Fan translations are bett

Attached: たところで.png (511x384, 263.34K)

It's not anything specific I just forget everything I learn by the time I actually encounter it when reading.

repetition. that's the only secret to learning language.

Attached: hanashitemo onushira niha rikai dekinuyo (coof).png (805x710, 91.58K)

I think being a language aid may be the only good thing about Golden Sun's script.

As long as you don't get filtered by the squished kanji, you're about right in that assessment.

Attached: inori ga yowai tameni ganbomasama ha okokoro wo hiraiteha kudasarenu no da!.png (863x705, 130.19K)

Tried it for some stuff but oftentimes the text was either written weirdly or wasn't kanji as i couldn't find them in there

who the hell still does this in this age of yomichan plugins?

>learning a foreign language to fully appreciate juvenile writing

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If you practiced drawing kanji on paper you can easily get them using the handwrite thing in google translate. Works pretty good for me.

Attached: at least its good for one thing.png (1214x606, 38.69K)

Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Are you expecting people to read 雪国 after 6 months of study or something?