2020... I am forgotten.
2020... I am forgotten
Like hell it is.
We JUST had a huge, bumb-limit breaking thread last week.
I myself finished the game for the first time less than two weeks ago. Already got a good > 150 hours put into it, and I'm far from Platinumin' it any time soon.
Will certainly get it on Steam day1, just to help my fellow Porters.
What a shit thread. Kill yourself OP
>Finally got the zipline setup so that I can go from Mountain Knot to Mountaineer, Spiritualist, First Prepper, Distribution Center North of Mountain Knot City, Weather Station, and Roboticist without stopping.
>Only roughly 100 LoL ranks from 500.
I'm assuming I'll still need to set crap up on the way to Edge Knot as well, right? These things are way hardier than I thought and it really makes getting to assholes like First Prepper so much easier. That Chilled Fish and Snowflake Sample requirement he gives to Weather Station is a bit of a dick move though, you basically need a truck you can immediately enter when dropping near Weather Station just so it doesn't drop past 2% damage from the heat.
Something I hope someone can clear up:
When in the world was it established BB's name was Lou? Because if you go exploring without Lou in chapter 6 Sam has unique dialogue calling him Lou when the previous chapters never had him doing that despite Deadman constantly saying his bond with BB was close. I know Deadman addresses the whole fact of calling him that with the Sam backstory exposition, but was this meant to be something that teases us before we get that infodump? Because it's more confusing than anything at that point.
Another thing that's driving me mad is how in the world isn't the entirety of the USA just voidouts and craters? It's not like news would travel from Massachusetts fast enough to stop the ridiculous amount of people that die every single day, especially miscarriages and c-sections, so realistically voidouts should have decimated everything the day of the Death Stranding with no one left alive period due to how the craters made by non-Repatriates is three times as big and roughly nuke-size which also spawn BTs to repeat that cycle.
wasn't subbed but earlier chapters you can hear Sam call BB Lou from time to time.
probably because the terrain kept changing because of the timefall rain restoring craters.
>probably because the terrain kept changing because of the timefall rain restoring craters.
But I mean that there shouldn't be any survivors period. Barring someone like the First Prepper, Spiritualist, Junk Collector, Chiral Artist, or Film Director who are completely in the boonies and were already innawoods before shit hit the fan no one should have survived anything. Entire areas are wiped out because of a single death, and this is before anyone would realize what the Beach is, what Chiral radiation is, and what BTs are. The BTs should have immediately materialized around something like Manhattan, killed everyone, caused more voidouts, and then spread outward. Bodies inside of the various cities outside of Manhattan should have already been triggering voidouts and killing everyone within hundreds of miles which would then spawn more BTs, and since you have a shared Beach due to all the deaths it should then cause even more issues with BTs.
Pretty much any populated area should be a voidout crater which is the equivalent of nuking it, and any survivors left would also be nuked. The only survivors should technically be Repatriates which would be one in who knows how many people. If we follow the story (At least up until chapter 8) the only DOOMs sufferers are Sam, Fragile, and Higgs and the population of the entire USA up until that point is in the couple hundred thousands of survivors with Middle Knot City wiped off the map. I don't even understand how they'd be able to start BB research or even research into the BTs, Chiral Network, or the Beach, everyone around the globe should be gone with only a handful of Repatriates as survivors.
Oh, and another thing, the Repatriates would all instantly die due to timefall if they did somehow survive the BT voidouts because they don't know about that either. Fragile ran from the middle of that underpass to Crater Lake and essentially aged something like 60 years in under 20 seconds which wasn't even close to reaching the lake, but we know she did. They don't have the chiral-coated suits that keep them from deteriorating and they don't have the research that chiral crystals protect things from deteriorating, they don't have the ability to access the Chiral Network to spawn material for anything because it doesn't exist.
They would have to wait it out in a structure that will begin to crumble and deteriorate relatively quickly if any still exist despite all the voidouts, hope the timefall stops, pray there's no BTs around, and then pretty much singlehandedly create the Chiral Network from the ground up. The entire situation seems impossible from a conceptual level.
There's no foreshadowing for Lou stuff. It's just Sam realizing his own bond better after cp5.
Just dying does not cause a Voidout.
The annihilation event is triggered when a BT consumes a human being. So a single VO boom could decimate an entire city, and only leave BTs around, without chain reactions.
>So a single VO boom could decimate an entire city, and only leave BTs around, without chain reactions.
