You want to know what's the worst thing? It's almost good

All this would be easier to accept if the entire game was garbage, but it isn't. Nomura's fanfic doesn't go full force until quite literally the end of the game. Yes, it's padded out to hell and beyond, the "extension" of Midgar doesn't work when instead of giving us brand new unrelated missions to the OG story (ie investigating some murder mystery or something in a Sector we never went to, like 3) we hard MMO quests (kill X rats in the 5 Slums). A lot of interactions between the existing party is great, mainly Barret really, but then you're hit with Hojo's shota robot son. The extension of AVALANCHE's members does wonders for their ultimate demise, but then that demise never comes. If they absolutely had to show Sephiroth, then the reveal of him killing President Shinra right in front of Barrett and co. would've been a FANTASTIC FUCKING INTRODUCTION. But it's not an introduction, as he's been copy pasted 25 times before then. Hojo is made creepier than ever, but he's taken away by the time jannies. Reeve has been given more protagonist, but he takes his time to activate the Fursona and look depressed at the age of the Plate's destruction. The Plate destruction is of a way bigger scale, except most people survive it and even the 7th Heaven is almost unscathed. The Motor Ball fight being introduced while in the bike is cool, but then the fight happens solely in the bike because what you fight at the end of the hallway are the time jannies and a Sephiroth with a black wing and jumping around Midgar Advent Children style. And the hopeful looking on to the sunrise as they're about to leave Midgar is cut short to remind you that timelines exist and Zack is alive in one of them.
It's almost good. It's ALMOST good. That's the worst part. There's no doubt in my mind there'll be a PC mod cutting most of Nomura's fanfic as possible, but even then. Now, FFVIIR is canon, in its own timeline or whatever the fuck. It doesn't matter anymore. That's what I'm the most furious about.

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And the worst thing is ; the next part will go full nomura fanfiction now that the whispers are dead.

That's why the first part is called just Remake and not Remake part 1...the next one will not be a remake anymore.

The worst thing is that people find the characters and world of Final Fantasy so appealing.

It fucking sucks and you're all children for liking it.


Yeah, this is how i feel. It's like they crafted a fine veneer of nostalgia. No one can argue that it looks and feels great, until of course you notice theres some peeling. Once you keep pulling the flakes of nostalgia away eventually youre left with Eva 2.2.

The sad thing is the game to me feels like a chameleon disguising its true nature, and everyone seems to be willingly accepting it. Give someone small enough doses and theyll eventually accept it as truth, which is exactly what theyre doing.

He is right... Whats the appeal of this crap ? A selfinsertanimeemospikehairfag with a big useless sword

You could just remove a lot of shit and end up with a pretty good remake.

Cloud is not even close to a self-insert unless you're Chris-chan.

The best thing about this game is watching fags like OP seethe. I've never experienced so much schadenfreude in my life.

>Final Fantasy VII Remake
>Final Fantasy VII Redone
>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

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I just want to make it clear that I'm not here to shitpost on the game and fan the flames. I wanted to like the game so much. FFVII is right next to SM64 as my favorite games of all time. But there's so many things wrong about this remake. I can't even understand why this game isn't getting 6s all across the board. My theory is that for once it's true that the critics were too scared to stamp a bad note on a classic. The combat system is so fucking attrocious. Most of the time you're not even in control of the situation you're in and mashing square. Way too often the game renders everybody but your caster useless, it's so fucking annoying. It's filled with bad game design choices like pitting fucking solo Cloud against the Helitroopers that you just cannot reach. I could write an entire thesis on these fucking corridors. Who the FUCK thinks this is a good idea, that's 1990's game design. "Haha main corridor but wait OTHER corridor with hi-potion at the end ;)". It's so padded out with shit that doesn't serve the plot in any way. Sure, I'm down with the Jessie mission, but anything else after that is true filler. The dementors were such a shit idea, and are used in places (Aerith almost falling off the balcony) that made me physically cringe. The music is so good but takes a nasty dive when it gets electro for the latter half of the game. The side quests are attrocious, some resolutions are ugly to look at as well as the non-main character NPCs. I don't even know if I have the willpower to finish it and get even more crushed by the ending. I'm at the point where Aerith saves Marlene and flies off with the turks. Should I at least finish it or is it not worth my time? How long is left?
Holy fuck that game is disappointing. All I can say is after seeing this and Warcraft 3 I truely hope Nintendo leeaves SM64 as it is stand as the king that never got its legacy stained

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>Final Fantasy VII Rewrite
>Final Fantasy VII Retooled
>Final Fantasy VII Recontextualized
>Final Fantasy VII Replacement
>Final Fantasy VII Retardation

i cant tell if this is straight up copypasta or if all the shitposts about this game are this similar

You want to know the worst thing? Shills like you will defend this trash and legitimize Square being terrible, thus solidifying the death of Final Fantasy.

Cloud is the ultimate nerd fantasy.
>shy nerd gets no pussy
>works his ass off to become strong
>fails, but then superpowers
>actually convince himself he is now chad
>has the skills to back up the claim
>girls wet their pants at chad persona
>still autistic

Oh fuck me you're right. That would actually make a lot of sense.

Maybe they should have just made an original game instead of ruining the same game whose coattails they're dependent on riding.

Really? My nerd fantasy is just a succubus turning me into an incubus and being kind of a teacher/mommy gf for me.

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You'd have a better chance if you were Cloud tho

Nah, in my fantasy, succubi like submissive types like me.

I imagine that the most infuriating thing should be that it's split into several parts for no reason at all. I would be pissed if I was a FF7 fan but I guess they just let that one slide.

Or to say it another way: My fantasy isn't to become a chad, my fantasy is chadness not being necessary.

How was that shilling you retard? He makes a good point, even I want to absolutely hate this game but the parts that work, work really damn good, so it makes the shit parts stand out even more. Our only hope is Nomura getting corona

I was fine with the idea of separate parts as long as they fleshed out Midgar and let you explore and such. Instead it’s all padding, filler, and time jannies. Square can get fucked. They are dead to me.

I noticed later after I read the rest of his post. I personally think the game plays like crap so I assumed he was a shill after the first few sentences.

I'm far more pissed off that they've thrown out the old story and are doing this alternate timeline bullshit instead, and that they pulled a bait-and-switch on people wanting a faithful remake of the original game.

The only thing I like about FF7R is Mommy Scarlet.

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>Nomura fanfic

How can it be a fanfic when it was based on a story he originally came up with, along the Gooch?

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Puts nu-Tifa to shame

The ghosts seem stupid and unnecessary as fuck and I'm saying that as someone who never played the original.

Read Masakazu Katsura

you see how theres 2 names there?

Any of his works in particular?

People should be shitting on Nojima then, not Nomura. Unlike the original game, which had both Nomura and Sakaguichi doing the original story with Kitase and Nojima both being the actual writers.

In the remake, it's just Nojima.

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>The combat system is so fucking attrocious.
I just simply cannot agree with that, all the things that people complain about it makes it so good because that’s what gives it strategic difficulty

They are stupid and unnecessary as fuck. If they were so determined to throw the original story out, there didn't need the ghosts to do it. They could have just had things happen differently without trying to use ghosts as some weird meta explanation. People would have been rightfully pissed either way, but the ghost part was completely unnecessary to accomplish this.