Post source or it didn't happen
Black women are the worst people on the face of the planet. They act like absolutely insufferable cunts to anyone who they feel like they can get away with, and any time they get called out on it, they pull the race card. Low IQ+hyper inflated sense of unearned entitlement.
t. worked food service for several years
> "The answer may lie in the foundations of esports — the actual video games many of us played growing up. PC games, such as Dota, League of Legends, StarCraft and Counter-Strike, grew into their own ecosystems. Over time, spectators gathered, communities grew and funding started to flow. But for console games such as Call of Duty, Super Smash Bros., Halo and Street Fighter, the communities grew but the same funding and opportunities didn’t materialize. As esports matures, one thing has become crystal clear: The PC/console divide has inadvertently become a racial divide, with white and Asian players featured most heavily on the PC side and African-American and Latino players on the other."
In my experience white knight white women are far worse
Yes really, she needs money. That's all it is and all it ever will be.
>the races are different
Isn’t this just because of controller preference in each game?
They make this case for everyfuckingthing.
They're bad too, but they eventually have a breaking point. Black women are too dumb to know when they're in a fight that they can't win, and they have the added bonus of being able to play the racial oppression card whenever they start to lose ground.
let me guess, it's white peoples fault blacks aren't into PC gaming as much as other races?
I don't get it, why the fuck are these people even in gaming? They clearly do not like video games, or video game players, or video game culture.
>Low IQ+hyper inflated sense of unearned entitlement.
>t. worked food service for several years
The irony here is palpable.
Is that a hypothetical question? This shit has been going on since at least a decade now, its pretty obvious by now why.
No, because black people and hispanic people cant afford PC's, only consoles. At least that's what they're hinting at. Also, whites and asian play on PC so that's why esports focus on PC games...
>As esports matures, one thing has become crystal clear
Everything before this sentence makes sense, and then a complete non sequitur. What the fuck?
Clearly, it makes more sense that there's a secret white cabal that is conspiring against black people playing on PC. It can't be that blacks are too poor/dumb to build a PC capable of playing games.
I first noticed them during the "Resident Evil 5 be rayciss" fiasco leading up to that game's release. It's clear that they knew nothing about the series, and had no interest in informing themselves, they just wanted an excuse to be outraged about something.
bro but im playing on pc right now
Wtf, she never heard of fighting games ? It's all on consoles and there's tons of asians and whites.
>Work a shit job to pay the bills while I'm going to school
>Eventually quit that shit job when I graduate, and get a better job.
Yeah, you're right. I'm such a fucking asshole.
He means in general
To be fair, there's an actual argument to be made for RE5 being racist. (Not saying it's correct, but there's actually things to be said.) The esports shit is just complete bullshit.
That's stupid, there's more PC players than console players in third world countries exactly because it's less expensive.
Are you telling me you have never seen people make money off a business they don't belong into?
That's what it is, "professional complainer".
oh then he is right, 90% of the minorities i know can barely afford an xbox one lol
RE5 has racist imagery, and I say that as a fan of the series. Why this is still debated is beyond me. The game still plays fine. Does the r-word really make white people that uncomfortable?
Niggers love playing on the Fifastation 4 so this checks out
If you decide for some reason Fifa, NBA and CoD are illegal, you killed gaming.
GTA:O too and it will never recover.
>To be fair, there's an actual argument to be made for RE5 being racist
Which is...?
Oh boy, I love myself a bit of racism towards strait white males on Twitter in the morning.
Do you mean retard ? Everybody's using it on this website.
reality can be racist and sexist
Why do they keep testing out patience?
>Spend RE4 slaughtering white people.
>RE5 shows the exact same thing, only it takes place in Africa, so there's going to be black people there based on the setting.
Let's also ignore the fact that the game was made by fucking Japanese people.
What’s the appeal of fifa is the gameplay really that decent?
why are people upset at having this fact pointed out
aside from 'asian esports are on PC' being a little to general (japan is more on console) it's all accurate
Hot take: There's absolutely zero reason to have a black history month, as black people are tied to America before even white Euros decided to grace the US with their presence. They've always been a part of every military struggle, every war, etc. There shouldn't be a Black History month, because every month involved black people, same as whites.
>But black history is overlooked
By who? Hollywood Jews? Who gives a fuck?
All Black History Month does is segregate black people from World history.
Nah I remember these articles from a few years ago. The "master race" meme triggered some woman.
Niggers and spics can't afford gayming pc's.