Right, but that also spawns more of them because of the boom and timefall in the area. Originally it would start like how it did in Massachusetts with the doctor performing a c-section and having a BT consume him, but then you'd have wandering BTs everywhere with timefall everywhere. This should be happening worldwide during operations and then from there it would be an absolutele slaughter because none of the buildings would be able to withstand the timefall, people would all die in the streets from timefall or BTs, and it wouldn't even get to the point where they could begin research. The only people left alive would be preppers out in the forests, but even they would die from timefall. It's a situation that shouldn't be possible to survive or even begin research in.
Imagine if you had a zombie pathogen that spawns whenever someone dies from a heart attack. Now anyone who is trying to save that person becomes a zombie thanks to the person who died, except in this case the zombie pathogen has the ability to level cities and anyone caught in the blast also becomes an ethereal zombie producing blood rain that melts the environment. Sure, it sounds like it would be pretty localized, but a lot of people die from heart attacks, and while the cities would be decimated it would still eventually catch up to the people not in cities because this thing spreads.
it's not forgotten
it transcended and became a reality
>Right, but that also spawns more of them because of the boom and timefall in the area
That is what I was saying.
New deads spawn more BTs, but no void outs on their own. There is also indicators that the BTs are "bound" to the area they perished at, which is why there's now clear "BT areas". The whole chapter about Mama & the baby is further evidence of this.
The game's lore establishes the Knot points as locations where timefall literally does not ever land, or remain so rare that they can be easily dealt with. These "dry spots" are where the remaining humans gather.
>but no void outs on their own.
Right, but what I'm saying is the people right outside of the voidout would get grabbed by the BTs since I'm sure at least one person would investigate the giant crater that just opened up in front of them and get grabbed because they can't see them, and then that causes a chain reaction. Even if the BTs are bound to their area we know that they chase people down to kill them a decent length if aggravated by simply making noise or breathing and will go out of their bound area. Pair this with the cast that c-sections are happening all over the world at any given time, and a single death in any of them would be the end of life in that general area.
thanks for the filter
>one person would investigate the giant crater that just opened up in front of them and get grabbed because they can't see them, and then that causes a chain reaction
Why would getting grabbed in the crater cause a crater somewhere else?
You're both exaggerating the immediate danger, and underestimating the damage.
First, the Necro starts happening only after 48h mark after the death. Thus, the whole C-section biz rises many questions of what was actually going on during the Manhattan incident.
Second, since people first assumed nukes were involved, no sane person would just go and poke around in the craters. If anything, immediate evac would be in minds of most folks, with smarter ones avoiding major population centers altogether in fears of another "attack".
Third and last, the "present" of DS' universe is so butchered, that the late USA consists of a mere few-100,000s of people in total, some
>Right, but that also spawns more of them because of the boom
Void outs don't create BTs. Void outs destroy bodies. You need a body laying around to make a BT.
Them showing that you can avoid a BT by cremating the body is a plot point for literally the first mission and comes up multiple times.
Who? I mean seriously.
OP is probably right for once.
Because you'd create a new crater when the BT gets you, which people will go investigate, which will cause someone to get grabbed, etc. Obviously the handprints would be a dead giveaway, but by the time you see them you're already too close, and even with a Speed Skeleton you can't really run from the BTs trying to drag you into the ground. You'd have to get incredibly lucky and know where to hold your breath to survive such an encounter.
>the Necro starts happening only after 48h mark after the death.
Alright, but that still means the general area would be exploded around any area that has a dead c-section baby, probably because of the funeral process. I mean, unless the mother opts for the baby to get cremated or something.
>since people first assumed nukes were involved, no sane person would just go and poke around in the craters
Ah, that is a fair point. So yeah, they'd stay far away from it and try to regroup, but then wouldn't the timefall reach them eventually since that does move and the upper layer of the Earth becomes covered by it? This still should be a phenomenon happening worldwide, and if it's not it should at least be decimating every single state within a couple days of the Massachusetts situation unless that BT is it.
>the survivors have learned the rules of the game reasonably well.
I think it's too ridiculous for that to happen though, the insane luck in the short timespan would be unfathomable. The people at that point still have no protection from timefall and all their structures would quickly collapse, phone lines would be dead so no internet to spread information, the supply chains would be dead, the president is dead, and when they do go investigating craters now they have more people dying from BTs in every direction.
>Void outs don't create BTs. Void outs destroy bodies.
I thought it did both due to Heartman's Beach scene so that's my bad. I know burning the bodies stops a BT from being created.
