What can we do to make the gaming community more tolerant?

What can we do to make the gaming community more tolerant?

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Other urls found in this thread:



That statement sounds intolerant to me.


first thread got 404, you made another one? Fuck off

By killing faggots like you

>People on Yas Forums want to fuck children
>It's based
>People on Twitter want to fuck children
>It's evil and wrong

what the fuck is a maps?
why do these insane people keep adding mroe and more acronyms?

People as a whole are becoming less tolerant

what's your favorite map?

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What the fuck is a map
Fuck off

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im honestly not surprised with how cancerous trannies are.

>t.projecting tranny

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting (or so the mods have told me multiple times)

map is Yas Forums pedophiles pretending to be lgbt

>anime drawings are children
get help

I can spend all day on 2fort

it's what we used before GPS you fucking zoomer
people these days don't even know where they're driving anymore because they just follow a line
with maps you could see where exactly you are

Reminder that the reason these threads last so long is because retards like
not only bump them but also most likely do not even report them
they are, in the end, complicit in their propagation regardless of the content of their posts.

map = minor attracted person. It's their fucked up pc term for pedos. They can all burn

Probably because Twitter is actually in the public eye. Nobody cares what some anonymous retard on here thinks.

Minor attracted person, aka a pedophile.

>Yas Forums
nigger one of the few good things that board does is the will to crucify pedos on sight

Well I would hope your maps are valid, you don't want to get lost!

Why wouldnt maps be valid?

Look at this map, pretty damn valid if i do say so myself.

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For me, it's Eeveegirl

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I agree, "Maps" is indeed valid.

you mean the ones that brainwash children into being trannies and have drag queen story hours?

You're tanning at the beach one day when you wake up and see this.
Your reaction?

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oh great, now we can't discuss any vidya map ever again because people will derail the thread with 'lol u mean pedophiles???'

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How do we get TERFs to have sex with us trannybros?

stop shoving your cocks and assholes in every discussion

>maps start to spam this thread to make themselves look accepted
You will never be accepted, you lolicon faggots

Minor Attracted Person
Literally just a more wordy way to describe a pedophile

Honestly I'm counting on pedos on this one. That twitter artist is an obvious troll, but pedos the only ((people)) who can make others realize the tolerance flag shit is going too far. Even encouraging trannyism is questionable, more genders and pronoun stuff is just plain insanity.

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Is the one with the phone trying to blackmail me?

It'll never happen.

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panic attack

Start reading Discourses and Meditations.

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Ask them to pee on me

>using twitter buzzword

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Define child.

that's twitter

kill yourself

Fuck off MAP

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>what is sage
>what is not announcing reports
stupid faggot

>implying Yas Forums coomer simps are mentally equipped to separate fact from fiction

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Teach them that men are humans too

thats why Yas Forums is so filled with pedos?

have you been to Yas Forums?

>decide to enter Yas Forums, home of pedos
>complain about pedos
wtf is wrong with newfags?

yeah twitter trannies love coming here to astroturf

Why are troomers like this?

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That's why they try to normalize it by making fake twitter profiles? All those retards that blow up saying this shit are made in like 2 last weeks lol

On the contrary, my brain is too rotten to get off on anything other than a drawing

>what is sage
something the majority of the people that are telling OP to kill himself DEMONSTRABLY do not do, retard.
>what is not announcing reports
Something that has no bearing on the fact the majority of them do not report the thread regardless.
Kill yourself.

They're gay.

