post yfw the switch will actually outsell the ps5
But not PS4.
consoles are dead.
Only Xbox
it literally will
theres a pandemic going on? what'd you expect?
delusional soi sipper
I just remembered that terrible press conference they did last month.
>soi sipper
But he's a NintenCHAD not a SnoyBoy.
Nice smear campaign, nintendoddler
I find it funny how "journos" have so many news to share about the ps5 since its announcement, and yet not a single picture or specs have leaked. Not even contradictory articles, everybody is in tune, all the time. It's nearly like they are fed the info by the same, official source. But they would totally never do that, right?
There are people that expect that prices wont raise for consoles and there wont be less copies overall for stuff because there will be less producing.
They probably didnt realized that the Switch is already expensive and some places dont have them. These same people still expect there will be a normal Black Friday this year so they can buy shit cheap which wont happen
wow yes what a crazy conspiracy that Sony controls all info on their unreleased console INCELS RISE THE FUCK UP
Nah it will easily. It's selling at the same pace as the DS, and that console sold 150 million.
switch is going to reach 60 million soon
Switch has no Nintendogs
It has animal crossing and ring fit adventure instead.
The Switch has already reached 60 million.
Jesus, just imagine the sales if they did. It's already 1:1 with the DS. Imagine if women realized you could fuck dogs on it.
>comparing a 3 year old console sales to a console that wont be out till the end of this years
DS had Animal Crossing stupid
a nintendo switch is going for 960 dollars here in brazil and they wont be back in stock until mid may
now this is true suffering
So exactly what snoyniggers have been doing for the last 3 years?
I wonder how limited the stock will be? I'm curious if pre orders will sell out in minutes or not. You got scalping bots, you have sony fanboys and you got people who hate sony to the point where theyll secure a preorder to scalp as well. Personally I want to buy two: one for myself and one to resell on ebay.
Sony must really be struggling with the price because youd think by now they would have provided the price. Hell, all we got is the fucking controller and that took forever. Not really sure what sony is waiting in beyond seeing if microsoft will fold their hand and then they act accordingly.
>comparing a 3 year old console sales to a console that wont be out till the end of this years
yes. Snoys do the same thing when they compare the sales of the ps4 to the switch, even though the switch released 3 years later. Hell, it's already happened in this thread.
When comparing the two consoles' sales side by side the switch sells faster.
Their only hope now is to wait for microsoft to reveal a price and then undercut them.
They fucked up securing their ram and ssd parts and now there's no way to make the console profitable. Sony is going to have another ps3 scale disaster on their hands and lose tens of billions of dollars over the next 5 years. I wouldn't be surprised if the ps5 finally bankrupts the company.
the new animal crossing is selling like hotcakes though
no one cares about the shitty no game switch or the dead on arrival censorstation 5, fanboy fag
That's some amazing nincel fanfiction you've cooked up there, bud.
So did Wild World, it's the 7th best selling DS game.
whats the deal with microshit and snoy doing very well for one console generation and then letting that success get to their head and completely failing the next gen? its looking like microshits next steaming pile of shit smells less and is therefore more palatable to the masses and snoy's going to repeat the nogaems ps3 gen again.
The Switch is literally the best pandemic console
Sorry bro, we got too cocky
>playing chicken with motherfucking Microsoft on pricing
>especially when the new Xbox team is actually trying to take their platform somewhat seriously and not repeat the Xbone
This is a dangerous game Sony is playing.
PS3 had loads of great games. It's funny how this became a meme here but the CEO of Nintendo offering a public apology for literally not having any games was forgotten in a month.
but the PS4 destroyed the Switch in sales (almost double) and this is a fact
Seems like I'll be sticking with my PC and Switch for the foreseeable future then. I'll wait till next year to see if any next-gen consoles are worthy of buying.
>There are retailers and publishers that expect that expect to skyrocket prices for consoles
>They probably didn't realize that the backlogs of the average gamer are already in the decades. Throwing out a $600+ console is like asking people to buy an Xbox One X, not going to happen any time soon.
Face reality. We honestly don't need a new console generation. All that Ray Tracing bullshit is just going to be ignored by Japanese developers.
Will they ask us getting two jobs to buy it again?
You fucking realize that because of the pandemic Nintendo is literally having problems with supply
It’s over for Sony.
They couldn’t have predicted a pandemic
I still love Sony more, but I know when we’ve lost
GG Nincels
>resources get scars and in return get more expensive
>PS5 price increases
>unable to produce the required amount of units
>PS5 price increases again
>high unemployment rates EVERYWHERE
>purchasing power decreases
>way lower sales than usual are to be expected
>PS5 price increases