Why do you always play as human male paladin or warrior?

Why do you always play as human male paladin or warrior?
Are you really that boring of a person?
Why not change it up and experience something new?

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I'm not a subhuman furfag

You could play a female elf wizard and not be a furfag, user.


Wizard is for pussy faggots

Ah yes today I'll be a stealth archer, or maybe a stealth archer. Stealth archer also sounds great. I love the variety TES games bring!
Worse than Hitler.

>playing as an elf

Worst than furfag races, by far.

Jesus Christ these graphics look dated.
I'm impressed how people claimed Skyrim was the cream of the crop graphically when it came out.
Makes even less sense that Todd keeps milking it today.

>playing a female in games
don't you'll turn into a girl

It's because I can't feel properly immersed unless I can create a character who looks like me.

>I'm impressed how people claimed Skyrim was the cream of the crop graphically when it came out
I remember people shitting on it's graphics pre-release endlessly.
If there's something that was bizarrely praised despite being ugly was Oblivion. I guess it was the flora.

Why yes I do play a Dwarf warrior

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i play whatever looks good in the sort of armor i'll be getting

Too bad, if you were subhuman, you could not be killed.

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Any male that plays as a male in videogames is fucking gay. Unless self insert game like animal crossing. You play a game for 50 hours these days, you want to watch a male character run around for 50 hours or a female? Only homos enjoy watching male ass.

I play as a dark elf you goddamn cat rapist

On the contrary, I just go with Himan because all the other races are boring, which leads me back to playing a human since there's no difference whatsoever if I am or not.

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Because being invincible and chopping people in half with a sword is fucking baller.

Are there any first person RPGs where you can play a dwarf? I want to look up girls skirts from a standing position.

Dwarf ranger/alchemist(grenadier) here. Tossing alchemical fire and blasting baddies never felt so good.

i fullfill my fantasies by playing as a slut

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he cute

massive cope

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Because I have a noble spirit

I like to play as a white male paladin and wife the furry cat wizards

Heretically based

Keep your fucking nose out of my singleplayer games, faggot. I'll play whatever the fuck I like.
If I wanted to look at dumb cocksuckers like you, I wouldn't have stopped playing MMORPGs.

Elves are just humans
Dwarves are just humans
Orcs are just humans
Even kajiit and argonians are just humans.
It's hard being a teratophile

Reminder that Khajiits get the mace too on the Day of the Crusade.

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lmao furkeks

I play different races in plenty of games

Every race that isn’t basic human looks like shit in Skyrim so why would I play them?

Any games where I can play as a snow leopard?

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Fuck you OP you can't dictate how I should or shouldn't have fun

I play as a buff Argonian male who fucks Dunmer women