh
>b-but your honor, I'd be doing my wife a great disservice by not beating her for burning the mac n' cheese. What kind of animal would I be if I channeled my anger in nondestructive ways?
Wow, 10 whole seconds of your life AND you have to read? What were you going to do with that 10 seconds user?
>take the jew pills to chemically lobotomize yourself
It's not uncommon to see autists beat themselves in the head when they're upset, have you considered doing that instead?
LMAO I bet you also shit on the spot instead going to toilet.
Alternavitely, break switches to buy more, goyim?
OP never hurt another person, only himself
Most people can control their emotions well enough to avoid breaking three $300 pieces of hardware because they got mad over a video game. And who knows what else you've damaged or destroyed.
He should stop buying switches if he knows that he'll end up breaking them. Or he's loaded and doesn't give a fuck.
>bitch burns Mac and cheese
>implying that isn’t a well deserved beating
Or childish retard, anger management is something kids learn, literally the only time I broke a controller was on the gamecube fucking ages ago. Uniromically learn some self control
this is bait faggots, OP didnt really break his switch over wasps.
Your "healthy" expression has cost you $600-$800 already. Not even mentioning all the other shit youve probably broke.
Defending it and calling rational behavior autistic is par for the course for a manbaby
>I must break stuff otherwhise I don’t let my anger flow
Holy kek what a massive manchild
Look at at this way, he manually destroyed the hardware as opposed to it happening automatically within 3 decades.
Look at the map in the corner and how autistically his island is laid out
I can believe he'd be the type to break his Switch over a wasp in AC.
you are a fucking moron and you'll probably end up breaking it from rage if the cable doesnt go in right away.
i honestly couldn't imagine breaking my switch right now.
why don't you just play it docked dumbass
broke mine last week playing some bullshit ass megaman game couldnt believe how fucking dumb that game was
its whatever i wanted to buy a lite anyway
Probably somewhere in the ballpark of $4,000 worth of consoles, controllers and TVs. Oh well, I have the money to replace all of it anyways.
>t. retard who eats controllers
Opening the item wheel pauses he wasps
so wait the wasp was in game he didn't swat a wasp with his switch?