Damn, this game aged terribly

Damn, this game aged terribly

Attached: P3FESBattle.png (1024x768, 763.31K)

Still better than Persona 5

Most people played it over 10 years ago. It's from before you were born.

It aged better than Persona 5. And both 3 and 5 are crap compared to 4 which is one of the very few worthwhile JRPGs ever made. Maybe the only 10/10 JRPG and a timeless masterpiece of the medium. Nothing comes close, and as much P5 wants to butcher the series, we all know Persona 4 is the last good and the last real Persona game. 5 is a cheap cosplay knock off for brown fat anti social asians.

Just wait for the inevitable remake.

I just wish 4 had better music. Can't stand anything except for I'll Face Myself Battle. 3 and 5 soundtracks were much better imo.

4 is shit 5 is shit 3 is only the best by virtue of having less garbage stapled onto it than the sequels

>10/10 masterpiece of the medium

Fuck those textures look like FF7R!

The combat is honestly my least favorite out of the entire franchise, fuck I'd even say SMT 1 is more satisfying then that slow ass shit.

Is that why Atlus refuses to port it to current gen consoles while porting Catherine to everything more powerful than the 3DS?

>both 3 and 5 are crap compared to 4 which is one of the very few worthwhile JRPGs ever made. Maybe the only 10/10 JRPG and a timeless masterpiece....
Play Ace Attorney or something, Christ almighty

I fucking hate people that say 4 is the best Persona. It's the best way to detect retards that aren't into SMT and just joined the bandwagon because normies can't handle games that make them think about darker, more complex themes.

Persona 4 is the Silent hill 2 of SMT

I guess it's an apt comparison in regards to each series, but Silent Hill 2 is massively better than Persona 4 just because it still at least has a pretty complex storyline.

>Silent hill 2 of SMT
Then I would recommend the Homunculus manga which I think has the same concepts that Persona does and is actually scary.

themes do not make something good user

Better than 4 or 5 and plays WAY better than 2 which is actually an abstract form of torture.

No you just suck

Heartbeat, heartbreak?

>attack using equipped weapon
You have to equip? Wow what an aging mechanic once again p5 clearly shows it’s better than all its predecessors!

What are you rambling about, schizo?
P5 has equipment

It was ever a good game?

it's got the same core mechanics as P4 and P5
if P3 "aged terribly" then the franchise as a whole is dated

Visual novels don't age.

No, Ff7 aged terribly. That looks fine, zoomer.

3 is more advanced in some ways because it doesn't lock your party members behind dungeons every month. That's just a stupid idea that makes the whole experience repetitive and predictable quickly and limits what you can do with the story.

>4 babies actually believe this

3 fans are autistic. The game has terrible AI, the shittest gameplay of 3-5 and a shitty shonen story that makes no sense.

Say what you will of 5, and mostly I just see trannies and fags crying about how 5 is problematic or whatever or not as """deep""" as 3, but 5 is a much better game than 3 or 4. 3 especially is fucking painful to PLAY. Terrible dungeon design, enemies, shit combat and AI that ruins the game.

If you really think 3>5 either you should just watch a LP and stop pretending you like 3 as a game or you need to come out of the closet as a contrarian.

Attached: gonagai.png (300x406, 161.71K)

But it does?
Your partymembers are still unlocked one by one on certain dates, even if you dont find them in dungeons

Don't forget about god awful plot and poorly written P3 cast

Persona 3 is older than you are, zoomer.

The plot is such garbage. The ending is about as sad as Undertale, AKA not at all. Just a fucking cop out until they "explain" the nonsense in FES, where they still refused to fix the broken AI.

It shocked me going back that Persona 2 somehow has worse combat than 3. Series is mostly garbage even as a fan.

>Your partymembers are still unlocked one by one on certain dates
You meet them in various different ways and some get killed off. Meanwhile the common complaint behind Persona 5 is that only Kamoshida and the Casino are interesting dungeons. You know why? Everything before that had to hit the exact same story beat before you unlock every party member and everyone noticed.

I like 3 only because I can choose the main weapon of the MC.

>People are so biased and nostalgic that they will actually claim the game is better than P5Royal because of a dark atmosphere and “muh ending”
>Yet p5royal plays better, looks better, sounds better, has more content, etc.