A reminder Xenogears is anti-Catholic garbage, from a bunch of degenerate gooks.
A reminder Xenogears is anti-Catholic garbage, from a bunch of degenerate gooks
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I'm thinkin xenogears is based??
Highest iq post in the last week
Catholics are literal devil worshipers though
Based xenogears
Why are christfags such snowflakes? Obviously the OP is bait but the people in the threads aren't.
STFU kike
yank and yuroshit like churches are straight up -3 points
Christians are like SJWs
>le anything I don't like is SJW
Finally figuring out weebshit is trash.
>Being religious
It's going to be funny when you die and realize that there is nothing beyond death besides oblivion (no, not the game).
It would be pretty sweet to experience oblivion (yes, the game) after death though
>extremely easily offended
>invent things to get upset over
>cannot handle things they don't like in fiction, will get offended on behalf of fictional characters
>flimsy worldview that crumbles when challenged
>love to morally crusade
>love to crusade in general
>holier than thou
It checks out.
>some of the child prostitutes in the orphanage were also demi-humans
Yeah Ethos are alright in my book.
Someone gets it
Thanks OP, just got into PSX emulation. Might check it out
>Xenogears is anti-Catholic garbage
I consider them even worse on the basis that they do not even have a consistent belief system. The actual purpose of their faith beyond exploiting the mentally weak for money is just vague, ego-validating comforts about all of life being under control and life after death being good to make up for the misery of today. But none of that is unique to christianity, the exact model they use is so arbitrary no one can fully agree on what any of it really means. Or if it's important at all.
I was just thinking if the gothic gender was inherently anti-catholic, or if the anti-catholicism was a direct consequence of being a genre born in England. The Monk, Melmoth the Wanderer and some of Radcliffe's novels (and other lesser known books) definitely highlight the virtues of protestantism.
Good. Catholics are satanists and pedophiles.
How do we get zoomers to convert to islam?
>le Catholics are pedophiles meme
once i ascend i will make you an oblivion npc for eternity you little bitch
stop fucking kids to stop the meme, stop deflecting by going "but other religion fucks kids too"
we know, everyone knows
how do you get a nun pregnant? have the alter boy fart in her pussy.
Through YouTubers and Fortnight.
First repackage the religion by focusing only on the exact parts they'd find appealing and downplaying all the bullshit. Then make sure they never come into contact with actual muslims because that's the easiest way to make anyone (including muslims themselves) to start hating islam.
yeah american kike games are totally pro-catholic
Catholics are LITERALLY anti-Christian, pagans who actively DEFY the bible in COUNTLESS ways! It's not really hard to be against them to be fucking honest.
They're worshipping people ("saints") and believe one human is more godly than the other (pope) something is EXPLICITLY stated and forbidden in the bible.
Is Xenogears worth a playthrough or no?
Hope you're not mixing fabrics bro. Hope you killed those pigeons when you got sick that one time bro. You wouldn't want to defy the BIBLE would you??
It is.
yuropoors will NEVER get this game hahahaha
It's alright, but I think it overstays its welcome. They were way too ambitious with it.
t. Just beat the game for the first time a month ago.
>neglecting to mention how Elyham helps people keep a hold of hope and faith by giving relief to people at the Nissan church on disc 2 when the world is turning into Wels
Shut the fuck up you faggot; you never played the game.
if you want to talk about the actual negative effect of colonization, catholics are responsible for high birth rates in the third world.
The worshipping of icons is ridiculous.
>actually trying to defend institutionalized religion in 2020
I want christcucks and fedoratippers to fuck off together
That's your rationale for these disparities? That's the best you could come up with? Comparing fundamental pillars of a belief system to minor daily occurrences? I feel bad for you, I really do.
My favourite JRPG of all time.
An 80 hour epic that'll take you everywhere, even if the second disc turns into a VN
Mediocre first disc. Horrendous second disc.
Kill yourself motherfucker
Based OP
FFVIII >>>>>>>>> Fedoragears
I’m glad Squaresoft cut Fedoragears’ budget to invest on FFVIII, a far superior game
>but user, FFVIII is a pile of shit
Eating feces is preferable to playing Fedoragears
I'm sorry you're a sucker for shitty plot dumps.
I am so stealing that.