PS5 Price reportedly being very high

Thus limited units due to demand.

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Not backwards compatible with PS3, somehow weaker than the Xbox SEX. Thanks Sony, I hate it.

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Sony always wins baby!

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>Significantly weaker than the SeX
>Will probably cost the same price as the SeX

They should just delay the console.
>Has a sane price
>Has some fucking games
>We might not all be broke and dead because of coronavirus


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They wouldn't go higher than five hundred ninety nine US dollars. Would they?

Because they blew their budget on the SSD.

six hundred dollas aint shit

>It's not going to sell a lot.
>So let's just not build that many...

Winner mentality right here.

Manufacturing price high during a pandemic and before economy of scale starts rolling?
Why i never!!


Now adjust for inflation.

My guess is that it wasn't the original plan, but the pandemic put a wrench on their plans so they decided that selling at a loss was too risky

The reports are saying between $499 and $549

>499-549 bucks
I'll stay with my ps4 and hacked switch, thanks

Worth every penny thanks to the SUPERCHARGED Gaming SSD that Sony put in it.

Who is the target audience?

Expensive price tag, no exclusives, limited improvement over PS4 Pro.

ooof, cum or smegma or feces are your only options? Why even game?

>Who is the target audience?

Both Sony and Microsoft should delay their consoles, by they won't. Neither one is going to do well with everyone being financially crippled through at least the rest of this year.

>six hundred dollas aint shit
I would agree if the economy wasn't in free fall. I have a good job and normally could afford it if I wanted one, but why not save your money now instead of paying to beta test a console with no games even mentioned yet?

But genuinely, the average console buyer, most of my friends, buy it for Fifa and one shooting game. They aren't going to spend £400+

Half of Yas Forums just got trump bux handout, they feel they're kings of the world.

Sony should delay the PS5 and focus on reaching 140 million sold on PS4.

Let Microsoft release first, they are irrelevant anyway.

>calling your money the government gave you in advance "drumpfbux"
Dumb polroach


Well no one should buy a console day 1 anyways, but most people do because of the good ol' "i got to have the new shining toy" mindset. You should not underestimate people's stupidity

To be fair at this point being surprised about PS5 costing more than $400 is your own fault, every report we heard about it for the past months have said that the machine was expensive

Speak for yourself I got a stack of trumpbux in my bank account

pisspoor R&D

microsoft might be retarded when it comes to marketing but they're still a computer company, which means they're usually up on all the latest and greatest PC tech.

>6 million instead of 7.5 million
lol what

It only bothers me because it will also affect the price of the SeX. So if Sony goes high MS will also go high and in my opinion both companies are high for doing this.

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Oh i'm not surprised, besides i didn't really wanted to get one as i've literally seen no games. I'm just gonna take a seat and watch the fireworks. When something interesting comes out a few years after release, maybe i'll think about getting one

it's obvious that next gen consoles will both cost $499

>limiting manufactured plans, raising price
>it was all part of the plan

suuure Sony, suuure

I can believe that I guess. I know a few people who get a new finance car every 2 years.

>people are going to buy a PS5 when the games are going to be anime slideshows you could dev for a PS2
But why?

Sonyfags are ok with paying $60 for online, why do you fags think that they aren't ok with spending $1000 for a new console?
The alternative to the PS5 is a fucking Xbox. This gen ruined the xbox brand for normies, even though both consoles are the same cancer.

most ps4 owners don't know that you can play games on computers

i wipe my ass with six hundred dollars

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It's the same kind of people happy to be in line every year to be the first to get the new iphone, why? well because they got to have it and also because all their friends are getting it. And they are genuinely happy getting it

IM so glad everything that could go wrong with this launch is going wrong

>Cucked by a virus
>Can't produce enough units for Christmas rush
>Significantly weaker than Xbox
>Embarassing controller
>Literally no games

Consolefags are literal retards, they don't realise $750 is less than $500 + 5 years of $60 subscriptions.

The real question is will that one guy be able to have 5 PS5's?

>buying a console
>buying a console at launch
>buying a console that you know nothing about other than specs and a fucking logo
>buying a new console during these times where devs can barely work on games
>buying the first wave of new consoles that tend to be faulty
>buying a console with no bunduru

Nah im good with my PS4/Switch/PC. It has everything I want with a backlog to get me through 3 years into the next generation.

what a stupid post...


Don't act like the pc playerbase is not invaded by idiots too. This whole consolewar thing is nonsense, it's just people trying to validate their own choices by shitting on others.

not as dumb as going all in on SSD tech

i actually think this is a worse gimmick than Nintendo has ever produced

Console games cost less than PC games though.

I'm not poor and have a PC and PS+ anyway
Have you tried not being poor?

Have fun being cucked by digital "ownership"

it is. they have no cpu power to utilize all the ssd speed properly. it essentially just bottlenecks. its like amateur computer builder hour over at snoy right now and this next gen is going to be a big wake up call for them when it happens.

How are loading times a gimmick? Sony didn't produce shit, SSDs have been around for a long time.

You misunderstood. The PS5 has a dedicated coprocessor for decompressing assets streamed from the SSD, which means using it has negligible CPU overhead.
Xbox Series X's "velocity architecture" is similar.

kek, PS5 is dead on arrival. XBOX SEX will be the same price or less with way more power and full backwards compatibility. Sony will cry themselves to sleep with their meme ssd and meme controller

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>What is Red Ring of Death