Will they officially go bankrupt this time?

Will they officially go bankrupt this time?

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reggie... no...

What does using personal time mean in this context?

t. ESL non-burger peasant pls no bully

vacation days and sick leave. it's not really a thing for wage workers.

Like a sent number of days meant for illness or something?

they should, but we live in the clown dimension now

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>comes out of retirement to work at fucking gamestop
>pretty much about to go right back into retirement

If he's so restless and itching for a job, then why the fuck did he leave NoA? Feels like he left out of dispute and disagreements instead of peacefully.

oh so personal time off?


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he probably just wants to sell the assets off when it goes under.

Yas Forums really *gets* business.


mitt romney did stuff like that with bain capital. it existed to buy failing businesses and sell assets off for profit.

Jason "Blocks you if you disagree" Schreier, the snowflake reporter from Kotaku with insiders all over the games industry.

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Why should they get paid if they’re not working?

golden parachute

Like I said, you guys truly get stuff like this.

haha, he's jewish!

>get told you can't work
>expect to get paid still
No shit

This "Journalist" has me blocked because he used a block chain bot to block people who are following those he doesn't like. I never even Tweeted him, what a baby.
This is why no one respects game journos.

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He's on the board of directors, a job that basically consists of sitting in a conference call once a month, giving an opinion here and there, and collecting a pay check. Literally the easiest job in the world, even better on a dying company since he has no stake in it and only comes out better than he went in. Theres no downside for him, gamestop turns around makes money? Reggie gets praised, and did nothing. Gamestop crashes and burns, gs was dying anyways, reggie gets a couple thousand in his pocket and continues spending his days on the beach.

Nobody would give a fuck about this owlface if Yongyea or the quarterpounder didn't constantly quote his useless insider information.

Imagine shilling like this for free.

Well it is through no fault of their own. There's more than enough wealth int his country to pay retail employees enough that they actually have something to fall back on when unexpected things put them out of work.

jesus christ how pathetic do you have to be to work under this conditions

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Just go on unemployment, my buddy was a bartender and hes making twice as much sitting at home as he did working 40 hours a week. im fucking jealous.

>get told you can't work
>expect to get paid still
I wasn't expecting it but I've been off since about the middle of March and my work is still paying me.

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And that's only managers too. And they don't specifically mean paid time off.


You still shouldn't expected to get paid if your job suddenly shuts down, that goes for the vast majority of jobs, especially if you aren't able to work from home. Also going on unemployment isn't that big of a deal.
Depends, some people get paid far less. A lot of factors come into play.
Then you are incredibly lucky.

>Depends, some people get paid far less. A lot of factors come into play.
Sure but if you are a wagie, like all of these people in these articles are, you are almost certainly making far more on unemployement

Well I certainly wouldn't expect gamestop to support their employees in any way but some businesses actually care about their workers and try to help them out when things go south. I work in one of those businesses that gives a fuck about their people and it's nice. I feel bad for retail wageslaves that are treated like disposable trash.