Daily reminder

Daily reminder.

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well, yea, you can't always memorize where everything is. Maps are always handy

>Maps = Valid
Okay? Are maps not supposed to be valid anymore? Is there some conspiracy that all maps are fake?

at least it was before quest markers and GPS ruined everything

What is a map? A new made up sexuality?

Globes only, maps have degenerate dimensional dysphoria and get the paper shredder

i'm not going to stop you from fucking kids.
just don't leave a corpse
and always expect them to come back 10 or 15 years later and stab you to death.

What the fuck is a MAP ?

that's an old conspiracy, goes together with all the "lost land" conspiracies and "flat earth" conspiracies

Funny how all the rage directed a pedofiles is the exact same rage against gays over 15 years

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>maps = valid
What does that mean?

I thought the LGBT community were supposed to be inclusive lol

In case you're not memeing and don't get it, MAPs is twitter speak for pedophiles

It's what pedophiles are calling themselves these days

Minor Attracted Person, I think. 50% of them are real pedos trying to get into the LGBT community, the other 50% are trolls trolling the LGBT community.

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Is it valid?

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What I am if I want to fuck that dog but I'm not a furry?

Maps are for plebs.

"Minor attracted person"
Shorthand for pedo.

No they're not, they fucking ruin all sense of exploration and discovery.
>b-b-but I don't want to get looooost
get fucked faggot, get a better sense of direction, write down a map yourself, stop expecting everything to get handed to you on a silver platter fucking bitch

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>Is there some conspiracy that all maps are fake?
Technically it is a conspiracy: trolls baited Yas Forumsfags into spreading the term in order to "delegitimize lgbt causes", but it became a real thing, all according to the lulz.

it means pedos are trying to establish themselves as a legitimate sexuality

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You're not arguing that maps aren't valid though, you're just arguing that they shouldn't be handed to you for free which is fair

wtf i'm a map now

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its honestly less insane than trannyism and cutting your body parts off to become a woman

This shit is fucking gross.

imagine being this mentally ill

so are they for or against trans rights or what

Isabelle is a terf

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It literally is everyone who falls under the category of LGBT have some sort of mental illness or are just generally amoral and evil

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>don't hurt children!
>but also feel free to mutilate them

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i don't know or care i just like 2d cunny

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twitter is a dangerous place, it's really fucked up that popular users give those tags visibility considering what's behind them.

Holy shit, now incels are projecting their beliefs onto the females as well?

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All trannies should be fucking hanged

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Don't they already have the same rights as everybody else?
In civilised countries, I mean. Obviously not in Islamic ones.

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oh, it's another Yas Forums false flag like the pedosexuals

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We already cut their foreskin off
God fuck this world

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You know, it's one thing not have some wires crossed in your head that leads you to finding children attractive, understanding why that's wrong and seeking help to try and overcome it. In that scenario I agree that you shouldn't shut down that discussion and force sick people to seclude themselves.
But I have yet to see a MAP who actually thinks that way. The vast majority of them only seek to celebrate wanting to fuck children and have their sick desires welcomed and encouraged.

>tumblr dies
>tumblr's pedophile community migrates to other websites
Oh no.

How am I supposed to keep up with these meme words?
I don't use any social media like Twitter so I only read these words here.

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All trannies should be fucking hung

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yes, except this one backfired hilariously

They don't have the right to force you to agree with them, unfortunately.

Always hilarious to watch the left eat themselves

America needs to be nuked off the face off the map. Along with China.

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>false flag
it's called a troll you mongoloid


Do Americans really...?

by having the trannies denounce these false flags?

they aren't exclusive terms fucktard, look false flag up

Trannies are so fucking mentally ill they made a fetish into their entire life

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uhm, doomslayer said trans rights

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>he doesn't know

Isn't that what a noMAP is?

>Prides themselves on their inclusive community
Fucking hypocrites

is twitter based now?

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it's not a troll when you're the one who's mad.

>left trivially dismantling the strongest weapon of the right: pathetic trolling
>l-left eating t-themselves! really!

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Nah they're still fighting for the right to conscript themselves into the military and die for israel

Who fucking cares what it's called, turboautist

an umbrella term for people with any condition that means they are sexually attracted to minors (those below the age of consent)

atone your sins or you will get the barrel to meet your God

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lurk more you fucking normalfag

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>tumblr dies
Tumblr's still around, it's only the coomers who left.

They want to have sex with real kids.

That's not based.

>by having the trannies denounce these false flags?
no, the movement actually caught on. there's actually maps now

God loves MAPs!
God IS a MAP!

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yeah they're called pedophiles. who knew pedophiles were an actual thing?

South Koreans do it too, I don’t know why.

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depends on what age range we're talking about senpai

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That's insanely based.
Girls past 10 years old are old hags and deserve the rope


what the fuck is this? are they discussing anime memes in court now? what's happening
is this just a battle to see who's more mentally ill?

actually rent free

>literal pedos are being accepted into lgbbq++
>>the slippery slope isnt real bro stop being so homophobic they are just people with different prefefences

What the fuck is a map?
If you dare say a diagrammatic representation of an area I will cough on you.

Dial 8, tranny.

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>the left has pedos and pedo sympathizers

>literal pedos are being accepted into lgbbq++
no, they are not. what you're witnessing is a false flag.

Jesus christ, at least let me get my glasses before you start glowing so hard.

most of those guys were jewish btw

som1 replace with gender dysphoria

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>polfags are terrified of map acceptance
>create movement for map acceptance
>maps are accepted

Minor Attracted Person. It's twitterspeak for a paedophile.


can we post porn in those threads since the mods are asleep?

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Is it just me or is Yas Forums seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yas Forums has turned against them.

be gone, false prophet

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So it's finally coming
The left is really going to try and push for pedo acceptance
We are reaching levels of Weimar that should never have happened again
DOTR cannot come soon enough

yeah look at this poor victim

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>t. ranny

>maps are accepted
but they are not. just check those hashtags, everyone is denouncing this shit

>people are falseflagging pedos with the LGBTQDR whatever the fuck to smear the whole movement
>this, of course, actually attracts actual pedos who want to legally finger little kids
>this will lead to a major skedaddle where the twitter brainlets will eventually force themselves to tolerate pedophilia because the groupthink will demand them to do so
>pedophilia will then be just as acceptable as being gay or a tranny
How many dimensions of chess is this?

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Feminists are being harassed by trannies now.

boards are not singular identities dumb nigger.

The democrats?

More like The Degenerates.


This will become accepted within the next 8 or so years at least in America considering everything is falling apart at a rapid pace.

a good chuck of Yas Forums has always hated stormfags. i won't name the boards.

Next time there's a global pandemic I hope it actually manages to wipe out the human race


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Never thought i'd live to see the day where there's a PC term for a fucking nonce.
What a magical age we live in.

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get those reports flooding in so it lights up the moderation view and then watch as the mod wipes the report queue like the faggot they are so they doesn't have to deal with it

>l-left is p-pedo!
>actual left just says "nope, pedos go away" without REEEing or coping
>meanwhile the right fights for loli
>meanwhile churches are pedo rape centers
>meanwhile incels want child marriage back
>meanwhile ultraconservative muslims gang rape children

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twitterspeak for pedophile
and I don't mean "dude that jerks off to 4000 year old lolis" I mean actual, bonafide pedophiles

>ever acceptable

as delusional as a man who thinks cutting off his penis and taking pills will make him a woman