Alan wake and more
be humble niggers
Alan wake and more
be humble niggers
Other urls found in this thread:
John and Brenda Romero, co-founders, Romero Games
Their moms basement?
Brie Code, CEO and creative director, Tru Luv
>game developers really live in houses like this and don't see any issue
soul vs soulless
Raul Rubio, Tequila Works
(RIME game)
When was the last time Romero actually did anything?
Rumours are he is writing Alan Wake 2 currently and in order to be in mood & method writing he is living in isolation for last 6 months
>be humble niggers
He had that gas station a few years ago
my setup
Me, CEO of based
>method writing
>living in isolation for last 6 months
Lmao, what a pretentious queen. He's writing for a fucking video game, his writings will subordinated to accountants and designers. Who does he think he is Steven King?
based swery65
>thinks she's based
>too fucking stupid to align a picture before posting
Nah you a bitch
>Who does he think he is Steven King?
Not unless he's doing tons of coke and drinking while writing
His writing is better than Stephen King. Stephen is a hack wrote shit like IT :)
Max Payne > anything SK.
Also he takes his job seriously which a NEET like you wouldn't understand
It says that's his garage
Nice kindergarten "insults". From 1 to 10 how triggered are you?
5 desu
Looks like someone’s on their period!
>reddit spacing
>passive aggressive smilies
>playground smacktalk
what a spastic
is that really all for you?
Hi , dont harass me this my setup. Working for Ubisoft
no retort huh? its okay maybe next time you hit submit you'll remember to turn on those 2 remaining brain-cells
Pretty based if true
What a cutie , would fuck desu
without woman vs with woman
You sure proved me it's him OP
Nice setup! now...
leak fucking something
Is Sam Lake a bird?
>stephen king is his great writing example.
If only you knew the experience of truly great writing.
you dont know what youre missing.
"In the beginning, 25 years ago, Remedy was like a garage band. Well, here I am in a garage. It feels like coming full circle, back to basics. With the whole family at home in quarantine, this is the quietest place in the house. Yes, I have a study as well. But it turns out, with everyone at home, it's not that peaceful -- even with the door closed. Or rather, the door just doesn't stay closed. So here I am.
I had to move quite a bit of junk around to clean up a space for working. An old table. An old chair. We're in pre-production of a big new project. I don't need much, just my laptop with Final Draft and Word, a notebook, a pen, and an occasional video call to keep in sync with the rest of the team. The garage is within the range of my home wi-fi. And yes, they laugh at my backdrop, I don't hide it with a virtual backdrop.
More than anything, I need to spend time inside my head, focused time to write the story. This is great. An ascetic, ugly space with no distractions. And hey, it's not like this is a dungeon. There's a window. It's high up and small, but it's there. If I stand on my toes on the table, I can almost see outside. And I haven't been locked in or anything. I can leave anytime I like. I can, honest, I can. (Help me!)"