>sacrifices himself for prime futa
Is he based?
Sacrifices himself for prime futa
Doesn't he come back in a book or Drama CD or whatever
Depends if it's futa with balls or without
she has the full package, have you not played her game?
No, I don't play shit games
Clearly you do though.
>tfw like futa without balls and futanari without a vagina, but not futa with both
Only if you get the true ending, I never did it, backtracking the second half of the game was a chore.
>backtracking the second half of the game was a chore.
But you can do it in 1 hour, even on Hard.
nuked my save file last night so i didn't get to see the kiss. did they ever like each other like that?
apparently it was meant to be in the game but it got cut. hope we'll see it in the remake
>did they ever like each other like that?
There was certainly some affection at least from Nier considering he gave her Lunar Tears after the timeskip.
that's sweet
>the remake
Dont tell me
It's a remaster made by some literally who studio, i have major doubts about it being anything more than a graphical upgrade.
They were already smart enough to remove that non-canon ugly old piece of shit from the game so right now the future seems bright for the game.
Come on, Burger Nier is pretty cool. What's with the hate?
they've already said it's going to have new content
taro is working on it
taura is working on it
drakengard and nier were also made by literal whos
Will the remaster become the new canon version of the game?
>literall whos
>sacrifices himself for futa
the ultimate cuck
im gonna miss meathead unga bunga dad... hes really gone forever isnt he
>drakengard and nier were also made by literal whos
Cavia at least had a pretty solid portfolio, meanwhile picrelated is Toylogic who's responsible for the remaster.
ah yes, the guys who made resident evil: dead aim
a classic
unless that door is a portal, i am convinced this is infinitely worse than the whole Earthen Peak -> Iron Keep debacle
Underrated post
I hope you arent being ironic
taro did explain it with some crap about how there is an elevator and a long tunnel full of nothing so you dont get to see it.
>Cavia at least had a pretty solid portfolio
look at what they made before drakengard
a light gun game, some football game that was only released in japan and some shitty gba one piece game that no one played
that's it
what a solid portfolio
>Why the fuck are they forcing trannies and SJW shit into every game??? KEEP THIS POLITICAL TRASH OUT OFF MY GAMES
>Well you see, in this japanese game it's actually ok and not political at all....
As long as the new content is not replacing any of the old content, cool.
Brotherfags butthurt over years of getting dabbed on by papabros
Burger Nier wasnt prostituted
It literally isn't though. The way Kaine was treated and how it feeds into her character is more of a social issue.
I'll just pretend he doesn't exist when the remaster comes out
a girl growing a dick because of magic has nothing to do with trannies
Politics in games is fine
It was a completely different time, though. Gen 6 era was essentialy dominated by AA games so a lot of small unknown studios managed to secure money and publisher deals at the time and a lot of great games came out of that.
Expecting something good out of unknown studios nowadays is just pure optimism.
and why would i want that shit in my games?
write a blog about it, tranny.
Don't play Nier then
It also has a homosexual child character which I'm sure is doubly triggering for you