>finally beat the Schizoid Man after 10+ attempts >frantically looking for a save point so I don't have to deal with that bullshit again >make it to Paranoia's Door, don't have the key but I try and open it anyway >it's poisoned >die >have to fight the Schizoid Man again
>he didn't talk to Th'wynd before fighting Schizoid >he probably spent hours coming up with a good strategy instead of just facetanking damage with the buff spell Th'wynd would have given him
>Dies >Gets confusion as epitaph Why does this happen?
Connor Peterson
Where the fuck do I get the starless buff
Evan Roberts
you can only find it in the wake of Poseidon
Zachary Gray
It's ok. Not as good as the other two.
Jordan Bailey
any tips on how to defeat the Crimson King in the court map?
Brandon Howard
You need to learn the three lullabies from the Purple Piper, then find the Keeper of the City Keys (he's outside the Pilgrims Door IIRC) so he can put shutters on the dreams. It makes the fight a lot easier.
You don't need to know "so much" to not be completely ignorant. Reddit is a very popular site, if you've been on the internet for a long time your bound to know something about it.