600 hours in CSGO

>600 hours in CSGO

i need help

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>2k hours in TF2

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It's not much at all.

About 1200 in apex legends. Stop me bros, it's fun.

I don't even know how much time I spent in WoW. Must be more than a year of playtime.

I wouldn't say that it was a total waste though.

>3k hours in FFXIV

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oh dog

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>2000 hours in rust

I think I'm the one that needs help

15k in Steam overall

How do I stop anons

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actually fuck it keeps going up

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>24 hours in warframe

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tfw no csgo bf (female)

>14 years in dnd:online
fucking casuals

when am i meant to stop?

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>not living for your game
Goddamn newbs I tell ya.

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Probably now, how old are you? I'm about to turn 24 and considering entirely selling my PC, I don't want to turn 30 thinking I wasted my 20s.

21 but i don't think i'll ever stop 100%

Genuine question, I thought the point of RS was to level up your skills, what do you even do after they're all at 99?

If you don't enjoy games why even wasted time at all? Is that issue like with addiction? Are you coping with something? Because if yes then selling pc won 't fux shit adn you will replace it with ltierally anything even if it's jsut staring at the wall.
I actually ahve opposite problem, only so many hours in a day and yet so few spent gaming or doing stuff I like, and I'm a teen anymore to keep cutting on sleep.
Despite being quite poor i was considering hiring some help with everyday bothers like bills and house chores, because even with just self hygiene, cooking at work, it feels like my day is so chopped that I can't just afford to chill and slowburn through 1000 hours of gameplay. It sucks. Gotta work out some self employment shtick that I could outsource to some poorfag later, I wouldn't want to get into my 30s being a wagie and having to waste half of my remaining lifetime at work after already wasting half of it on work and school.

>6000 hours in ARK

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Just like uninstall the game bro

>1300 in ow

If you consider it a waste why you even do that you retards?
Back lwhen I was quite young I really fucking wanted to kill myself because existing required too much effort to bother, but I kidna wanted to see how great games and movies gonna be in 10 or 20 years, sadly no improvement and most suck but I'm still not killing myself because it would suck if something was released shortly after. I fucking do garbage like work and relationships - actual waste of time - to comfortably game, the only reason to nto be palying something at any hour is that there is nothing I feel like playing at the moment.

Guys, stop consuming video games.
Create a family, be useful to your local communities. How are we going to advance as a species if we're willingly wasting our prime years?

There are leaderboards for total xp since you keep earning even after you've reached 99.
Beyond xp though, most people are interested in amassing wealth and/or gambling with it.

this, go to work and find a wife to create more future workers for Mister Shekelberg, he really needs them

>thinking 3-4 digit hours is a lot
Today I will show them

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whats your playtime total?

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t. idler

no lol i just play video gam,es

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I have like 8k hours in TF2 over 3 accounts and 2 platforms with around 1.5k being on the Xbox 360 Orange Box version
There are 8,760 hours in a year
I've spent a genuine portion of my life playing it and I don't regret a moment.
The only other game that comes close is Garry's Mod with 2k hours over 2 accounts.

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