Hey cuties!

Hey cuties!
What video games do you plan on playing today?

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this and risk of rain 2

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I beat FF7R a ffew days ago and really loved. Replaying the original on my thicc ps1 now. Amazed the console still works!

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probable some gacha and ff7

.hack//G.U. Last Recode

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Trying to finish AC:Odyssey

FF14, Animal Crossing and Dead by Daylight (as a killer tho, fuck playing survivor)


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how's your boyfriend menhera?

Solitaire and minesweeper not joking

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I played some Animal Crossing, CSGO, FZERO, and Zelda:TP.
Overall a good day.

I have no idea who this is, and I want to play Roblox.

Probably some PSO and Code Vein with a friend.

I dont have one silly!

A Minecraft Harry Potter map. It looks like a fuckin game of its own.

Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter

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I don't play games.

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I'm sad

>What video games do you plan on playing today?
I bought a bunch of yuri slideshows for less than $10 bucks so they should keep me entertained for at least a couple of days while I play actual games from my backlog

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fuck off tranny.

Literally me.

I'm playing the switch version of the original final fantasy vii
The remake hits the same beats but the ending had almost broke me, this port is cleaned up and competent vs the ps vita port.
No matter where you are or what platform of choice you choose to play on, Final fantasy vii is a PlayStation masterclass classic so go play it to experience one of the best RPGs in video game history. The other being final fantasy Vi.

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i'll be ripping and tearing all day in doom eternal
damn that combat is satisfying

Persona 5 Royal
70 hours in and still loving it

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I'm trying to build Minecraft midgar and Lego midgar in Lego worlds I looked at this picture as inspiration. But I can't build the 300m high midgar but compromised at 128blocks from bedrock for the top plate. I'm shaving the area down at the moment.
It took 2 years for this guy to build midgar in Minecraft. This will be at least 5 years work I fear.

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