Why don't Nintendo invest in good Pokemon games?

Why don't Nintendo invest in good Pokemon games?

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Why would they?
They know pokeks will buy literally anything they put out TWICE

Therenis no need for effort when you have guaranteed purchases.

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>tfw no twink harem

God I wish I was Jesse in that pic

you'll just buy it anyway
gen 6 onward proved pokemon fans will eat anything gamefreak shits out

>cuts dex in half
>increases price by 50%
>upscaled 3ds graphics
>2004 tier animation quality
>16mil sold
they don't need to

Because idiots are still buying the games, even if they are mediocre. Why would they spend extra money if the masses are content with consuming lesser content?

Why won't Nintendo invest in new franchises instead of creating infinite sequels to its decades-old zombie franchises?

jessie makes me want to.....COOM!

So James just joined because he's a beta orbiter, right?

SwSh showed that they don't even need to half ass anymore. In fact, literally lying right to fans' fucking faces while they know it somehow seems to only benefit their sales further.

Jessie is for tender lovemaking with creampie ending

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Remember when they said SwSh wouldnt have DLC then they immediately did a 180 and slap people with 2 DLC announcements while holding pokemon hostage?

pokemon conquest 2 when

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why is most anime so poorly animated? is that suppose to be part of the appeal?

Going digital killed the need to put in effort.

>Mystery Dungeon
>Colosseum/Gale of Darkness
Spin-offs are so much better than main Pokemon games, it's sad they don't made them as much as it was back in the DS years.

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They have to churn out an episode per week, shortcuts have to be made, not to mention many studios produce different anime concurrently.

With the DLC I am only more convinced that SwSh is an experiment by GF or TPC to see just how far they can push fans before hitting a breaking point. For the next game I hope either their laziness crosses the line or they make some retarded new change that pisses off diehards, so that the moderate and critical fans can come together to laugh them off and tell them to go fuck themselves after the utterly faggoty way those diehards treated criticism of SwSh.

The games quality don't matter, they're less than 5% of their revenue. The real money is in merch, as long as they make new monsters that they can make plushies out of then they won't give a fuck.

>with impregnation ending

thats what Im talking about the whole time

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didnt koei tecmo do like the majority of the work for fire emblem on the switch, do you think game freak or whoever would actually let them take a 2nd stab at the pokemon IP since they did do the conquest

>look up the devs for ranger, it's creatures inc, they also worked on pokepark but when gen 6 hit they were relegated to just pokemon modelling
>look up the devs for the gamecube rpgs, it's genius sonority, they havent done much but theyre just relegated to fucking pokemon shuffle now
damn it hurts

The majority of profits made by the pokemon franchise comes from sources other than the games
The games only exist to enable these other sources

Listen, the 15 frames of animation in that clip have SOUL.

When you bring that up, I wonder if that's why they went for DLC for SwSh. The base game is relatively miserable for merchandising opportunities with how barren Gaylar is. The fact that the new anime couldn't be entirely (or even dominantly) about Galar speaks volumes.

>person whining about the games is a genwunner animefag
every time.

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There are plenty of new pokemon they can make merch of. Even then, just putting old ones in the mind of younger kids is a great move since they can just shelf old Charizards again because they're hip again.

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Because it would be a risk. The second they release something with depth that defies the typical formula it becomes harder for consumers to justify going back to the old shit. Instead you'll have people that will want them to put forward effort again, and effort = time and materials.

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>The fact that the new anime couldn't be entirely (or even dominantly) about Galar
It could, but the new director is a woman who won't let Ash have a female companion and keeps pushing shitty gay shotabait with Gou, the worst Pokemon character ever made.

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Game freak doesn't make money on the games. They make like 2/3 of their revenue on merch. The games are adverts to sell merch and. Or worth anything in dev costs over shipping a barely viable product so kids want to buy cute plushies.

It's a children's anime that's been running for 23 years with little breaks in between.

chef Jessie

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did she just cum?

i like this picture

Fak you gaijin. Buy Sword and Shierd now. Now now now gaijin paypiggu. And no forget DRC. I need more money for sorid gord boats. They no stop sinking for some reason.

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Stalling with Shuckle was amazing back in the day.