I think it's funny how DS discussion on Yas Forums is pretty much just fueled by threads like this
Who the fuck uses postboxes? I have literally not built or touched a postbox since like chapter 2/3, I just scrub them off the map when I find them sprouting up like weeds
I check postboxes when I run around for free PCC Lv. 2's, Power Gloves, and Power Skeleton Lv. 3's. Early on I was also using them for ceramic which I was in desperate need for for the roads. They're pretty useless though, yeah, though most people use them to dump stuff from the area around them. One example is the BT area on the way up to Weather Station since you constantly have spawns for special alloys, metal, and ceramic, another is the farm on the way to Waypoint North of Mountain Knot City. The vast majority of people put them right next to preppers or major areas, and if you have access to the network you already have access to the shared cargo so I don't get it. The ones in the middle of nowhere are also equally useless because why in the world are you going to make a trip out there on foot when you have ziplines and roads? The ones near roads are worth going for since they're on the way but outside of roads? Don't see the point.
>but that still means the general area would be exploded around any area that has a dead c-section baby, probably because of the funeral process.
If the Cliff's memories are anything to go by, folks had already adapted to the new world a mere year after Manhattan, which is why they were taking precautions. The fact that the country was being led by the extinction entity at the time obviously helped a lot.
Still, that 48h time limit is quite generous in a grand scale of things. Yes, the first months under these new rules would be brutal, but things would calm down soon after the most idiotic ADHD folks would be gone.
>The people at that point still have no protection from timefall and all their structures would quickly collapse
Except that's not the case. Like said: the Knots are established safe spots, and underground shelters are actually a damn good way to survive, since the earth itself is pretty resilient, partially thanks to the fauna taking the first hit and then regrowing at accelerated pace. There's also hints of time-resistant plants and animals appearing in the world.
Even without all that, we still have some ~2000yo pyramids and other ruins lying around the world today. Since the Timefall only accelerates time, without implementing the potential physical wear and tear effects that usually kill structures, there's plenty of buildings that could last for decades even in the post-DS world.
>phone lines would be dead so no internet to spread information
Phone lines haven't really been a thing for years now in our world. It's mostly all wireless, with some short-range wired control connections there and here.
It however does not take an Einstein to figure out that rain = bad, corpses = bad.
Finally: the UCA had the Emily as an all-around cheat code, helping them establish safe settlements and learn the rules of the nastier Death Stranding effects.
I don't know how you're forgetting that the player is a porter and delivers packages too. Sometimes your delivery is in the wrong direction and you'd rather just drop it somewhere, or you want to pick up someone else's since you're going that way anyway. They're there to support the core mechanic of the game of asynchronous multiplayer package delivery
>Who the fuck uses postboxes?
Literally everyone else but (You)?
I used to build them a plenty for the first few chapters, but the community made ones satisfied me in most cases.
Having a safe post box within the Mule territory so you can stuff your excess loot in for safe keeping or quickly re-arm yourself after a long journey can be a huge help.
At every single Road intersection, I made sure that there was at least a Generator, a Shelter and a Post box around. And so did the community as well in most cases.
>why in the world are you going to make a trip out there on foot when you have ziplines and roads?
Because you do not have any of that for potentially dozens of hours.
I spent well over 80h in Chapter 3 alone, mostly making roads, and I indeed had to run around rocky waste lands for days. Having a safe place to stash some neat loot you cannot carry any more can be damn handy, not to mention the opportunity to loot some free Lv3 gear when you may have barely unlocked Lv1 stuff moments earlier.
I typically only pick up ones I'm going to personally deliver because otherwise I'd just be constantly on the side roads forever unable to progress for half an hour or more due to people's packages and the dropped delivery packages themselves are usually way out of the way of a postbox. I do pick up stuff in my way to donate (Like missing equipment), but not typically packages unless the area is close.
>Having a safe post box within the Mule territory so you can stuff your excess loot in for safe keeping or quickly re-arm yourself after a long journey can be a huge help.
Do you not use trucks or bikes? Because I've never run into this issue whatsoever outside of the very first hours and you have to intentionally go into terrorist/Mule territory, they're never just randomly sprung on you so you have plenty of time to prepare. I literally drive my truck two feet away from terrorist/Mule tents and start shooting the Bola Gun at them from cover or from behind my truck as they slowly run towards me. Works perfectly fine on Hard and then you just stack everything onto the truck and drive away.
>Do you not use trucks or bikes?
Nigga, I did NOT HAVE those for over 60 hours.
And having to leave good materials to rot in the open is not cool. Plus you can stack up them with each respawn by stashing them up.
Last, my trucks were always full, and I was still left with 1000s of kilos worth of loot to get.
