Why does Jill Valentine live like this?

Why does Jill Valentine live like this?
She would not make a good wife!!!!

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I would clean her dishes and stay at home with the kids while she works

imagine how bad her breath must be

Somehow everyone in Raccoon City thinks she's a badass because of the mansion incident but no one knows about Umbrella. She also gets free pizza from her coworkers so I'm guessing she puts out

Imagine the smell and sound

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>just go through a mansion full of monsters that killed a majority of her teammates
>surprised when she doesn't feel like keeping her apartment kept up
She was literally planning on leaving in a few days anyway.

Chromatic Aberration is cancer

Jokes on you, I want to become her househusband.

>ywn get stuck in Jill's squalid apartment during quarantine and watch her get shitfaced drunk on cheap beer and gobble down slice after slice of greasy Mega Meat pizza then give you occasional sloppy blowjobs the cuddle at bedtime where she forces your face between her big bubbly buttcheeks and farts tremendously (she calls this a Jill Sandwich)

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this is the apartment of someone who absolutely fucks dogs

It's relatively tidy during the dream sequence. They wanted to portray her mental decline due to the Mansion incident.

>all the guys at work gave her a Mega Meat pizza
What did Capcom mean by this? Also what ever happened to her dog?

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That's because she is a good husbando

Only Brad send her a Pizza to get give her a note

I bet her pussy smells too

shes an early 20s woman. if you've ever visited the home of one, you'll know that it's usually even more messy than this

They usually don't have that much beer though.

That apartment definitely stinks like BO, stale food and farts. Jesus Christ Nu-Jill is perfect.

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I miss badass BSAA Jill

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True, it's usually wine.

>Hey user you fucking asshole, want anything from the fridge?

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Fridge full of beer is usually a guys thing. And like you already mentioned, girls have usually some wine in it.


Uh uh I'll *gulp* I'll ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaAAAve a water, please......


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>these people have never seen a woman's apartment
Every woman I've ever met, dated, or fucked that lives on their own, leaves their apartment like this, it's disgusting.
In the bedroom, there's a PILE of clean clothes, and a PILE of dirty clothes. In the kitchen there are plates and shit on the counter, with dirty silverware left in the sink. On the couch, there's a dirty, old blanket crumpled on the couch that they use to cover themselves when lying down watching TV for four hours drinking wine and eating ice cream.

Women, in general, live worse than men when left to their own devices. Men can cope with being left alone, and usually actually want that.
Women absolutely cannot deal with it


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My apartment is always clean, but that might be because I am a dyke who has a clean fetish + like nicely decorated rooms.

You will never be a real female.

Why does she have so many plates.

>racoon milk
Imagine the gains bros...

>girls live in apartments like this and don’t see any issue

Whatever makes you feel better

>In the bedroom, there's a PILE of clean clothes, and a PILE of dirty clothes. In the kitchen there are plates and shit on the counter, with dirty silverware left in the sink.

Guilty as charged. Especially on the clothing thing.

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>It's time... get me the Architect...

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>Two months after Spencer Mansion
>One of the last surviving S.T.A.R.S. officers
>Chris is missing
>Irons has suspended you and put you under house arrest
>You've got PTSD from surviving a monster mad house
>You barely eat or sleep
>No one believes you and you want to bring Umbrella to justice
Its a real mystery user.

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>In the bedroom, there's a PILE of clean clothes, and a PILE of dirty clothes.
Same but it's in bags.

>barely eat
between the sink overflowing with plates and the food lying around looks like my girls been packing it away if anything

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Because she only eats out pussy

Post axe wound

The mansion fucked her up

>Chris is missing
Chris was busy fucking french waitresses in Paris

I wanted the game to feature rebecca, if only a little bit
one day rebecca will be real

>bowl of soup barely touched
>could not finish a slice of pizza, who knows how long it took her to actually get that far into it

Post feet

Half the fucking pie is missing and that was Mega Meat too.

user, that's how I live

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Come on Capcom make it happen

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but when did the pizza arrive