Why the fuck did gaming stop getting iconic, new protagonists? Like proper faces of franchises and companies?
Most of gaming's iconic faces are like a decade or older. Mario, Link, Sonic, Snake, Cloud, Lara Croft, Master Chief, Kratos, Dante etc; literally too many to name, and most are still being seen frequently to this day. Kids are literally getting hand-me-downs with RE2 and FFVII
What iconic new protags did the 10's even have? 2B from Nier Automata?
The focus on realism has made iconic designs so boring, The Last of Us is considered one of the greatest games of the 10's and its protag is just a bearded middle-aged man with a flannel shirt.
Asher Price
Liberals really ruined character designs, their obsession with subverting attractive character designs made everything so fucking boring and ugly.
Lucas Moore
>What iconic new protags did the 10's even have? Minecraft Steve Angry Birds Flappy Bird Jonesy Gen 5/6/7/8 Pokemons Inkling Lucina Shulk Joker Ellie and Joel Isabelle Cuphead Shovel Knight
That’s because most of those set the standard for genres that new franchises are inspired by. That, and more protagonists are becoming self-inserts.
Kayden Cook
John C Reilly
Nolan Walker
Carter Ross
Because most characters today are more realistic-looking or have a generic anime-looking design compared to the more unique and cartoony characters we had in the past.
And the worst part is that it's not even a "voted with the wallet" situation. They just do generic shit because of stupid retarded beliefs
Zachary King
progressivists are the core liberal demographic yes
Jace Johnson
Yes, but they're like PETA, that say that "they're friends of the animals" but kill more animals than anything else. They don't do much "liberalism" for supposed "liberals" and will use a shitton of excuses for that.