Persona 5 Royal is the best JRPG of the decade. Did you see it coming?
Persona 5 Royal is the best JRPG of the decade. Did you see it coming?
>praises combat system
Ask me how I know P5 was this faggot's first Persona or even Megaten game.
why do weebtoids praise these sorts if things in jap crap
especially style
literally just anime shit LOL
Japanese media inspired by Japanese culture and myths is absolutely bottom of the barrel shit, I'd rather play whatever tranny game Bioware is pumping out at the moment. It is funny because Japanese media inspired by European culture and myths is great and better then anything the west pumps out.
That's not how you spell Xenoblade Chronicles.
Hell even Trails of Cold Steel 3 is a better or even the Last Story. Persona 4 Golden also came out last decade.
Persona 5 is a great game, Yas Forums being contrarian central and persona already being the casualized version of SMT drives extreme backlash against it that it doesn't deserve.
That said, Royal can fuck right off, it's a garbage cash grab that appeals to the lowest common denominator and anyone who wasted money on it was duped.
>haha menu goes fwoosh
Tbf it was mine too when 5 came out. I since went through all the smt and persona series. Really glad p5 introduced me to it all.
how many threads about this are you going to keep making, is it to attract console war fags? i can't tell
>ugh fucking weebs praising combat
>they should be playing cinematic nintendo games like me
It’s also a lot better than vanilla
He's trying to force a new shitty meme about a game he's seething about, kinda like the godlike combat autist
Getting pretty tired of hearing about this shit series. It's nowhere near as good as people say it is. It's a 6.5/10 game. Artstyle is terrible. Content is lacking. The entirety of it and the series is pure concentrated cringe that only kids under the age of 15 should be able to get away with playing them without looking like pathetic faggots like the unfortunate vast majority of the people who actually play them. The music is extremely overdone, they tried way too hard to sound like the genre the track is supposed to be emulating, making the entire OST sound like clown music. I can't stand this series at all and I wish accelerated evaporation upon each and every individual who claims its anything higher than average.
The combat system is fantastic, the problem comes from fucking awful encounter design and balancing. Okamura's bossfight might be one of the worst RPG bosses I've ever had to go against, and I'm fucking sick that the only way of making bosses even remotely challenging is giving them no weaknesses in a game based around exploiting fucking weaknesses, but to be fair this problem is present in most Megatens past a certain point. At least in those you don't have to refresh buffs and debuffs constantly like in P5.
>Getting pretty tired of hearing about this shit series. It's nowhere near as good as people say it is. It's a 6.5/10 game. Artstyle is terrible. Content is lacking. The entirety of it and the series is pure concentrated cringe that only kids under the age of 15 should be able to get away with playing them without looking like pathetic faggots like the unfortunate vast majority of the people who actually play them. The music is extremely overdone, they tried way too hard to sound like the genre the track is supposed to be emulating, making the entire OST sound like clown music. I can't stand this series at all and I wish accelerated evaporation upon each and every individual who claims its anything higher than average.
You're a jaded fuck that hates anything popular, got it.
This is actually the best JRPG of the decade
All that hot air, and "they tried way too hard" is your only actual argument. What's it like being an angry teenager, angry about games you've never played?
"popular" isn't the correct word for this game. Overrated is more accurate. You ants who suck asian cocks have become so fucking loud about the persona series that uninterested parties have become aware of it and are beginning to dabble in it. 100% nonweeb normalfags now have their fingers on something that has been completely alien to them their whole life and suddenly it's their favorite series and game of all time. "Wow, japanese culture! It's so different from ours and interesting! I wish I was japanese so fucking much now!". You retards should have kept your orgasms at attending japanese schools just like in your favorite moeshit anime in check, now you have infected your own series with subzero IQ faggots.
Persona 5 is a PS3 game announced nearly a decade ago and the PS4 got an updated re-release port of it in 2020.
Why do you make threads about this? It's the weakest Persona game and inferior to every SMT game put out on the DS and 3DS.
Go outside, just leave this fucking website, you'll feel much better
I find it odd that people praise the combat when it's what you spend the least time doing
still mad
Persona was still an obscure as fuck series before 5 was ever announced. It VERY rarely was ever on ANY top ten jrpg lists because nobody even fucking knew it existed. Suddenly, 5 comes out and OH MY GOD BEST GAME EVER MADE I LOVE PERSONA SO MUCH DUDE 10/10!!!
It's all artificial. Any praise for the series is literally fabricated on the spot, mid speech. This is why I'm tired of hearing about it. It's all overblown garbage being spouted by a normalfag who was introduced to the series through 5, and claims 5 to be the best JRPG according to them. They're 100% untrustworthy and shouldn't be listened to whatsoever. I don't know what it is about Persona in particular but my fucking god it has to be the biggest offender of this shit I've ever seen. Other games and their series get people like that too, but persona fags take it to a whole different level of shilling.
Persona 5 was just that good, get over it.
What ever you say, nigger. I bet you play Smash Ultimate as well.
Persona 5 is garbage and anyone recommending it should be gassed. For a VN esque game you are subjected to 100 hrs+ of one of the worst padded out fanfiction tier garbage. The main writer should be fired and have his family killed by hanging.
P5fags are the niggers of video game fanbases they have no identity, memes and culture.
You should only like it if your skin is black and have an IQ below 70
Because combats are fast and end quickly. Thus praise worthy.
If you have HP sponges then play FF7R.
Atta boy.
Simple, he hasn't a clue what shin megami tensei is.
He thinks that weakness = all out attacks,
Even Dx2 liberation the mobile game is more SMT it gives you a half turn, similar to nocturne in IV is gives you a smirk. Personally, I just send them to hell unless you are jack frost, dark frost and pyro jack it's jackolantern in Japanese persona 5 scramble.
I'm Doing a new game plus run in persona 5 it's turned into a hee ho catastrophe. I buy my persona fuse them them send the rest into hell with my flashy all out attack.
Turn based combat is my bread and butter, active turn based is my coffee and action RPG is my dessert.
>This is the state of JRPGs since 2010
What happened? There were two other good ones and they were both Xenoblade.
You're low IQ.
Yes, because a lot of new people joined the franchise. P5 was marketed as fuck unlike the previous games. More new players more hype.
Don't you remember how you felt the first time you played a smt-esque game?
Artificial is your disingenuous post, not the praise this game got by a bunch of newcomers
Why isn't this incredibly graphically basic game on Switch yet? I'm not buying a PS4.
Because fatlus are morons
>cinematic nintendo games
has losing all your exclusives slowly rot your brain this much, snoyfag?
Is Digimon Cyber Sluts collection any good anyways? I read that it is similar to SMT in a way.
Any of you played it and liked it?
>buying the same game again
Fuck fatluses
It's the best rpg for depressed losers who's only friends are podcasters and youtube personalities
Portbegger adds value to any and all conversations. You crying like a baby at a supermarket for not getting a Superman toy, yes, cry little baby.
Portbeg, yes, you are an invaluable asset to all. Thank you for telling us you soiled your diapers because baby doesn't have X game on their platform.
>cinematic weeb game
>but with cringe dialogue and shit writing padded for over 100 hours