Play Ninja Gaiden Black

Play Ninja Gaiden Black.

Attached: Ninja Gaiden Black Combat 3.webm (704x356, 2.87M)

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Already have

Attached: Ninja Gaiden Black Ryu vs Clone 3.webm (720x480, 2.72M)

Only version I have on hand is the gimmicky Vita port. Can't stand fighting the Emperor, the camera shifting keeps eating my Gleaming Blades, it's really annoying.

There's no way to play it without hooking up old hardware

Based retard.

I never finished it
got filtered by some fucking hydra in a sewer
i'm getting mad just thinking about it again



As soon as the xenia emulator becomes playable

>hooking up a pre-HD era console
>owning an Xbone
Both are kind of a drag, mostly the latter.

Nah. Sekiro made it obsolete.

I don't have an xbox. PC port or emulation when.

I did play it, then I played ng2 and it was even better.
Sekiro is great but they are very different games.

You can emulate Sigma 1 (ps3) and 3 Razor's Edge (wii u). NG2 is the best though.

OP was talking about Black specifically.

Why not just get an xbox? New games nowadays cost $60 and instead of that you could surely just grab a modded xbox and pirate black for about $30-40.
Or just borrow xbone from a friend or something.

more like ninja gayden hahahahaha

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>implying I buy new games

Even better, you have all that money piled up! Surely thirty bucks wouldn't hurt for such a console, you could even play few other exclusive Xbox games too, like Gunvalkyrie or JSRF.

Attached: Gunvalkyrie.webm (640x379, 2.96M)

Yeah actually I've been thinking about that but I don't have much room for the moment in my apartment. It's probably something I'll do in a few years.

I'm currently replaying NG2 via X1X backwards compatability and I'm ready to say that it's a supeior game.
Black is still great, though.

>juggle mindless potato sacks episode 200
no thanks


You're thinking of DMC.

Bet you can't wait to play The Last of Us 2 so you can tell all the discord trannies how hard your cried.

>Izuna drop to win
I don't think he is

Izuna drop is very punishable, spamming it won't get you far.

>Izuna Drop
Also, enjoy cat fiends.

You can play the Xbox version on 360 through HDMI or get the Sigma version on PS3.

I think you're coping.

just looks like bad sekiro with an unworkable camera to be honest

It really hurts me that no one patched this game to work for X360, more specifically there is just a single issue with controls that one button does not work which makes this game unbeatable even on the tutorial level

>bad sekiro
That's just Sekiro.

Don't respond to bad bait.

>I didn't play the game

Attached: 30grof.jpg (1699x1920, 231.41K)

That doesn't mean I'm not going to shitpost about it.

Those poor thumbsticks.

That game doesn't look hard outside of fighting the camera, so not really the same.

Give me a fucking PC port or emulator and I will.

Sekrio has no depth to its combat. Ninja Gaiden does.
Simple as.

What is happening with all the shitty baits in this thread.

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>being unable to enjoy both sekiro and ninja gaiden

I mean the hardest parts of Sekiro were the early fights while learning the game then later in the game where you fight 2 assassin minibosses at once in a room with no room to control the camera. I don't see anything hard in the OP's webm outside of like at 00:07 when you get attacked off-screen, and he even loses his combo stack to that.