Check out my sweet 3x3 guys

Check out my sweet 3x3 guys

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Check out my sweet critique of a 3x3 guys, it's totally unique and bla bla bla bla Robin Williams

Nice dude. You have a taste for the kind of dark mechanically and narratively complex games that Yas Forums used to love.
Contrarians might say your taste is unorigional because everybody is supposed to love these games, but as long as you're staying true to your own taste and your own inner voice there's nothing you can be criticized for!

Attached: This is nice 3x3 template.png (1610x1263, 653.68K)

wow a list of objectively good games! i wonder why so many people have them as their favorites?

It's a poser 3x3 chart.
Those games are vastly different from each other and have no thematic / gameplay link between them besides being praised by the internet.
A genuine 3x3 chart would have games similar to each other on some level and include at least game that is considered mediocre or unremarkable.

>Those games are vastly different from each other
You've got to be blind if you genuinely think that

>you have to like at least one bad thing!

>A genuine 3x3 chart would have games similar to each other on some level and include at least game that is considered mediocre or unremarkable.
no? a 3x3 is just someone's favorite selection of games. the games don't have to be similar and the list doesn't have to intentionally include a bad game. wtf are you talking about

>Those games are vastly different from each other and have no thematic / gameplay link between them
A genuine 3x3 chart would have games similar to each other
You can't enjoy multiple genres? My favorite games include resource management, racing, vehicle combat, first person shooting, sidescrolling adventure, top down sandbox, third person action

The fuck are you talking about?


Prove that this isn't good taste.

Attached: Mata Nui Online Game _ Death Stranding _ Final Fantasy XIII _ Battle Network 6 + Dab Patch _ Nier Automata _ まもって騎士 _ Ryzom _ Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet _ Wii Sports.jpg (920x920, 1.03M)

Of this list the only one that bothers me is DMC3

Like, at least put the special edition version up there. DMC3:SE literally is - and will always be - one of the best games ever made.

Someone who actually like games (or any hobby in general) always has between his personal favorites a particular product that doesn't belong to Metacritic 90s club, a product that is seen as mediocre or unremarkable, but for that person checked all of his checkboxes and got right everything said person like about the medium, even if it didn't do it on a way that surpassed its peers. Not necessarily a bad product, just one very few people remembers or care about.
If you only care about highly rated games then you're a poser. As simple as that.
Of course, only having underrated / unknown / outright bad games also makes you a poser of the contrarian variety.

Enjoying many genres =/= having certain games as personal favorites.
I play and enjoy everything under the sun besides sports / racing games and MMOs and still if I made a 3x3 it would have games belonging to three, maybe four genres, at best because those are the ones I like the most.

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To illustrate this:

Genuine 3x3 where the person is being honest:
Poser 3x3 where the person wants to impress others with its own "god tier taste" (AKA what the internet says it's good):

Would probably have 4 or 5 of these on mine if I made one, and I don't give a fuck
I don't play video games that much, and due to the time commitment they require I'm less inclined to look for or take a risk on obscure games, especially not just to impress people on an anonymous image board

kys boomer. I tried """playing""" this """"game"""" last year. I pressed New Game and was then greeted by "A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME" eight times as well as the opening cutscene that took 25 minutes. Never dropped a """""""game""""""" faster than this.

>Nier Automata
>mash square to win
Let me show you some real games, faggot.

Attached: 1586699044068.jpg (1080x1078, 515.86K)

>Dark Souls III
This is probably bait, but absolutely not

Another honest 3x3 chart.
Note how the games are indeed similar and include a couple games that don't belong to "Gamefaqs' Top 100 games of all time" faggotry.

your taste is immediately dogshit sorry

I've actually got a mild mental disability related to reaction time. I recognize that action games like Bayonetta, DMC, Sekiro, etc. are probably superior on a technical level, but I just can't play them.

>Note how the games are indeed similar
>undertale, sekiro, DBZ on the same row
yeah ok lmao

I bet your 3x3 sucks

>you're a poser if you like good games
I wish Yas Forums would make up their minds about being hipsters or not.

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Here is my TRUE and HONEST 3x3

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>A genuine 3x3 chart would have games similar to each other
What the fuck kind of logic is this?
Are you saying a person can only genuinely like games of similar genres? That they can't like a bunch of different games?
I like turn based games as much as action like DMC just as much.
Get over yourself you autistic runt.

so... you didn't play it.


>getting filtered by 3
The ultimate pleb

When I made a 3x3 for myself, obviously I picked from my favorites, but I also tried to make the group as diverse as possible. A 3x3 isn't supposed to form some sort of tonally consistent narrative. I can put Resident Evil beside Pikmin.

It's this one so probably, yea xP
>Genuine 3x3 where the person is being honest:
Hahaha I'm glad my grid is getting that reputation, but I really only play games for the lulz and the pretty girls

You can't play a movie.

Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Shadow of War and Sekiro are very similar games, so are the two Shovel Knight games. Undertale and Fire Emblem are similar in the "turn based gameplay" aspect and Budokai Tenkaichi is the sole wild card.

This one is honest too:
This person likes colorful platformers and first person shooters first and foremost while still enjoying other genres (puzzles and fighters).

This is a poser one:

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