>I spent well over 80h in Chapter 3 alone, mostly making roads,
I spent about 60 before moving on to South Knot and built up all the roads down to South Knot and starting up towards the Waystation North of Mountain Knot. In that time I had used postboxes about as many times as I have fingers. Even if you do not have ziplines or roads you have bikes and eventually trucks when you progress just a tiny bit. I literally used the bike everywhere for the start of the game and once I unlocked trucks I've basically only used them when not zipping around the mountains.
Preppers are always close to something that would have tons of materials so you can work with them, and if you're doing a delivery you really shouldn't be detouring massively as that risks an LoL rank. BT areas are the only thing it's not viable in unless you get grabbed prior and kill the giant one to wipe everything out to scoop the items up.
>I did NOT HAVE those for over 60 hours.
You literally get the bike from Distribution Center West (?) of South Knot City which is pretty much one of the first missions available to you after you link the first three preppers. Did you never progress the story at all to unlock that area in chapter 3? Did you just cycle back and forth between the three ad nauseum just to build the roads? Because I had my limit after about 5 hours and wanted to at least unlock something a slight bit more. I didn't even have the Craftsman's road built but had the entire strip down to at least the Weather Station going.
>Last, my trucks were always full, and I was still left with 1000s of kilos worth of loot to get.
What in the world are you doing stopping at Mules with 1000s of kilos in your truck for? Did you take a detour to do a miscellaneous quest or something on top of a massive order from Lake Knot or South Knot? Do you grab everything not bolted down? Because that's not how I play personally, I just grab what I can carry that's reasonable and go on my way.
>Stuff shit in two trucks
>Make > 600m trip
>All your loot is now despawned and sent to other players
>I spent about 60 before moving on to South Knot and built up all the roads down to South Knot and starting up towards the Waystation North of Mountain Knot
I build roads to the Incinerator before even going to South Knot, even more so since I killed a Mule accidentally and had to panic rush to the place I didn't even know to exist yet. And did indeed build roads as processing towards South too.
>You literally get the bike from Distribution Center West (?) of South Knot City
Correct. To which I didn't go before a good ~70h into the game.
>Did you never progress the story at all to unlock that area in chapter 3?
I did, eventually. But I was busy. I even ended up going off the beaten path and get killed by the first Terrorist camp near the incinerator.
>Did you just cycle back and forth between the three ad nauseum just to build the roads? Because I had my limit after about 5 hours and wanted to at least unlock something a slight bit more
I had found other stuff as well, like random cargo for the Film Director, which I went to "unlock" veeery early on. Long before even getting to the Junk Dealer.
Believe me, I had no shortage of stuff to do. I spent a good WEEK of real life time just making those highways in Chapter 3, and then another finishing the path to the Mountain Knot.
>Stuff shit in two trucks
This is where you already made a mistake. How about you
>Keep mission related-items on you at all times so they never despawn along with your truck., and if you really need to put them in a private locker as they never despawn in those.
>Don't pick up anything you can't carry as that flags it as yours and gives it the 800m despawn flag.
>Deliver your cargo which you were clearly doing in the first place to have such ridiculous weight capacity anyway that you'd have to find a second truck just to store everything.
>If you really really want the items on the ground go revisit the area because all the Mules are knocked out anyway, the items don't despawn for like a day, the Mules don't respawn for a day, and there's an enormous chance you're passing through said area anyway on your way to wherever you're going so you can just donate the stuff at a place where people visit regularly.
Trucks carry like 2000ish kg or like 60+ small packages. You have to basically be carrying 15+ XLs for your scenario to ever become an issue, and at that point you'd think the S rank would be a higher priority than donating a couple special alloys. Not to mention, if you're finding things too heavy to carry that you need to donate them at a postbox then don't you think people who are receiving the items from said postbox are also running into the exact same situation?
Hell, I've run into the problem of having donated so much material with the way I've done it that sharing cargo tells me it's going to overwrite the old cargo I've donated.
>game critics constantly jerk off games as art
>totally shit all over any game that actually does something new and interesting to make gameplay and narrative/tone seamlessly compliment each other
>praise the fuck out of games that ignore the unique benefits of games as a storytelling medium, and instead make shitty pseudo movies with trite gameplay and caseloads of cutscenes
Every single time. Pathologic 2's reception is the best example, but Death Stranding got it too. This is why games arent taken seriously as a medium, because the audience is 99 percent fucking retarded. It's the equivalent of if a new tarkovsky or zulawski film came out, and nearly every film critic in existence gave it like a 3/10 for not having enough comedy or action.