JRPG Thread

What are ya playan and/or grindan, Yas Forums?
Last one was a bit rocky, so I'll refrain from the edition thing this time around. Day 16 for reference's sake, though.

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Beat FF9, which I have completed a bunch of times. Started FF8 yesterday which I’ve never finished but I’m looking forward to this time. Working my way through 1-10 in any order I choose

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Grinding in Monad every now and then to get this fucker up to speed. At this rate, I'm fairly certain he's gonna hit Lv99 with all stats maxed.

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>tfw the mods will most likely kill this thread
yet they still keep up Yas Forums-lite threads and thinly veiled coomer threads

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Dumb dwarves in Chrono Cross all deserve to die.
That is all.

On my way to the Pirates' hideout in RS2 after which I'll head on to the volcano again. Cannot get over how hype the Strategist's battle pose is, the man is a legend

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translation when

>comfy posting

>/wrpg/ /crpg/
>shitflinging everywhere
>your game is not a tru rpg
>my wrpg/crpg is superior
I just want comfy posting for w/crpg too ;_;

thinking of starting pic related

does it emulate well?

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Shigen is based.
I'd do a CRPG thread myself but people would instantly start shit.
I blame redditors and Owlcat shills.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake
I decided not to grind for Chadley's ''get all 12 materias to MAX'' mission, and I will leave this for NG+ because I heard you can carry over everything. And I also have some unfinished VR missions in Shinra HQ; again, for NG+
Noice. You're that user who started RS2 a few days ago after some (of us?) recommended it to you? Will you play RS3 after it?

There's a set of finished scripts for the PSP version of DevSum floating around somewhere - which is about the best you can get, truth be told - but the last I've heard of an actual romhack was some news post from a couple of years ago saying "yeah, it's going well".
So at this rate, probably never, lmao.

What cRPGs have you been playing lately? Any JRPG/CRPG crossover?

Just started wild arms 2 second disc. Feels so dead compared to 1

speaking of, i gotta finish the 3DS SMT games

Every strategist is.

I'm actually the user who started with RS3 shortly before Easter - some user here (probably one of you two) recommended the game to me and I was so amazed that I instantly jumped into RS2 after I finished RS3. And I'll continue with the other games in the series too, just not sure if I should do The Last Remnant or Minstrel Song first.

I started Trails in the Sky SC. Played the first game a few years ago, and somehow managed not to have fun, but seeing the FF7 remake got me in the mood to play a JRPG so I'm going back in for the story. Also have Vesperia to play after.

Decided to get into the Legend of Heroes: Trials games, but my friends who first mentioned it couldn't get into Trials of the Sky. Did some research, and I know the games are all connected, so I spent the entirety of yesterday watching in-depth recaps/explanations of everything leading up to the Trials of Cold Steel games. I mean, I've got free time, but not playing FC, SC, 3rd, ZnK, AnK, and all the fucking cold steel games. I've got plenty of freetime, but I don't wanna commit that much to weebshit. It's been fun learning all the character relations and world building, but FUCK there is so much to these games once you get past FC and I totally get how sucked into the universe you can be.

TLDR: I'm about to boot up Trials of Cold Steel for the first time, excited to keep going in this story.

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TLR is great game.
Protip: try to fight as many monsters groups as you can - you have the ability to slow down time for a few seconds and ''mark'' more enemies. The more enemies you mark, plus if you enter the fight with bad morale, you have better chance to get items, to have stat raise after the fight, and a better chance to learn new skills.
Once you stop receiving bonuses, stop fighting those enemies.

Tip 2: use Mr. Dig as much as you can nad try to level up him asap. Go into a dungeon, mine, and once you deplete the mine, go back to world map and repeat.

Tip 3: try to learn Cachexia skill (under the Hex group). Try to have at least 2 guys with Cachexia and put them into 2 different teams. It will help a lot against some superbosses.

I'm trying to get into the Wizardry series. I'm emulating the GBC version of Wizardry 1; has anyone completed the first 3 or 4 games and could tell me if it's worth it?

I heard about the difficulty, which is why I'm even interested

>want a timesink till trials of mana but too autistic to start a jrpg without 100% it

cold steel is by far the weakest of the 3 series

I might finish Final Fantasy VIII tomorrow. Just depends on whether or not I do optional shit, which I probably will. I don't know if I'll ever finish Time and Eternity at this rate. I keep playing other games.
Nah, we've got that dumb shit here, too. It just doesn't take over the whole thread.

I recommend the SNES compilation, Story of Llylgamyn.

You don't really need Cachexia, especially in normal mode, it's just the usual crutch like Quicktime for those who don't want to bother learning the more indepth tuning, it also doesn't do shit against some superbosses like the Enlightened Seven since people like Milton don't need AP in the first place and they're extremely fast, most Hexers are also slow units.
It sure does help making The Fallen more bearable in your first playthrough though.
Get the PSX Llylgamyn collections, they cover up to Wizardry V and are the best versions of the games so far.

Switch I ordered finally came in so I’m playing the OG ffvii and Valkyria chronicles atm. I want to get ffxii but I’m unsure. Whenever it’s brought up in these threads people either really love it or passionately hate it. What do you think anons?

Get it. Or don't get it.

Using the quarantine to try out FF for the first time after hating JRPG's for a lifetime.

Have so far played 6 just finished 9 about to start 7(og). Super comfy so far.

About to play Nocturne after I discovered that it recently got a Randomizer

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Fuck the Fallen; I used it against Demigod and The True Conqueror.

uh, bro, CS is the worst arc of the three. If you're going to skip any of the games CS1 through 4 would be the ones to skip.

I still can't get over that mod. The very thought of casually running into Matador in a random, low-level encounter terrifies me, honestly.

no hoying here allowed

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I'm playing SMT Nocturne. Just saved that girl at the top of the obelisk, and now going through the labyrinth of Amala. I'm lost in the second kalpa.
I've also received Persona 5 Royal last week. I'm at the Madarame's Palace. Nothing big changed, but I'm still having fun playing it.

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Imagine playing SMT IV and siding with Jonathan.

Which JRPGs feature playable characters who wear thongs?

Started SMT: Strange Journey yesterday since my wife hijacked my Switch for AC and man its incredible, im 12 hours in and only in Sector B cuz I cant stop recruiting demons and trying different fusions.


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Final Fantasy X-2

>that girl
She's got a name, user.
>and now going through the labyrinth of Amala
Not too often that I see people doin' Lucifer's bidding off the bat. Who was the last Fiend ya ran into? I'm guessing Hell Biker, but I can't remember if the Riders came before or after him.
>I cant stop recruiting demons and trying different fusions.
You might like SMT4 as well; some of its QoLs are there solely to improve the Fusion system and make it more *fluid*, per se. Although, y'know, the rest of the game is also pretty good :V

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I don't understand the phrasing here. Does the magic still reside in the Mine or in the Stone?
If it's in the Mine, I'll take the stone and yeet it somewhere. If it's in the Stone, it can sod off - I don't want to lose another character like I lost one when I drank the "healing potion" in that tribal village.

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Make sure to side with the Angel you meet there at every opportunity to unlock the good ending, lots of anons miss out on it.

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He was easily the most reasonable aligment character in SMT IV.

Take it, you can have the molemen craft a ring that blocks all magic with it

I ran into him once and def planned on doing that, good to know