DDWT - Daily Denuvo Won Thread

DDWT - Daily Denuvo Won Thread

How are you holding up, pirate fags? Played game-x for the n-th time again? Sure must be fun to check crackwatch.com every 10 minutes.

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Yep, thats enough.

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don't want to play shit

OwO what's this

why the hell would you want to play remake 3, it’s not even worth it

I was so pissed when I paid for REmake 2 and found this out a week later.

CODEX already cracked it. Seen it on their official site. Stay mad, tranny.

I NEED TO CONSOOOOOOOOOOOM but I wont pay for it

I don't pirate but imagine being proud of consumerism.

I bet you collect Pop Vinyls.

Uh hello, based department?


Fuck yeah, they're awesome.

What? Did they die from corona?!

Their denuvo cracking method got leaked and fixed. Now they are demoralized, they only crack indies and old shit anymore.

Begone shill, go back to paying for games you cuck

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BUT red dead redemption 2 when?

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>filtering people
that's a little bitch move... 4channel is about reading retarded posts from annoying people, without moronic opinions there's almost no point to it

Scene groups don't have sites you retarded bag of shit.

Honestly, I have such a big backlog I don't even care. O haven't even played RE2 yet. I have a crack of NeiR downloaded and I have yet to play it.
I just finished Alan Wake for the first time. I'm doing all right. I pirate any game that uses Denuvo, has shitty DRM, or uses third-party accounts like Uplay.
I doubt anyone is sitting around seething they can't play RE3 for a month.

Played game-x for the n-th time again?

Isn't that buyfags? I have basically every game ever available to me, where are paypigs only have what they can afford or track down in stores

>d-didn't want to play it anyways!

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everything is tied to online

It's Out

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Please enjoy the (you) I put a lot of effort into it.

piracy ended?

I haven't even pirated RE2 yet, Yas Forums told me it's coomer shit and it sucks. I'll buy/pirate it eventually though.

Hey denuvobros, we have to ask/commision some drawfags to create denuvo-chan, now that piracy is dying.

Daily poor fag thread LMAOOOOOOOOOO

LOL u mad kid ? :^)

this, thats why i didnt buy 3 this time wtf is going on

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