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Nobody pray for me
Even a day for me
Way (yeah, yeah!)
Ay, I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances
Finesse a nigga with some counterfeits
But now I'm countin' this
Parmesan where my accountant lives
In fact, I'm downin' this
D'USSÉ with my boo bae, tastes like Kool-Aid for the analysts
Girl, I can buy yo' ass the world with my paystub
Ooh, that pussy good, won't you sit it on my taste bloods?
I get way too petty once you let me do the extras
Pull up on your block, then break it down: we playin' Tetris
A.M. to the P.M., P.M. to the A.M., funk
Piss out your per diem, you just gotta hate 'em, funk
If I quit your BM, I still ride Mercedes, funk
If I quit this season, I still be the greatest, funk
My left stroke just went viral
Right stroke put lil' baby in a spiral
Soprano C, we like to keep it on a high note
Its levels to it, you and I know, bitch, be humble
sit down
be humble
sit down
Be humble
bitch, sit down
Lil' bitch be humble
sit down
be humble
sit down
be humble
sit down
bitch, sit down
be humble
sit down
Who dat nigga thinkin' that he frontin' on man, man? (Man, man)
Get the fuck off my stage, I'm the Sandman (Sandman)
Get the fuck off my dick, that ain't right
I make a play fuckin' up your whole life
I'm so fuckin' sick and tired of the Photoshop
Show me somethin' natural like afro on Richard Pryor
Show me somethin' natural like ass with some stretchmarks
Still will take you down right on your mama's couch in Polo socks, ay
This shit way too crazy, ay, you do not amaze me, ay
I blew cool from AC, ay, Obama just paged me, ay
I don't fabricate it, ay, most of y'all be fakin', ay
I stay modest 'bout it, ay, she elaborate it, ay
This that Grey Poupon, that Evian, that TED Talk, ay
Watch my soul speak, you let the meds talk, ay
If I kill a nigga, it won't be the alcohol, ay
I'm the realest nigga after all, bitch, be humble

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>pedo thread gets deleted
>another is made

holy fuck trannies are evolving to new heights
this TERF meme is really entertaining

you don't have a home twisted freak

well I did both and you can continue sperging about the rest because it doesn't apply to me

very interesting, I too am a MAPS and would like to know you MAPpers better, y'all got a discord or something? maybe a facebook group?

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Since when did we make this up? Yas Forums doesn’t represent all of Yas Forums asshole

me too

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the fuck's a terf?
women who don't want dickless males to share their bathrooms?

Thank you, now fuck off while I continue to preach in peace about these faggots.

Yes, literally that.
"Trans exclusionary radical feminist". But it just means any woman who thinks men are not women.

Pedos should die

>Wah Wah someone offended me on fucking Internet and now i have to censor them
What a faggot.

yeah basically
trannies are just coomers who wished they were hentai/porn characters so badly that they convinced themselves they were one (with the help of media of course)
they cannot function like a female because they have no fucking clue what being a female actually means
they think they're unlocking epic lesbian sex and a free pass into the women's world
when women reject them, they call them TERFs

we need a transnostate, first so we can have all the mentally ill fuck off so we can drop a nuke on it later

nobody likes you, get fucked

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Why is Illya harassing Miyu?

Communal responsibility is a communist concept, fuck of to ussrchan or wherever you came from, chink shill

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make the gaming community aware that sex with children does not harm them.

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yeah this is based

She likes it, don't worry.

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Replace the two guys faces with Ampharos and Soijak and this would be mega based

that's what UAB is


Same and real childrens are ugly and annoying.
I don't understand how someone could be attracted to 3D children.

Now here's the sequel

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Just hide the thread

what is it about videogames that attracts absolute worst fucking cases of delusional faggotry?

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it's traced

Case in point. Every time you see a shit thread and wonder why its left up, remember who the real culprits are. Remember who allows them to exist. Turn your attention to those actually at fault first, THEN you can complain about OP and mods.

No it's not, fuck off retard

For people who constantly talk about respecting people's pronouns and shit. Why do they so desperately try to force every character as being something?

It's clearly traced

fucking disgusting, consider killing yourself, perverting a cute character from a wholesome game for your shitty takes is pure evil.

fuck off, you cunts don't have a home and never will, Yas Forums is a home for degeneracy (traps, femboys and hentai), but not your kind.

Both are bad
Yas Forums is not one person

holy fuck actual seething trannies are on Yas Forums
I thought it was just a meme

>remember who the real culprits are
The ones who created the thread obviously, now stop propagating your equal responsibility crap

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Man that's crazy, I wonder how they taught this yellow cat how to dance.