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What did he die from?
Bad writing
Time jannies, of course
fuck off
>a legend is now in heaven.png
get out fag
Damn... Guess they'll have to find a new Reno
Deserves it for how shit and cringe renos English dub is, hopefully this paves the way for Quinton Flynn to work his way back in
Who's Steve Jobs?
I don't think Japanese voice actor of a character has much to say about who voices them on different languages.
Glad I played it with Jap voices, he was always perfectly snarky for Reno. RIP.
Time jannies are dead, anything can now happen. They'll use a blurb of old recording then cut to a scene where his throat gets cut the first time you meet him in Part 2.
Then for the rest of the Remake there'll be a mute Reno doing comic relief pantomime with Rude.
I know him more from the animu I watched than the games but still, F
Leorio bros...
>blaming the jap voice actor for the english dub
So reno will have no voiced lines in future parts of the remakes?
>He was best known for his work on Final Fantasy VII REMAKE.
Literally nothing of value was lost.
And Kingdom Hearts as Axel.
I actually knew him more from other roles, so him voicing Reno was news to me.
was he? no... really? Leorio???!??
I doubt they will kill him off, so I imagine he's gonna be replaced by another VA. Such a shame. I wonder if they recorded all of the lines for the game before the actual production, since they technically should have script written out already. RIP Keiji.
>So reno will have no voiced lines in future parts of the remakes?
they will likely get a replacement.
I mean pic related's first VA died after Cold Steel 2 so they got a new one
Are we really going to have a thread for every shitty VA that dies now? Are we officially Reddit? VA doesn't even matter in videogames.
Bye friend.
Can you show me the vidya characters he voiced?
Axel in the Kingdom Hearts series
Reno in everything FF7 related
Ardyn in everything FF15 related
based retard