i want to make her my breeding sow, bros....................
I want to make her my breeding sow, bros
I'll stick with the wombo combo.
You should pick a chick with working ovaries instead
Shamir is based
But wasn't she parading her pregnant belly arround the school in her ending?
For me, its Marianne
She's one of the fews who gave you babies
She's an old bitch. Anything coming out that womb is coming out with at least two extra set of chromosomes.
For me, it's bernie bear
Good shit. we have similar tastes
Her desperation excites me.
Rhea would be an amazing breeding sow.
>All those layers of incest
>Those childbirthing hips
>Those beautiful emerald eyes perfect for staring at while she gives you head
>Superior genes to make an army of children who will ensure the peace of Fodlan
And of course, I've saved the best for last
>Get to make Edelgard seethe for the remainder of her life, chaining her in the basement, giving her only necessary nourishment so she's too enfeebled to escape but lucid enough that seeing you breeding with Rhea causes her to be sick with anger
Complete spermification of the mind.
Her ovaries work overtime
God, I'm still waiting for the Lucina GREENED.COM porn meme to star off.
I want to see that blue bitch about to be fucked by Naga, Nagi, Tiki, Sothis, Rhea, FemByleth, and Paulatena already- bitch needs the Fat GREEn Dragon goddess meaty tailcock
She's in her 40s, all of her children will be on the spectrum.
Dragon genes mean the kids are basically Lizard Autism tier.
Edelgard is not alive to watch that, dude
>Crimson Flower
>want to S-support Bernie
>don't want Marianne to die of Crest-related illness
Am I forced to choose? Or is getting to A with Marianne enough to save her?
The scene was out of place in Verdant Wind
Should have been Edelgard voicing out her reasons for doing everything to both Byleth and Claude, with her hinting about the true enemy then dying normally
I love older women
>He didn't get the alternate ending where maxing support with Rhea and giving her 99 Goddess Icons before the timeskip lets the player capture Edelgard instead of finishing her off and keep her in the Church basement as a pet resulting in a Nintendogs style mini-game where you get to discipline the Imperial scum
Could try having Marianne A-rank with a certain lover of Crests
Pretty sure Marianne can be saved by anybody as long as you recruit her.
>Should have been Edelgard voicing out her reasons for doing everything to both Byleth and Claude, with her hinting about the true enemy then dying normally
This would be massively OOC, she doesn’t give a shit
>that one twitter tranny that attempted to get the game cancelled over the teacher/student romance right after it was revealed
Just like dear old dad, then. Byleth's defining characteristic as a """"character""" is how utterly hollow he is as a person.
Mega based
The fuck? Edelgard absolutely gives a shit.
That's not because of an extra chromosone, though
You mean Mrs. Lorenz Hellman Gloucester?
Dude had an D in almost every skill he used before becoming a professor despite being a mercenary for as long as he could swing a sword. He's definitely touched in the head.
Best FE lesbos since Lyn and Florina.