Enchanted Portals - Cuphead inspired game Kickstarter is out


Enchanted Portals is an intense 2d platformer game with battles versus crazy bosses.

-Cooperative and solo modes.
-A collection of challenging platform stages, set in a variety of worlds across dimensions.
-Thrilling boss battles: each featuring a colorful unique setting and multiple different phases to go through.
-A powerful arsenal of spells and moves: fire, ice, wind, and arcane spells ready to use from the very beginning, with powerful super-spells, a handy double-jump for extra air control, a magic bubble that blocks any attack, and the ability to fly with your broom and swim underwater.
-Players can be affected by a variety of status effects: slow movement, jump restriction, inability to attack… all of which will pose an extra challenge and spice up the gameplay.
-Adaptive soundtrack that follows the player’s actions: hear the music seamlessly morph and adapt to whatever is happening on screen, and listen to the orchestra play some stylish chords every time you land a powerful hit!

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come up with something original in style or fuck off

Not gonna lie, I'd buy it if it ends up being good.

looks gay af


>buying a game if it's good
absolutely disgusting

Pesky shill.

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so how long until MDHR sues them to oblivion?


Fuck "muh soul" and fuck "muh bootleg". If the gameplay is good, then that's enough for me. I didn't give a shit about cuckhead's artstyle, I only played it for that glorious boss rush gamestyle and tight controls and physics

Too bad that enchanted portals looks like it plays like fucking crap

There's being inspired and being a Chinese knockoff like this

>These faggots are located in my city
Lmao I can go punch them in the face

please,ill deposit 500$ in your paypal if so


>sidescroller levels

Fucking hell, that was the ONE thing that they shouldn't have fucking ripped off

Why are retards hating on this? Do Cuckhead devs own the artstyle, that they didn't even create, now? If the game is fun I'll pirate it.

>using puppet animation for rubber hose

>Referring Yas Forums to a kickstarter

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So it copies the gameplay of Cuphead (mediocre) and takes away all of the soul and good parts (the graphics and soundtrack).

this is the big issue desu, I get the budget constraints but they should have strived for frame-by-frame rather than tweens
>we will never receive a 90's version of Cuphead

I was gonna come into this thread HOT, but I watched the trailer and it certainly seems like real effort went into it. It looks like its going to suffer from creative direction being too loose (DJ Cow, Moon Witch, and the Cerburus Lap Dog don't feel like things that should be in the same game), and I'm highly skeptical of the game design principles being any tighter. But I don't hate it out the gate.

I'm less afraid of this being a mediocre knockoff than I am of it being a frontloaded scam kickstarter, where they've already done all the work they're going to do and are now gonna siphon and launder the donation money.

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There's being inspired by and there's being a straight up ripoff. Why can't indie devs make their own thing instead of stealing from others?

Their own thing, like... Cuphead?

They wished them luck after seeing the trailer. Even getting as far as the Enchanted Portals team have with this style is a lot of fucking work, more than is fair to call a lazy cash in

>cuphead invented cartoons

>Adaptive soundtrack
Hard pass.

I don't get why everybody got so upset about this, it's not like they were stealing any assets or anything.

If I remember right they said only the opening movie was tweened because they were pressed for time on it, everything else was frame by frame.

the initial reveal made me feel extremely conflicted and I just hope that there's enough things here different from cuphead that make it really stand out

Doesn't look as appealing as Cuphead and even if it did, the gameplay and concept are straight up trying to build off of what Cuphead did so it can't even stand on its own without being compared.

I want to fuck that frog princess

i have an idea but i fear that the hivemind from reddit would steal it.

should i learn how to code?

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Isn't cupheads gameplay just a clone of some old arcade game.

Dude what if we made cuphead but more generic and with worse animation

>CalArts ripping

Please be trolling.