>games where you can make your enemies kill themselves
Only games that come to mind for me are the force unleashed and syndicate and I was wondering if there were more.
Games where you can make your enemies kill themselves
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Before reading your message I was gonna write Syndicate 2012 too lol
You can't make someone kill themselves by saying bad things about them that happen to be true, but if you're a huge beta, you might kill yourself.
Is it possible in Fallout NV?
Indirectly you can in Fallout 3 via Slave Collars by making them run through dangerous areas
Baldur's Gate has spell effects like confuse or charm that should do this, maybe rage does too. Other D&D games might as well.
There's 2 people in the game I can think of that you can get to kill themselves through dialog. But not most people or enemies I think.
She didn't make anybody do anything.
In world of Warcraft you used to be able to mind control people in a duel as a priest and then move their character off a cliff so they die. Probably can't do that anymore
Fallout 3.
Oddworld games.
Sims4 with extreme violence mod. You can bully a character enough to make them kill themselves. You can also get them hooked on H and they'll OD eventually with the substance mod.
Also with engineering profession mind control cap.
She triggered some basedfucks mental disorder and as a result he killed himself. Same thing as telling a rape victim to shut the fuck up about their PTSD resulting in suicide. It doesn't matter cause these weak individuals were going to kill themselves any eventually. I unironically agree with you, but this is Yas Forums and you have to spell it out for these retards.
When those facial pics leaked /hc/ almost melted
There's a difference between someone with a legitimate mental disorder, and someone like boogie who pretends to have one. If someone kills themselves because their brain is actually fucked up, it's not their fault and they're not weak. Like the schizo homeless guy can't help talking to himself because his brain isn't functioning correctly.
Reminder: Zeo Quinn did Nude modeling then harped about objectifying women years later when it suited her needs.
EVE Online
thats disgusting
pretty gross tbqh
The trannies game of life, 41%.
No you faggot. If someone makes up something about you without proof to the point where you lose your friends, family, and job. That is pushing you toward suicide. This "suicide is weak" nonsense is bs. I know you can't even comprehend this concept though because you never had any of those three things to begin with except for maybe family if they haven't disowned you yet.
>a woman is a hypocrite
What a shock!
If I ever see Zoe Quinn in the street I will kidnap her and eat her alive
In the first Mass Effect you can talk the main bad guy, Saren, into realizing he's being mind-controlled and killing himself instead of fighting you.
As if you ever gave a shit about the guy. Accusations might even have been true! It's just drama to you, you don't honestly give a shit about this.
t.honest man
Did you even read my post? I didn't say suicide was weak you weirdly aggressive tard.
In Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy you can mindtrick mooks into walking off cliffs, into landmines, fires, etc.
Shadow of Tomb Raider
>Nude modelling is inherently objectifying
>People can't change their minds about anything over the course of years
>It's worth giving a single fuck about what Zoe Quinn does
Not sure which implication in your post makes you the most retarded.
video games
Nude modeling is objectifying even if you do it for a non sexual purpose.
I can smell those pictures