>"yankie chanke go die".
Crisis Remastered on best console
Silky smooth 10 FPS
Switch ver Demastered
Switch has game with soul, it doesn't need muh pretty generic fps
If they fuck with the controls like they did for the 360/PS3 ports there will be hell to pay
>generic FPS
gay baby retard
It literally doesn't matter if it looks good or bad on switch because either way it's getting locked to 30fps and a 30fps shooter is completely pointless.
So go ahead and post your
>240p 7fps XDDD
Cringe posts. It'll be 1080p30. Making it pointless as fuck just like Borderlands 1+2 also being pointless as fuck.
>It'll be 1080p30
why are switch fanboys so delusional about this junk console? it will be 480p10.
>seething this hard
Kek. How does it feel nobody would even remember this piece of shit game if not for graphics?
>Crysis on CryEngine 5
the only thing that can make my dick harder is getting dominated by BBW
It has 9/10 gameplay and 10/10 graphics, which is why it's remembered for its graphics. If you think the game is a generic FPS it's because you played it like a generic FPS and you have only yourself to blame
Is it going to include Warhead? Would suck wirhout it
>killing some generic braindead gooks and jumping around is 9/10 gameplay
correct. Suit controls + enemy AI having aimbot + physics interactions make gameplay a 9/10.
>the story is more important in a FPS
next thing you will complain is the lack of RPG elements.
More like 3/10.
You just described every fucking fps ever made, shut the fuck up.
If Borderland 2 is 1080p30 why do you think Crytek can't get the same result for a 2007 game?
Yeah you jump a lot in DOOM.
This isn't Crysis 2.
my webms are labeled Crysis1, Crysis2, Crysis3
are they gonna let it use more than one CPU core this time?
So is this likely to use a new engine rather than the original?
My understanding was that the reason the original crysis was so difficult to ruin and still can pose a challenge to modern hardware is because the engine was designed with the idea that future advancements in processing would be achieved by faster clock speeds rather than more multi-core processors.
wait till you play half life 2 or portal man, it's going to be a 99/10 according to your standards
This isn't even for next gen? What's the point?
>what's the point on releasing a game on an already established and big installbase
Prophet in Smash confirmed
Then why are you faggots always whine about wanting game being ported to the switch?
This is a tech demo. The original was one in a way, but it was also an excellent fun experience, this is just for show. They will shill their version of "ray tracing", they will shill their performance scalability, they will test waters for further Crysis games and check whether anybody wants Cryengine at all.