Which one of my unplayed RPGs should I check out while in lockdown?

Which one of my unplayed RPGs should I check out while in lockdown?

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Fallout 1/2. Only thing that aged bad is the UI and I only played them for the first time last year.

>that list
get some taste. Get Dragon Quest 11 and Trails in the Sky FC

>low quality weebshit at that

System Shock 2 is easy to get into, I played it for the first time two weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. I just used the texture pack mod with the improved weapon models.

Deus Ex or KOTOR.

Witcher 1

I think Warband is all I like from that list but it's excellent.

Remember to spend all your points in Cyberlegs and research cure all fatal wounds asap

There has never been a Japanese game that fits the definition of an RPG.

>Hitman 2
>Fallout NV

You can also check out Fallout 1 and 2 but they're a bit clunky . Still pretty good.

Dragonfall. It's short and sweet.


If you are not a pleb go for Fallout 1 and 2 and then go for New Vegas.

If you are semi-casual go for The Witcher or Kotor series.

If you are a pleb go for FFVII.

hi the answer is Lisa

play E.Y.E

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>Which one of my unplayed RPGs
Bruh it's gonna be awhile. You can probably get through half of them in that time.

I love KOTOR 1. It's cheesy, it aged pretty bad, but I love it.
Fallout New Vegas is good, the DLC aren't.

yeah forgot to take a few games out of the folder before screenshotting.

I've been meaning to play SS2 for ages since I loved Bioshock ___1__, know the name of texture pack?

honestly I could, I'm keeping myself occupied with uni work and burning through my backlog. I've been trying to get my pc library way down to less than 10 unplayed for awhile, not a fan of constantly burying good games under steam sale purchases. I'm at 84 unplayed out of 545 total which is nice.


Download this :
It will patch your game to the newest version and there is the mod manager included (blue mod manager or something like that)
Then I got this (don't bother with the RealSG file) :
The texture pack was this one (SHTUP-ND is the one you need to get) :
And finally the weapon model update :
Put it first in the priority list

You can refer to this guide when you're lost but in my opinion the only worthwhile mods are the ones I listed, it's pretty much the normal gameplay experience with as little modding as possible :

Play LISA then play joyful then play the fan games

If you just want the texture pack without going through all this just download the SHTUP for vanilla in your third link along the mod manager.


You need to play Deus Ex for crying out loud

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Fallout 1 2 New Vegas
Deus Ex
Kotor 1 and 2

cant go wrong with any of these

EYE, System Shock 2, both Fallouts + NV, Lisa. Everything else on that list is shit and anyone who disagrees is a cocksucker.

EDF 4.1 is a surprisingly good RPG

for everyone saying KOTOR, since it's an older bioware morality system which side should I commit to on both games? no point splitting morality in those kinds of games

Deus Ex, obviously. It's the best game on that whole list.

>JRPGs over WRPGs

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