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shops are nowwww....OPEN

(to a girl)

>There are no oaks


All time favourite game. Why did the sequels drop the ball so hard?

I've wanted to play fable ever since it came out and I've never gotten around to it.


It is a really fun little game, with some comfy locations and some really comfy music

It feels less like a rpg and more like playing trough a grimm fairytale

Attached: Bowerstone_(Fable).jpg (1920x1080, 251.24K)

What did you do?
I'm convinced if it was her in your position, she would've killed you without a second thought

Attached: whisper.jpg (921x535, 55.02K)

I spared her so we could fuck before she left for fantasy Africa

Wait, you could date her?

>annoying not even in a cute way
killed her and beat her nigger dad, 100% deserved

>literally all of the fucking prison
God, I can't decide it it was good or bad

Attached: maxresdefault (26).jpg (1280x720, 118.83K)

Your health is low, do you have any potions? Or food?

Attached: Guildmaster.jpg (580x333, 67.32K)

I let her live because her brother was based i think, been a while

>Try to get your combat multiplier even higher!
>Watch that

When the fuck are they doing a remaster of Fable 2? My 360 is dead but I need that nostalgia hit.

I think it was a good, unique quest. The Kracken is a cool fight. Seeing Jack is awesome. Finding the key is a cool twist on the standard Fable formula that was established.

I always heard it as
"Hero your will energy is low. What's that?"
As a kid I thought the guildmaster was asking maze what will energy was.

was an incredible game



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Fable 4 was gonna be announced at this years E3 before it was cancelled bros. Its not fair.

I mean, knowing Molyneux it would've been pretty shit, 2 was good, 3 was utter shit

> Molyneux
user have you been in a coma the pastt years?

>Fable 2 will never be available on PC

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But Fable 4 is being made by the Forza devs, Molyneux has nothing to do with it at all.

>being made

Fhorizon studio have a whole other team working on a big Rpg "wink wink"

She was kinda adorable there and as an adult was lame, shame you couldnt date her either

That summarizes the game for me. The game flip-flopped between feeling fun or like a chore. And the graphics could look great or hideous. Stellar atmosphere though


so what is it about this theme that makes it so memorable, comfy and atmospheric?
it's been years since i've played fable and i can always remember this theme perfectly