No. Fucking. Way.
No. Fucking. Way
no idea who these fags are.
This game literally exists to retcon every fucking retarded post-facto change into the mmain storyline.
Part 2 will have the lifestream opening up the farplane, where Tidus will arrive from and help Zack in his fight against Roxas.
shinra from ff10-2
I don't get it
It's an easter egg you shits.
X-2 had a dude named Shinra who built a rocket to go into space. It's been 'theorized' that he was the one to find VII's planet and create the Shinra Electric Company. He wears a unique mask, and somebody in that picture is wearing the same mask. It's just a reference.
In FFX-2 there's an Al Bhed kid named Shinra who wears a gasmask (like the guy front and center of the picture) who talks about harnessing Farplane energy for Spira, but it would take "generations."
so is Gaia actually Spira? This seems too important to be some throwaway reference
And yes, it is just a reference. This isn't emphasized at all, it's just a picture on display in the Shinra building.
Thanks, Nomura/Nojima.
Serious question - do you guys geniuenly believe that japanese videogames have good storylines?
>Tidus finally gets to clap Yuna's cheeks
Yes. Hell, even Nomura has decent storylines. Problem is they take 10-15 years to play themselves out, and you can never have a payoff that makes that kind of a wait worth it
Yes, look at Souls and Bloodborne
>dude everything is connected in a timey wimey wobbly multiverse and I don't have to explain shit
Based japanese Moffat
I agree, no story is the best story
nomura is a fucking hack
hi planetsmasher
Not really good storylines. The original FF7 had a convoluted story. It's the characters they do right.
Nomura is a hack and if you enjoy his video games you're probably underage.
>It's an easter egg you shits.
>it is just a reference
you underestimate the power of Nomura's autism
Tell me about Shinra, why does he wear the mask?
>Nomura has decent storylines
Dude Halo is in the new Final Fantasy?
>Shinra removes the mask
>is actually garland from FFI
Lore and setting aren't storylines. Hell, Bloodborne doesn't even have a storyline.
I never care about good or bad. Only about fun. They have fun storylines.
It's happening. Ffx was a prequel
Where are the fags that denied this?
unironically this
literally nothingburger.
I really don't know. I dislike X, love VII, and I have absolutely no problem with this.
But more importantly, I came here to post the best track in this remake:
too busy being absolutely, unequivocally BTFO
Toriyama's the scenario director for the game.
Wouldn't be surprised if he's being cheeky, X was his game after all
>ff7 and ffx canonically in same universe
>best track
>not this:
They seem like stories for people who's definition of fun is sitting alone in a room giggling at Japanese videogames.
Like why is Persona so popular? Seems to cater exclusively to lonely nerds who want to live their dream, drama-filled high school experience. That seems so unappealing to me.
What the fuck is this plot
>i never care about the dick in my ass only that im having sex
>giggling at videogames
Yeah, I do that. I'm having fun.
Fun gameplay, fun music, fun mechanics.
seems too consequential to be some cheeky inside joke.
He HAS to know people are gonna freak the fuck out over this, how can he turn around and just say "lol is just joke prease understan"
I like persona because I like VNs.
some people enjoy that kinda thing
I honestly have problems picking a bad track from this OST. Also, from what I've heard, official OST will be on 8 discs. WTF? Will they include all the tracks from jukebox? Also, this track needs to be extended to at least 5 min:
False equivalent. The correct analog would be.
>I don't care which hole I put my dick in, as long as we are having sex.
Part of the game mechanics.
Their VN part are really weak tho, imo. P3 was better at the VN sections in my opinion.
I actually don't like the crazy motorcycle song.
No, it means Gaia is a colony of Spira.
not surprised honestly, there are so many bangers on the track, even for separate phases of fights. I would love to have each one of those cut out and extended